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Echo Park and Jesse Garcia
charlietperez1 May 2007
A slice of life from a very recognizable other planet. The Echo Park section of Los Angeles. It could be so many other places and at the same time it couldn't be anywhere else. New life and death co-mingling in almost perfect harmony. Love coming out of the most unexpected quarters, heroic gestures, prejudice and solitude. There is much to commend in this tiny tale with major implications. Two directors with a compassionate look and real affection. For me, personally, meant the introduction to a major talent: Jesse Garcia. He plays a character that seems to walk a permanent tight rope and yet he is so completely himself that you can't take your eyes of the guy because you know for certain he is going to surprise you in the best possible way. Excellent.
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QUINCEANERA is a lovely, sweet, real, touching charmer One of the best of 2006
IAN-Cinemaniac20 July 2006
I just had the pleasure of catching this lovely gem QUINCEANERA (aka: Echo Park, L.A. in Europe) and I absolutely adored it. It was so refreshing to see a movie about Mexican Americans that wasn't all about gang violence and drugs. This is a lovely and insightful film about family, tradition and life as a Latino in Los Angeles, California. This film deals with a lot of issues from homosexuality, teen pregnancy, family, racism... without ever seeming preachy or forced. The acting by the two leads is some of the finest I've seen in a while and I'm a movie addict. And just when you think the film is about to stumble into the world of cliché it's lifted to an even higher level of beauty and realism. I don' know what else to say without giving away too much other than see this film and you won't be disappointed. This is by far one of the best and most rewarding films I've seen so far this year and that's saying a lot from a guy that sees way too many movies. See this movie and tell your friends about it because they don't make enough movies like this and this kind of art needs our support.
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Universal story with sincere acting
SWArizona30 January 2006
I think this movie will have universal appeal. This story of family learning to accept each other, along with coming of age, and changing urban centers will resonate with people around the country no matter whether they know what a quinceñera is or not.

The cast is mostly non-union, and the performances they give are brave and fresh. Three cheers for Emily Rios and Jesse Garcia, who played the leads, and cousins, who are struggling with acceptance from their parents, and take shelter with their elderly great-uncle.

I also saw this at Sundance, and the film got a standing ovation. I was surprised it took both the Grand Jury and Audience Awards, but not surprised it resonated on such a fundamental level with the cast.

Directors Wash Westmoreland and Richard Glatzer said they began writing the story on New Year's Day of 2005, and the entire thing came together fast - 3 weeks for financing, another three to film on their very own street of Echo Park.

I think it's specific enough to interest people, and universal enough to keep them watching.
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Good.....but had some serious story problems.....
Khaderach1916 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to give you a summary of the movie heres what I thought was great about it and its flaws.

first and foremost, the actors are a great find. Jesse Garcia and Emily Rios pretty much drive this story forward. Carlos's eulogy at the end of the movie almost made me cry due to the the strength in Garcia's portrayal of Carlos. Rios shows great control and maturity for being so young in the business.

now my gripes about this movie. I interpreted this as a story about facing reality. Both leads are being sheltered by their culture and families. Magdelana is pretty much under the control of her father and Carlos is being held back from what he could potentially become because of the society that he lives in. Magdalena's crisis occurs when Herman suddenly leaves her, either by choice or familial influences. Carlos's crisis occurs when he falls for Gary, once he realizes that he doesn't feel the same way, he is forced to rely on what he knows best, his "thug" nature to see him through his heartbreak. Once both these events occur, you see for the first time both Magdalena and Carlos face a much harsher reality that what is normally seen in echo park.

My biggest critique about this movie was its ending. I was definitely hoping for both the leads to find a new way out of their desperate situation, but in the end go back to their protected worlds again. This was pretty much summed up when Magdalena comes to her own Quiceanera in a Hummer limo. I was disappointed at how going through such an ordeal, and still pregnant, that she would go back to her materialistic ways. Although that her father said that he would make it up to her, I hoped that she would outgrow her own wants and needs and learn how to really survive in the real world. Instead the directors give us an ending that was meant to be "happy." what happened to character development? Its like they threw it out the window.
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Sundance favourite, and deservedly so
harry_tk_yung13 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
(Watched in Toronto)

This year's Sundance favourite "Quinceanera" is an American film, reflecting some of the aspects of the lives of Latin Americans in the Echo Park area of L.A. It is tastefully understated and convincingly realistic. The young cast, quite unknown, is simply marvelous.

Quinceanera is a Latin custom of celebration of the coming-of-age of a girl at 15, a custom found also in many other cultures, although the designated age varies. The movie starts with some very familiar music, first the majestic march from "Aida", then the enchanting "Fascination", played during the ceremony for, not the protagonist Magdalena (Emily Rios), but her cousin lovely Eileen (Alicia Sixtos). Magdalena's is next.

