Beautiful Wedding (2024) Poster

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Not-So Beautiful Wedding
jillian0131 January 2024
This film is hilariously over-the-top to the point where it's almost a satirical look at the genre altogether. The first 15 minutes were fun with the "oh no, we got married" plot and introducing some more serious themes. But at almost exactly 20 minutes, everything goes downhill. The director chose to insert animations, make the characters unlikable, and camera angles that were abhorrent.

The writing is so grotesquely clunky that it's a wonder it was ever greenlit by production at all. Then you remember it's low budget and realize they though they could make a blockbuster out of pennies. They cannot.

The film isn't all bad. Sprouse's comedic timing and line delivery (even if the lines are terrible) is the saving grace of an otherwise over-the-top film. If you can detach yourself completely from a cohesive storyline, believable lines, and hyper-sexualized female lead, the film is...okay. It's fun and light, but doesn't come close to matching the bantering fun of the first film. You can tell it was written by a man whose peak humor is in sock puppets and Adam Sandler films.

For book fans...Just skip it altogether. If you need something to play in the background or critique for a film class, this is perfect.
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Viva Lost Vegas
natmavila16 April 2024
Ah, "Beautiful Wedding" (2024), a cinematic adventure where Abby and Travis accidentally marry in Vegas and think, "Why not honeymoon in Mexico?" sounds like the kind of movie you'd invent to win a bet on making the most predictable rom-com ever. Yet, here it is, in all its glory, demanding that we sit through nearly two hours of what could only be described as a series of unfortunate events that make you wish they had annulled the movie along with the marriage.

First off, the chemistry between Abby and Travis is as convincing as a tofu steak at a barbecue. Their attempts at romantic banter feel more like awkward exchanges between strangers who've been forced to share a cab. The supporting cast of friends and family are intended to add spice and laughter but instead come off like they wandered in from a different, possibly more interesting movie set. Each gag lands with the subtlety of a brick, and the slapstick scenarios are as fresh as last week's guacamole.

By the time the plot drags us to the picturesque beaches of Mexico, you hope for some redemption or maybe a beautiful scenic distraction. But no, the film doubles down on its commitment to mediocrity with a series of predictable misunderstandings and reconciliations that feel as though they were scripted by a chatbot programmed to churn out clichés. "Beautiful Wedding" tries to be a feast of fun and fails spectacularly, serving up nothing but reheated leftovers from better movies. One and a half stars, and even that feels like a wedding gift.
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Not the best, but adequate
williamsjaquana18 May 2024
I enjoyed Beautiful Wedding. I wanted to love this movie. I wish it was a lot better. I read Beautiful Disaster but not Beautiful wedding so I can't really compare. I'm sure the book was better, at least I hope. Dylan and Virginia definitely have chemistry and that saves the film a lot. If they decided to focus more on the romance and not the slapstick comedy maybe it would have been a higher rating. If you liked the previous movie or enjoyed the books, I'd say check it out for yourself. The cinematography was well done and it definitely helped give us something to appreciate. I wish there were more sex scenes though like the first film, they were on their honeymoon. It ended up being too much of a straight comedy than a rom com.
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I've seen Porn with better script writing than this movie.
GoblinMistress28 January 2024
This movie is so low budget that I cannot believe it was greenlit by the production company. My bar for the movie was low to begin with but this exceeded my expectations of just how bad it was.

I am not really sure who the audience was that this movie was made for but the trailer is definitely better than the actual movie and does a great job of selling a fake story / plot. When the voice overs and animations started I could already tell I made a terrible mistake. Also the inclusion of a gangster storyline served exactly zero purpose. I actually felt bad for some of the actors for having been in this movie. It was super cringe, don't waste your time. 2 stars just for the effort and because I like some of the actors.
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The worst "film" I've seen in years.
Lo-ColoredGlasses14 February 2024
This movie is a disgrace and to be quite frank, a slap in the face to the book series fandom. Based on this film and the previous I would even go as far to say they were intentionally made to not only make fun of but completely dismantle the entire series itself.

Save your money. If you wish to see how the films should have been done I recommend reading the books. They contain much different storylines that are worth telling. It's a shame that time and effort was actually put into this as what seems to be nothing more than a joke when it could have been done well.

Giving this a 2 is a kindness which is mostly for a few of the actors whom I respect.
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Better things in life to do - like cleaning a toilet
julia-3288 April 2024
This film is just awful. I struggle to find the words to say anything. I quite enjoyed Beautiful Disaster and was waiting for this's just horrible.

Required characters is 600 that is almost as painful trying to find words as watxhing this film was.

I am all for a bit of nonsense, something that doesn't require thought, something to distract me from the mundaneness of life and the awfulness of reality but this is not it.

Do something else. Watch something else. Call someone. But do not switch this film on. It's not even funny bad is it's just utterly, completely and shockingly bad.
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Do not waste your time
hayleylouiseloaney10 March 2024
This movie has to go down as one of the worst movies ever released. As someone who loved the books, this movie is a disgrace to the author! Even if you have not read them, this movie from start to finish is a complete joke!