The other of the two key characters is Carlos (Jesse Garcia), Eileen's brother, a delinquent son (in the eyes of the traditional Catholic family) who tries to come home to wish his sister well at the party but ends up being thrown out.

The somewhat fragmented story evolves around these two cousins, Magdalena and Carlos, who start out apparently not caring much for each other, and, through their respective vicissitudes, find mutual trust, affection and support, ending the movie in a heartwarming upbeat note.

Very briefly, the plot is that Magdalena, approaching her own Quinceanera, finds herself pregnant as a virgin, not a miracle, but a rare phenomenon that can be scientifically explained as "pregnancy without penetration", as a result of romantic activities with her boyfriend that is technically not sexual intercourse. But before she can secure conclusive medical proof, the not unexpected violent (not physical) reaction form her father results in her leaving home to stay with her great-grand uncle, a wonderful, 83-year-old man Tio Thomas (Chalo Gonzalez) who is described as "a saint", and in whose humble abode Carlo also finds refuge. The story evolves around this temporary household of 3.

While Magdalena's pregnancy and her relationship with boyfriend and family takes various turns, Carlos develops a gay relationship with one of the pair of yuppie neighbours who are also their landlord.

As I said, the story is somewhat fragmented. It's the characters that drive the movie and eventually win your empathy. We often see in movies characters that are initially presented in very unfavourable lights and turned, in the end, into someone that the audience completely roots for. This is not always done successfully, such as in Ozon's "Time to leave". The transformation of Carlos here however is completely successful. Truly captivating however is Magdalena, presented in refreshing, realistic minimalism. Much credit is due to the two young actors, Garcia and Rios. Completely free from over-dramatization, this movie gives an honest account of the problems facing these two young people, and how they handle them. There are brief moments that are truly touching and a wonderfully uplifting ending.

Winner of both Audience Award and Grand July Prize at this year's Sundance, "Quinceanera" is highly recommended to those who to do not restrict themselves to Hollywood main stream flicks.
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Everyone Needs an Uncle Tomas
wmjaho28 February 2006
2006 Sundance Film Festival Quinceanera, for the Hispanically challenged, is a traditional ceremony and celebration of a girl's 15th birthday, her transition from childhood to maturity. In this movie, the event centers on Magdalena, an otherwise role model of a girl and daughter of a part-time preacher who gets pregnant before her 15th birthday, despite her claims to have never had intercourse. To manage the conflict at home, she moves in with her Great Uncle Tomas, who also houses Carlos, her tattooed and tough-guy cousin who is also estranged from his parents, mainly because he is gay.

By all accounts, this movie ought to be panned. The script, while evenly paced, never rings true. Most of the characters are flat. The acting lacks inspiration or enthusiasm. But still, I was moved, because at the heart of the story is the impact of Uncle Tomas, who with the wisdom of the aged is able to look beneath the surface of these two young cousins and see only goodness. He is filled with kindness and compassion, although the movie never let's itself get nearly as schmaltzy or overly sentimental as my description of it.

I suppose this idea of accepting the differences in people—Hispanics, gang-bangers, gays and pregnant teenagers—is tired and hackneyed in its political correctness. But there's something about a glimmer of truth that is warm and enlightening. So, that said, I dug the movie.

Side note from the writer/directors: Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland are gay and live in Los Angeles. Wash is British. And it so happens that two of the main characters in the movie are gay lovers, living in Echo Park in Los Angeles, one of whom is a Brit. So naturally, someone in the Sundance audience asked them if these characters were, you know, autobiographical at all. And naturally, they said no, it was just a coincidence. And I guess I believe them because they had the guts to write these characters as not entirely likable. In fact, if Pat Buchanan had written he script, someone would have accused him of being homophobic. Strange but true.
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Good But Not Award-Winning Great
fwomp23 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Knowing very little about Quinceañera or what it meant to the Latin American culture, I decided to watch QUINCEANERA because of its unique take on their culture in the Echo Park region of L.A., and the touchy subject of homosexuality within this demographic. Being an independent film was an added bonus.

Pulling talent from the community in which the film was shot, Quinceañera has no well-known actors and only a few with some recognition. The exception is Chalo Gonzales who's claim-to-fame was in Sam Peckinpah's 1969 smash, THE WILD BUNCH. Seen little since then, Chalo picks up a great part in Quinceañera as an aging uncle who plays more a bit part but gives the strongest performance in the entire production.

Speaking of unknowns, I'm all for using them as long as they can act modestly well and deliver lines. But if they don't, you get a bit of a mess. Wooden delivery abounds in Quinceañera, making many pivotal scenes fall flat. There are a few well rendered moments but not enough to make this film as great as it's been made out. It's seemingly meteoric rise within the independent ranks is a bit baffling, garnering such awards as the Sundance Grand Jury Prize and Audience Awards, and several others.

For those not in the know, Quinceañera is the Latin American equivalent to the Jewish bar mitzfah, but instead of hitting it at age 12 (for Jewish girls) or 13 (boys), the Quinceañera is given to only girls at age fifteen. Marking the transition from child to womanhood, many girls in the Echo Park area look forward to their womanhood. But Magdalena isn't waiting. Finding herself with child before her Quinceañera celebration, she leaves her hostile parents' home and finds solace in her elderly Uncle Tio's (Gonzales) home. Living with Tio already is Magdalena's gang-running and conflicted cousin Carlos (Jesse Garcia). Shunned by most of his family, Tio has taken him in and nurtures him.

Carlos is dealing with sexual issues, too, finding partnership and love in the arms of a gay couple who own the complex where Tio and he (and now Magdalena) live.

The walls rapidly come tumbling down as conflicts between the upstairs owners of Tio's home come smashing in when they send an eviction notice to Tio after breaking up with Carlos and wanting him far away. Tio's ailing spirit can't stand the strain and this is where one of the only well-acted moments of the film shows itself.

Eventually it is discovered that Magdalena got pregnant but still has her hymen intact. A miracle? Or rare scientific event? That's up to the viewer to decide.

Regardless, Magdalena's Quinceañera closes in and whether or not she'll attend and with whom is the big question.

This is a fairly good indie film but certainly not up to others I've seen (i.e., EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED, etc). I commend all who took part in it as I think it IS a noteworthy achievement, just not an award winning one.
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A great film with no sex and no violence - so why the R rating?
1124-29 August 2006
When I went to see this film, I had no idea what it was about, other than that it had something to do with the 15th birthday of a latino girl. It was a preview and the ticket was free. I was very pleasantly surprised. This is a either a little gem of a movie or a gem of a little movie. It shows a little slice of life - centering around the (major) problems of members of a latino extended family in Los Angeles (mostly the younger members). I'm not latino, and I live in northern California - so I have no idea how accurate a picture it is, but the picture is nevertheless true to life. All the characters are very believable - a rather rare description of an American film these days. I have never heard of any of the actors, yet without exception the acting was superb. Every character seemed very real, like people I have known. Halfway through the film, I did not know where it would end - the story could still have turned in several different directions. With the exception of an anglo gay couple, all the characters spoke in both English and Spanish, as many Mexican-Americans do in California.

For some bizarre reason, one of the major characters - Herman (played by an actor named J.R. Cruz, is not listed in the credits in IMDb.
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Emily Rios shines!
asc8530 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
While I do have some criticisms of this movie, I want to state upfront that this is a good movie that is definitely worth seeing. However, I think this movie is a bit over-hyped after winning major awards at Sundance.

The best part of this movie is definitely Emily Rios in the role of Magdalena. It appears that this was her first major role in a movie, but after viewing this performance, it definitely won't be her last. Whether or not she will win or be nominated for any awards for this role I'm not sure, but if she does, it is very much deserved.

I had three criticisms though that made the film less realistic in my eyes:

1. Jesse's eulogy at Uncle Tomas's funeral. While consistent with his character as being heartfelt, it seemed far too articulate for someone of his intellect.

2. Towards the end when things are going bad for Uncle Tomas, Jesse, and Magdalena, it just seemed there were too many bad things all going wrong at the same time.

3. I understand that American movies star physically attractive men and women rather than average-looking ones. However, the group of girlfriends were just about all super-attractive, including Emily Rios, who was ostensibly playing the role of the "plain" cousin.
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Quinceanera was great!
gardenluvnnurse11 March 2006
Although it wasn't a first pick, I was able to get the time slot I wanted at Sundance to view this film. We were so impressed with the film that it was almost a post viewing panic session that we could have missed a film this awesome just because it didn't have any "big names" in it. Jesse Garcia is the next "big name" in Hollywood! Keep your eyes on this guy. His portrayal of a gay Hispanic gang member just blows all stereo types out of the water. Chalo González is a national treasure, and outshines the entire cast as Uncle Thomas. Emily Rios is also a great find, and really does a great job in her first big role. Listening to the writers/directors in person detailing their own experience of moving to Echo Park California, and witnessing the gentrification of the area which inspired the film, made this screening even more sweet. The only flaw that I could find was that I wanted to see more of Magdalena's family, and thought those relationships could have been fleshed out more to better understand why they did the things to her that they did. The entire cast was so approachable after the screening and Q&A, that it made me want to go out and do all their PR work for free! Glatzer and Westmoreland said to look for this film on HBO, so hopefully that will be the case really soon for the general public. Catch it if you can; it's worth the time.
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With its sweetness and oddness, warmhearted effort doesn't quite jell
Chris Knipp10 September 2006
Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland are gay life partners who had separately and together made gay films, and then because they liked their Echo Park neighborhood so much, have now made this, a story about this Chicano area of Los Angeles -- but also about a white gay couple who own property there and exploit those locals. One of the puzzling elements in this awkward but generally warmhearted and appealing story is that the white gay characters, presumably surrogates of the filmmakers themselves and their friends, range from exploitive to downright despicable.