From the over the top jokes, cock fighting fake crying scenes, pathetic over the top acting, awful awkward conversations, pulling dicks and tits out because the plot is going no where (and makes no sense), this low budget movie will leave you feeling mind numb, wishing you hadn't wasted an hour and a half of your life!

Save your time and energy and watch absolutely anything else!
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Believe the rating
lmh23712 April 2024
I loved the first movie, but damn, Africa, what happened? There's not even any romance (which the first one had while being silly); instead it is like a three stooges episode the entire time. I feel bad for Virginia Gardner and Dylan Sprouse why must have been locked into a contract. I also feel really bad for the actual author who I'm sure wrote a way better book than this is.

I have no idea if I will be able to make it through the last thirty minutes of this, just like I have no idea how to add two hundred more words to this review.

I saved this movie to watch specifically when I was drunk, and not even that helped. It is really THAT bad. Save yourself.
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susanne-1981415 March 2024
I honestly do not know what I just watched! How do movies like this get made?

There is no direct storyline, it is chaotic. No connection or chemistry between the leads, I could not understand why these 19 year olds wanted to get married, do they love or even like each other?

The actors are doing the best with the poor script and dialogue they were given. The attempts of humour both crude and slapstick miss the mark. Would love to know if the cast knew the dud they were making.

I'm embarrassed for everyone involved but more for myself for watching it. Added to my list of one of the worst movies made.
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So Glad I've Never and Will Never Read the Books
JaeBianca19 February 2024
I came across this movie literally by accident when I bumped the Vudu button on my remote while watching something else. I was surprised to see that Dylan Sprouse had un-retired from acting, so I watched the trailer. I thought it looked silly, but kind of cute...not necessarily worth the $20 to stream.

I did, however, discover that the first movie Beautiful Disaster was available on Hulu, so I watched that. It was so hilarious and irreverent! I found myself rewatching scenes multiple times, and ended up watching some interviews with the actors to confirm my suspicions that some of the scenes were heavily improv-ed to keep each other's reactions organic.

Still giddy and mentally rehashing some of the best moments, I actually broke down and paid for Beautiful Wedding. While the transition from Vegas to Mexico was a bit clunky, this movie had a lot of really over-the-top, hilarious moments, as well as a lot of heart. I would put it in the same box as Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates, and Bridesmaids. I didn't feel like I had to have watched the first movie to enjoy the second once the ball was rolling.

If Roger Kumble wants to turn Dylan Sprouse into his new rom-com muse (a la Apatow & Segal), then I am 100% for it! It was also nice to see some of the older acting vets (Rob Estes and Steven Bauer) having fun getting into the specificity of their characters.

I'm glad that I wasn't familiar with the books beyond it popping up as recommended reading on Amazon, because I might not have had chosen to watch it otherwise.
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If I could give zero stars I would
loumac-435656 May 2024
What even is this movie and why am I watching it? Beautiful disaster was NOT a comedy. Why insult the author this way you cruel cruel producers. The source material was dramatic, edgy, slightly dark with a HEA. This is absolutely trash comedy and not even funny. C. R. I. N. G. E.

If you like the book, or even just remotely entertaining movies, this movie is not for you. I beg you to please do literally anything other than watch this film. Get a root canal for example. Clean the drain on the dishwasher.

This movie should be deleted from history; it has literally no redeeming features and my life is worse having watched even half of it. Could not finish.
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I wish I never watched
mexlegi27 February 2024
One of my favorite books is Beautiful Disaster. I was disappointed when the movie came out.

My expectations were not high but I decided to give a shot once again and watch Beautiful Wedding.

Oh boy.... This is so bad. So cheap.

This is not even a comedy. The whole movie I was closing my eyes and prayed somehow everything magically go in right direction. I really don't know what to say. Maybe I'm not objective because I fell in love with the book and expected more from the start?

Both movies destroyed the story about Abby and Travis.

I wish I never watched, because I don't know will I ever be able to reread the book and not to think about the movie.
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oopsydaisi13 March 2024
After the horror show adaptation that was beautiful disaster, who on earth greenlit making more??? HORRIFIED. The books were a heart wrenching roller coaster of drama and sarcasm, with incidental funny moments. The slapstick, upbeat romcom the movie franchise has been produced as is a total mockery of the original work and an insult to the fans who dedicated their time and love making the book series successful. I'm legitimately surprised the author ok'd these films - they are nothing but a pointless, shallow, money grab with barely a tether to tie them to the source material. NOT OK, if you are a fan of the books, steer well clear!
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Wow. Just wow.
klear-1920424 May 2024
This was almost comical. No, wait... it was purely comical and not a movie to be taken seriously or to watch more than once or hell - all the way through.

It was corny and ridiculous.

Horrible acting. And all around uncomfortable to watch as there was no relatable content there.