This isn't as vivid, artful, or coherent, and doesn't develop its characters or scenes in as much depth as Peter Sollett's colorful 2002 charmer about Lower East Side Dominican residents and a young couple's first love, "Raising Victor Vargas." It's not even as memorable or involving as Eric Eason's relatively crude but intense, hardscrabble "Manito" (also from 2002). "Quinceañera" features the cornball sweetness of an aging great uncle who takes in two family rejects. The old man is Tio Tomás (Chalo Gonzales, who debuted in Pekinpah's "Wild Bunch"). He radiates good nature, but despite details of a suicidal youth and a list of occupations, ending in selling 'champurrado' chocolate drinks from a pushcart, he hasn't much depth as a character. Tomás hosts Carlos (Jesse García), a tough youth driven from the family for being homosexual, and who one of the gay property owners, Tomás' landlords, begins having afternoon sex with on the sly.

Later Carlos is joined by Magdalena (Emily Rios) after she becomes pregnant before her quinceañera, or fifteenth-birthday celebration, though she has never had full-penetration relations with her boyfriend, Herman (J.R. Cruz). Her stolid storefront preacher father Ernesto (Jesus Castanos) is unforgiving toward both these youths -- his daughter Magdalena and her cousin Carlos. Eventually Herman's mother sends him off to pursue a promising academic career and tells Magdalena to stay away. Carlos' afternoon affair with the gay landlord ends equally cruelly when the older man's partner finds out, and the white gay couple decide to evict poor old Tomás (doubtless to get rid of him and his young charges, or perhaps just to exploit the real estate better) and this understandably devastates the old man, who's lived there for twenty-eight years. Magdelena tries to find another place for the three of them to live, but with their lack of income (Carlos has a dead-end job in a car wash) and given the local drift toward gentrification, that looks hopeless.

These situations are alternatively weepy and peculiar. A tattooed chulo like Carlos surely isn't a typical lover for a gay white yuppie, though the way the camera dwells on Jesse García's muscles and tattoos suggests the filmmakers think he's as "hot" as the gay landlord characters and their friends keep saying. And virgin births are a considerably greater rarity; though as Magdalena points out to her father, who forgives her upon learning that her hymen is unbroken, "there is a scientific explanation." We're not sure what that is, except that Herman did once explode on Magdalena's leg, and as we're reminded, sperm cells are designed for one purpose, to find their way inside a woman's vagina.

"Quinceañera" starts rather limply with the somewhat rhythmless coverage of another girl's fifteenth birthday celebration. The non-professional young people don't deliver their lines with much energy or conviction. But once we get to know Magdalena, Carlos, and Tio Tomás we begin to care about them. Unfortunately the finales and resolutions are as bland and pat as they are heartwarming. And it remains unclear whether the gay white men are meant to be satirized, or if their characters are just not very well written (or directed). The film, which was a big hit at Sundance and has had some other festival mileage, intermittently charms and puzzles us without ever quite coming together dramatically or artistically. There are at least three interesting stories here, but unfortunately the filmmakers seem to have liked the neighborhood so much they just couldn't decide what to focus on.
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Realistic and refreshing
ramona_bourhis12 July 2006
No one is perfect and this film may have its flaws but what a realistic and refreshing look at LA! The young actors do a great job, portraying their characters genuinely -- no trickery, no exaggeration. The film-makers successfully depict the Echo Park area, with its people and its traditions as well as the new challenges facing the populations of Metropolitan LA. It is indeed good to see Los Angeles in a new light, with its culturally rich neighborhoods that tend to be either forgotten or ill-represented by mainstream Hollywood films. My personal pleasure: finally a film with actors that look like and speak like the characters they embody! The Spanish spoken is correct and accents are credible! Definitely recommend it.
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Worth watching (but a little disappointing)
kyrat13 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had been hoping to see more about the Quincenara which seems to function as a kind of pre-wedding rehearsal - in marking the cultural transition to womanhood in Mexican culture. This rite and the societal and gendered implications around it interest me. We saw a little bit of a critique of the sheer conspicuous consumption that affects events like this but that was about it. Nominally the plot was about Magdalena's transition to adulthood in the months between her cousin's and her own Quincenara.

The sub-plot of the gentrification was quite interesting (especially to me since I can relate). In Northern CA people are buying literally HALF a house for 700,000-800,000 -- and decades long renters are being turned out so people can sell houses they bought for 60,000 for 1.5 millions dollars. Our neighborhoods are becoming less diverse (racially as well as economically). Only DINKs (double income, no kids) professionals can move in. Like the film, there's people out there buying places, putting in some work and them "flipping them" for way more money than most people can afford.

The fact that Magdalena's father is a priest and she is named after a biblical character that has been characterized as a "loose woman" seems significant - in a story with a "virgin" pregnancy. Since Mexican culture is generally known for being strongly religious, I felt like there could have been more exploration of those religious allusions.

The character/subplot I enjoyed the most was the Tio character who is shown as a wise, caring, open-hearted man with many life experiences.

I'm glad the ending chose to be realistic - in that there wasn't a big happy neatly-tied up ending for all of the main characters. Even though I wanted them to all be happy, I respect the more realistic ending.

However, there were aspects of the ending I did not like (warning: Spoilers) -What I found most disturbing about Magdalena's ending was that she was forgiven only because she could prove she was a virgin. She wasn't forgive because they loved her and accepted her. Only because she could prove she didn't have sex. The fact that she just returned to her same old regular lifestyle and didn't seem to have changed that much (still choosing to use a gasguzzling monstrosity limo they couldn't afford as a sign of conspicuous consumption) seemed counter to the point of the movie.

-What was the message of Carlos' character? Don't be gay, you'll get used by non-monogamous gay guys for their own amusement. You'll end up getting your great-uncle evicted and indirectly killing him. I like that they showed him becoming more responsible and that they didn't have him turn to violence as the answer (I was expecting the new landlords house to burn down!) However, I was simultaneously a little disturbed by the message I felt his pledge to Magdalena was sending. You're not a man until you're ready to renounce being gay and pledge to live a "responsible" life by pledging yourself to a woman and raising a child? I liked his offer to help his cousin -- but I would have like to see him finding his way to being OK with being his own self and being gay. I felt like all we saw was bad things caused by him being gay. I had hoped for a film that dealt more positively with the way religious "Machismo" culture doesn't typically recognize gay latino men. I also felt like his character was left hanging at the end. What was going to happen to him? No Tio, no family (his cousin went back to her parents), no job, no money, no apartment, no comfort with his own sexuality. This was disappointing to me.

Despite a few flaws, it's worth watching and a hundred times better than some mindless flick that's all about product placements and plastic people.
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ArizWldcat29 January 2006
"As Magdalena's 15th birthday approaches, her simple, blissful life is complicated by the discovery that she's pregnant. Kicked out of her house, she finds a new family with her great-granduncle and gay cousin. "

This is the plot summary given on the IMDb page. I saw this film as part of Sundance, and I enjoyed it. There are many thought provoking aspects of the film. While I did enjoy the film, I don't know if it was the best I saw at the festival. I see now that it won BOTH the jury and the audience award for best dramatic film. I offer congratulations to the filmmakers.

One woman in the Q and A session afterward gushed that this was "just like "My Big Fat Greek Wedding,"and that she hoped it would be as successful. I don't think it will be, because this is just not the kind of movie that appeals to wider audiences. The reason why that particular film was popular was that it could be enjoyed comfortably by the whole family. While this one was good, it just won't have the mainstream appeal "Greek Wedding" did.

I was not as impressed as most who viewed this movie. It was merely mediocre.
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I applaud these directors.
JohnDeSando24 August 2006
"It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today." Isaac Asimov

There isn't much more that could happen to a 14 year-old Latino girl than occurs in Quincearnera, a stew simmered in the Echo-Park section of Los Angeles.Change is the dominant motif as it affects every major and sub-plot point to the point that nothing is explored in depth while much happens.

Before the celebration of her Quincearnera (15th birthday, when a girl becomes a woman, Magdalena (Emily Rios) is pregnant although the circumstances are questionable if not downright miraculous; bad boy brother Carlos (Jesse Garcia) is gay; they and their old uncle Tomas (Chalo Gonzalez), who has kindly sheltered the two after they are shunned by the family, face eviction as the area is going to gentrification faster than you can say the film's title. The change also visits her dad, who struggles to accept his shameful daughter despite the cultural negativity.

Directors Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland drive their camera through and around the streets of Echo Park and the yards and living rooms to fulfill the promise of the production company, Kitchen Sink. The kitchen-sink movement in the 50's and 60's especially in England showed basic working class family life, such as Mike Leigh currently does, and still allowed the old higher-class staples of irony, tragedy, and comedy take their rightful place. In Quincearnera, however, the topics are subsumed under the change idiom, allowing the directors to use the gays-smartly-investing-in real-estate motif without much to say other than rents become very high.