I adore Dylan Sprouse, he was the only reason I continued watching. (Thats why I gave any stars at all) I know the drama that surrounds the author of the books, so perhaps this was the studios way of getting back at her!

Either way, i would absolutely NOT recommend to my greatest enemy An additional bonus, was the location of the movie.
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amberduff-1754725 May 2024
I read the books these movies are "based" off of more times than I can count.. the books are incredible.

Both beautiful disaster and beautiful wedding the movies butcher these books.

Cringy.. that's the only description I have for this movie. It isn't funny, it doesn't have anything to do with the book, it doesn't make sense and it's just ick.

If I could give it zero stars I would. Jamie McGuire is an incredible author and her books Beautiful Disaster, Walking Disaster, & Beautiful Wedding (along with many more in the series) are well written and intense. The characters are so deep, their story line is incredible.

I can't believe they used the authors name to sell these terrible movies. It seems like they bought the rights to the films and wrote their own script. If you're a fan of the books don't watch this movie.
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Didn't read the book but this is terrible
kategobe20 March 2024
I don't know what the book is like and I don't care either. This movie is just bad.

What was I expecting? Something like the first movie, which I actually liked a lot. I liked that it walked the line between romance and not taking itself too seriously. Sure, it was somewhat predictable and cliché but that doesn't mean it can't be enjoyable to watch. The first movie showed the intensity of the two characters without making the relationship too toxic.

So how did this sequel live up my expectations? Horribly! The makers apparently decided that this needed to be utterly ridiculous.

The heart of the story is that now that Travis and Abby are married and now that they have to figure out how to make this relationship work, they discover that they don't really know much about each other's pasts and their clashing personalities only throw gasoline on the fire of what is already a chaotic dynamic. This theoretically would be a very interesting and entertaining angle for a sequel in which the couple is required to learn to approach their relationship like grown-ups instead of just yelling at each other like children.

Unfortunately, this movie went the opposite direction. There is constant yelling and sound effects, a strange relationship between the bad guy and his much younger butler, vomit, guys immitating babies, rooster fights, an unexpected boxing circus, a very overdone Mariachi band, penis/banana emojis, and so much more. The whole thing is literally a chaotic sketch with the comedic quality of staged prank videos.

To make matters worse, any trace of romance has also vanished, only to be replaced by childish jokes and more yelling.

So in summary, this is without a doubt the worst sequel I've ever seen. The makers did a 180 from the first film, it's hard to believe these two movies are even related. The only saving grace is that the actors aren't terrible, although they're between a rock and a hard place here.

After watching this mess, I feel like my eardrums and brain need a Mozart cleanse.
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High Production, Low Substance: A Disappointing Encounter
contactmerhythm26 May 2024
While the production quality of this film is high, its shortcomings are glaring. This supposed comedy flick fails to deliver on every front. With zero storyline and no character depth, it's a disappointment from start to finish. The humor in this film feels incredibly forced, and the storyline lacks a clear direction, making it difficult to follow. None of the scenes manage to elicit even a chuckle, with the comedy falling flat at every turn. Instead of genuine wit, viewers are subjected to a barrage of cheap jokes that do little more than pad out the movie's runtime One viewing is more than enough to realize this film's lack of substance and entertainment value. The first movie was better than this one, but this will just make your head scratch.
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Horrible... Nothing like the book at all.
kutsupc17 March 2024
I tried watching it to the end about 4x now and I just can't do it. It's Its way too over the top and the movie itself doesn't even follow what is actually in the book. The book is way more serious while the movie is satiracle. I've watched better movies in this genre on Netflix and Amazon Prime.

I really dislike when producers and directors do not stick to the book plot line. There is a reason why the book sells and this movie is definitely NOT IT!

Definitely not worth spending any money on to buy/rent. If you really want to watch it, wait until it's free on one of the subscription services.
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If you love the book, don't bother.
brandis-820971 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I LOVE the Beautiful Disaster and Maddox brother series by Jaime McGuire. I have read all those books so many times and the movies just absolutely ruin it. The first movie was different from the book but this one strayed so far, I don't know why they gave it the same title. In the book, Abby and Travis love each other and fight but in this movie, they seem so ridiculous. I did love the scene where the Maddox brothers welcome Abby into their family and talk about their mom dying. I love the casting but it's content and how different it is from the source material that really bothers me. I would like to eventually see a movie that is true to the original.
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Beautiful Write Off
McScared24 May 2024
That's one way to write off a vacation.

This sequel to a fairly descent movie (Beautiful Disaster) is nothing more than an excuse to party with the cast in Mexico.

The writing is so crude and childish this time, that I don't even suspect they got help with the script from AI - because it would have been much better if they did.

How can serious actors agree to appear in this trash? It's one thing to desire a free tropical vacation, but anyone who is willing to sacrifice their dignity and self respect deserves the hit to their reputation. I seriously suspect that they didn't see a script beforehand because there is no way they would agree to participate in such a trashy film.

The first film was quite smart and fun. Beautiful Wedding is trashy and dumb (and surprisingly obscene).
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