Although Magdalena's pregnancy seems to be the center of the tale, the film also touches on the changing fortunes of minorities, the emergence of gays as both owners and landlords, the challenges of adolescence, and the power of family. For those subjects, I applaud these directors.
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A Nutshell Review: Quinceanera
DICK STEEL19 December 2006
In local culture, it's a big deal when you hit 21 years of age. Being legally allowed to watch R21 movies is just but a blip, but what I suppose the usual celebrations will include some hard core partying. It marks a coming of age, of a transition to young adulthood.

In Latin American culture, Quinceañera refers to the young girl's reaching of age 15, celebrating maturity, with the fusion of food, dance, religion, and of course partying with family and friends. And from what the movie portrayed, it's indeed a very big deal, with beautiful gowns, elaborate customs and plenty of trinkets of gifts.

The movie however, is not about the custom per se, but about young Magdalena (Emily Rios), who's finding it tough to try and assert celebrating her 15th birthday the way she wants to. It's your usual rage against the system from a teenage perspective, especially from strict upbringing by her minister father. The huge clash comes when she can't control her ranging hormones, and in a huff goes off to be with her great grandfather Tomas (Chalo Gonzalez).

There's a separate storyline running parallel though, and that is of her cousin Carlos (Jesse Garcia), who's also putting up at Tomas' abode. With a tough exterior - tattoos, attitude and all, he finds himself attracted to two gay neighbours as they share their little trysts in secret, and you'll be kept guessing for a while just which way Carlos swings.

It's a clash of cultures - conservatism, liberalism, and the changing of attitudes. But not to worry that this movie is heavy. Surprisingly, it's rather poignant, yet has this sense of fluff and light-heartedness thrown in at various points to lighten up the mood. And it manages to pack a punch despite its compact 90 minutes. The leads of Emily Rios and Jesse Garcia help too, in making their characters believable, and not too contrived.

A movie like this introduces us to different cultures, but as we learn, the lessons of life are truly universal. Quinceañera is currently showing at GV VivoCity's Cinema Europa theatre exclusively.
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Unusual and worth a look
planktonrules6 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
While I was not nearly as taken with this film as Leonard Maltin (who lists it among his 50 films you may have missed at the beginning of his latest guide), it is a pretty decent little film. There are some wonderful performances (particularly the man who played Uncle Paco--Chalo González). However, with topics such as teen pregnancy and homosexuality, this is a film you might want to think twice about before letting your teen watch it. I'm sure many will also be offended by the subject matter, so think about this before renting it.

Magdalena's Quinceañera is soon approaching. This is sort of like a Mexican rite of passage--much like a Sweet 16 Party. However, she is mysteriously pregnant and her family's plans for the celebration are thrown into chaos. While this is a starting off point for the film, there are several interesting plot element running parallel to this--such as the life of her sweet uncle and her gay cousin, Carlos (who is ostracized by much of the family).

I read one review that was critical of the gay couple and the affair one of these gay men had with Carlos. They were offended because the couple was NOT monogamous and they were worried this film might feed into the negative stereotype that ALL gay men are promiscuous. While I could understand their concern, this plot element in the film certainly was unique and was worth exploring. And, it's not good to ALWAYS show all gay people as noble--a stereotype which has been promoted heavily in recent years and which is also very unreal. Why can't they just be good or bad or a bit of both like any other person?

What I found particularly interesting about Carlos was that although in some ways he was a bit of a thug, he was also very vulnerable and was amazingly self-controlled when he had every reason to want to kill these gay men. Despite this, he was able to let go--and provided some balance (i.e., not all gay men in the film were bad--just this couple).

As for Tió Paco, he was a beautiful and charming character--you'll just have to see him and the rest of the family to understand. Magdalena, actually, was the weakest point (despite her Quinceañera being the subject of the film), as her character seemed a bit one dimensional and her predicament amazingly bizarre and tough to believe.

Once again, this is a very adult film though it seems to be marketed, somewhat, towards teens. If you do let your teen watch it, watch it with them and discuss the film--this could be a nice chance to discuss the many topics this film raises during its 90 minutes. It's a decent film with some nice performances as well as a nice opportunity to see what this celebration is. But, it also is a bit of a disappointment--it just didn't seem as special or magical as Maltin led me to believe. It was good, but not that good.
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Quinceanera Not Just About Female Passage Into Adulthood
CitizenCaine22 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The title of this film is a little misleading; in that, it does not really focus on the young Hispanic girl's ceremony celebrating her passage into adulthood. A young girl somehow becomes pregnant off screen with a school boy as she approaches her quinceanera. She does not know how to deal with the situation and has a falling out with her father over it and goes to live with her great uncle instead. Carlos, her gay brother or cousin, also lives with her great uncle. The rest of the movie spends time building the parallel stories of the girl and Carlos. The girl tries to work things out with the school boy, but she eventually realizes that he is just like a lot of other boys, users with no sense of accountability or responsibility. Carlos finds out he's also being played by the two guys renting a rear cottage to the great uncle. It's after this point in the film that things get murky. The conclusion of the film seems to be saying family ties are the strongest in the end, no matter what happens in life. That is especially true for Hispanic families. That seems to be the film's message. However, the film's title gives us the false impression that the focus will be a quinceanera, and it really isn't. Emily Rios plays the girl as a stoic, emotionally confused girl. Jesse Garcia is Carlos, an angry young Latino male on a road to nowhere. Chaolo Gonzalez is perfect as the great uncle who realizes his family is torn apart. It's a Sundance award winner, but the film is a little misleading and ends abruptly as well. **1/2 of 4 stars.
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peggertsen1 February 2006
This Sundance award winning film refreshingly addresses the Latino/American culture as experienced in the Echo Park area of L.A. Some themes running throughout are coming of age through the exciting wedding-like Quinceanera celebrating the 15th birthday of Latino girls. I was impressed by the honesty and goodness of each character in their chosen lifestyles. Spirituality runs throughout the formalized services headed by Magdalena's father(the serious but judgmental religious type)to the nonjudgmental Tio Tomas' acceptance and love given to all, regardless of circumstances, lifestyle, or "sin."

Echo Park culture is shown to make the most of what they have, without self-pity or whining. This movie should make the big screen for it's flair, artistry, honesty, and empathy for our country's largest minority, under-represented till now. Hooray for Quinceanera! It's joyful and a and real "upper."
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Virgin birth
stensson12 December 2006
This is about the Mexican community in Los Angeles and for once, violence isn't the main theme. It's about relations and not just the boy/girl thing, but also the uncle/nephew complications.

A 14-year-old gets pregnant, but not in the usual way. She is thrown out by her father, but she starts to live with this uncle, who has many similarities with a saint. But he is of this world and the learning from the movie, a little too obvious perhaps, is that miracles are all around us and they are most common in everyday life.

Well acted, but maybe a little too touching. Anyway, you can't have enough of "ordinary" people living ordinary lives full of miracles.
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Sweet fifteen
jotix1008 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Mexican and other Latin American immigrants bring with them their traditions. It's a custom in many Spanish speaking countries to have a big party in honor of a girl who celebrates her fifteen years, an age where they are considered to have reached a milestone in their womanhood. We are taken to a celebration of an elaborate "sweet fifteen" party at the start of the story, in which the girl, being honored dresses in a gown and is accompanied by her closest friends. These parties become quite elaborate, depending on the income of the parents.

Magdalena, a pretty young woman, not yet fifteen, attends her cousin Eileen's party and is paired with the young man she is in love with, Herman. Eileen is the center of attraction, as she dances the opening waltz surrounded by her attending friends and their escorts. It's clear that Eileen's parents have done well in their new adopted country, and they dote on their daughter. Magdalena's parents, on the other hand, are struggling to make a living.

During the celebration, Carlos, Eileen's disgraced brother, crashes the party to present some flowers he has stolen to his sister, but he is chased away. Carlos, who is gay and has no place to go, ends up taking refuge with his great-uncle Tomas, an elderly man living in the Echo Park section of Los Angeles. Tomas lives in the lower level of a house that has been bought by two gay lovers. Gays, in general have been buying property in Echo Park, displacing the Mexicans, as they gentrify the area.

Magdalena, who would be fifteen soon, is offered her cousin's dress for her own party. Unfortunately, she has filled up and the gown is too small for her. Herman, who has been making sexual demands of Magdalena, was impregnated by the young woman, something that in their inexperience didn't count on. When Magdalena's father discovers the truth, he banishes her from his house; he feels as though she has betrayed her parents and her church. Magdalena also takes refuge with Uncle Tomas, the kind man who welcomes all these problem children without passing judgment, or speaking down to them.

Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland, the directors of "Quinceanera" have produced a surprising work that examines a lot of problems within the Mexican community in L.A. They also seem to have in mind the way that gentrification ruin the same area they are trying to improve. On the one hand, yes, they get fantastic prices for property that is beyond the means of most poor families, and then, they don't contribute anything to the fabric of the people they are displacing. The invaders, mainly gay, are another minority that has been discriminated, but they actually just concentrate in real estate values, rather than sharing the area with long standing Mexicans living in the area.

The film is made better by the two stars, Emily Rios and Jesse Garcia. Both Ms. Rios and Mr. Garcia make their characters more appealing with little effort. Chalo Gonzalez, a veteran actor plays the kind Tomas with his usual style. J.R. Cruz is seen as Herman, the boy who disgraces Magdalena and runs away from her at the time he needed his support.

"Quinceanera" is a bittersweet story made with great love by its creators, Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland. This is a film that will stay with the viewer because of its simplicity which has an universal appeal.
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Heartfelt and cultured, falters with drama-intensive conclusion
oneloveall4 January 2007
Charming, personal independent drama arrives on video shelves with the honor of receiving both the Grand Jury Prize and Audience Award at last years Sundance festival, an overbearing honor that somehow placed too much importance on the respectable, but flawed culture piece. Essentially a celebration of Latino family, Quinceañera primarily revolves around the grounded performance of a just-short-of-15-years Magdalena (Emily Rios) as she prepares for her not-so-traditional, customary celebration into womanhood, influenced by her superficial, spoiled cousin. As the financial reality of a more humble and lower-class family begins to take it's toll on the stressed out teen, the unfortunate errors of being young and naive begin to make there way into Magdelena's busy month, compacting into a realistic but dramatic buildup to her celebration. Revolving around this central character, lies the heart of the film, articulated by some of the spot-on performances provided by the family of this young girl. Magdalena's cousin in particular, played with a quiet realism by Jessie Garcia, exhibits the kind of transcending stereotype that endears these characters to so many viewers after the on-screen drama has played out. Also, the grandfather portrayed here remained sweetly sincere and authentic throughout the movies questionable pacing. If Quinceañera's strong point lies in the integrity found throughout the characterization, it's weak point must be the slightly overambitious (though in typical low-key indie fashion) script, which in the second half throws too many wrenches into the plot in an attempt to accentuate the stress leading up to this important party. In bundling up the quick succession of action events that make this second half far more plot driven then the first, these filmmakers loose some of the distinct and pleasurable personality that amused so many at first, turning the light and perceptive family tale into more of the serious and traditional drama it wanted to be. Regardless, writer/director team Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland demonstrated a phenomenal ability to capture the local Hispanic residents of Echo Park, Ca. , all the more impressive given their seemingly white upbringing.
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Poignant yet uplifting story
lisahunt-125 January 2006
This was my favorite movie at Sundance this year (2006). It involves a lovely yet troubled Mexican-American family in Los Angeles. Magdalena, 14, dreams of her upcoming Quinceanera (the dresses, the limo, her friends) but unfortunately becomes pregnant! She is kicked out of the house by her preacher father and ends up living with her uncle (a lovely elderly tolerant gentleman) and her gay, estranged cousin. This unlikely trio becomes a true family, helping each other through challenging times.I loved the message of tolerance, being non-judgmental, and creating community and family. I found myself laughing, crying, and giving a standing ovation for this lovely story and cast at the end of the film.
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Flawed but Powerful Indie Flick
MichaelMargetis21 November 2007
'Quinceanera' is a small reminder of why I love independent films. Sure, it's not groundbreaking cinema, it's not even that innovative, but it's a nicely done little film that speaks some very powerful truths. Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland's first feature 'Quinceneara' follows a young Mexican-American girl in Echo Park, California during the days leading up to her 'quinceanera' or fifteenth birthday. When she finds out she is pregnant, her uptight preacher father kicks her out of the house and she finds shelter with her great uncle Tomas and her black-sheep cousin Carlos. The problem is -- she's still a virgin!

I know what you are thinking, and no, 'Quinceanera' is not a movie about immaculate conception. Long story short, her boyfriend made a love explosion on her leg and some of the little sperm guys got inside and got her pregnant. Kinda wild, heh? I apologize for the graphic description.

The best aspect about the film is the acting. Jesse Garcia, namely, is outstanding as the black-sheep openly-gay cousin, Carlos. Emily Rios is equally as powerful as the main character, and Chalo Gonzalez is heart-warming as the non-judgemental uncle. Glatzer and Westmoreland's directing is decent, and their screenplay rings true. The film has flaws, namely it lags during the middle, and the gay neighbor sub-plot seems a bit thrown together. However, in the end 'Quinceanera' pulls itself together to send a positive message of tolerance. Grade: B
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Pushing the limits of mediocrity.
GraysonFilmGuy1 February 2006
I saw this film at Sundance with high hopes of a true brilliance in film-making. Winning both the Sundance Audience Award and the Dramatic Grand Jury Award, I figured this was a sure catch of the Festival. After viewing it, I easily concluded that this was one of the most average films I've ever seen. Although the performances of the Emily Rios and Jesse Garcia are excellent, the film lacks originality and creativity.

This was the last film of 12 that I saw at Sundance, some of them being truly superb in originality and stylized cinematography complimented by goose-bump delivering performances. After being barraged by truly moving works of cinema, Quinceañera became the most mediocre picture on the Sundance screen. This film was packed with safe choices in cinematography, plot twists and endings that were cute but predictable and dialogue recycled from every other coming of age, acceptance film.

This is a movie that I would enjoy seeing at a mainstream movie theater with some popcorn and my girlfriend. How it received such honor and recognition over a truly superior collection of films is beyond me.

An enjoyable flick, yes. The best at Sundance, not even close.
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