Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Poster

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I didn't get it the first time I watched it
aalborgen-2167323 March 2020
The first time I saw this movie I found it confusing, a little artsy for my taste and I didn't get it.

But I didn't come in here to give it a 1 point rating or a damning review just because I didn't get it. It would be kind of stupid to pass judgement on a film that I didn't fully understand.

Some years later I watched it for the second time. My ex had just left me, and I don't remember how and why I came by this movie again. But the second time I got it. And how life would be like a bleak dessert, frozen in time, in the eternal sunshine of a spotless mind.

And after watching it a second time I felt hopeful again.
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The music made this movie!
Amyth4720 March 2019
My Rating : 9/10

"I ditched work today. Took a train out to Montauk. I don't know why. I'm not an impulsive person. I guess I just woke up in a funk this morning. "

Gorgeous filmmaking. An absolute must-see!

Superb screenplay writing and performances.
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The Moose Hole - Review of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
JAKastner19 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
It happens to both the best and worst of us at some time in our lives. Love . If you haven't experienced this yet just wait, you will. It is inevitable that at some time in our journey through life that we will come across someone that fascinates us so profoundly that we feel as though we could spend the rest of our lives with this magnetic individual. There is no exact science to the concept of love. Many believe that the idea of love goes beyond the reasonable or the logical to a more diverse level of the illogical, irrational, and the unreasonable. Why is it that we find ourselves attracted to people that, on the surface, seem as though they would never be compatible with our own lifestyle? Why is it that when we do fall in love with a certain individual and think at first that this is a perfect match, we find over time that less tolerable marks are more frequent on the surface? And why is it that we overlook some individuals that, although at first there is no real 'love connection' per say, we seem to have a somewhat pure liking for someone and that it takes us longer then it should to see that person for who they really are to us? Love is a complicated subject that can't be taught, it can only be experienced for what it is . utterly confusing and yet at the same time completely fulfilling.

The story is a twisted and complicated tale from the same man who brought movie-going audiences such award-savvy features as Being John Malkovich and Adaptation. Joel Barish seems like the average, normal guy who stays pretty isolated from communicating his true feelings to others and yet reveals spectacular insight only to the confines of his journal. He doesn't like going on impulses and gut feelings but rather relies more on common sense and the logical sense of self-direction. That is until he meets Clementine. They flirt with each other and eventually find themselves falling in love with one another . That is until one day Joel finds out that Clementine has undergone a radical procedure to have him erased from her memory because she was unhappy. So, in an act of self-gratification, Joel decides to undergo the procedure himself, erasing every argument, every embarrassment, every thought he has had involving Clementine. But as the procedure goes on, Joel begins to realize that beyond the quarrels and the less flattering incidents there were beautiful memories that he never wants to forget. So he does the unthinkable . Joel attempts to outrun the erasers through a dizzying chase through his mind. The story for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is hauntingly brilliant and, in some cases, personally gratifying. The concepts and the feelings expressed behind the script of this film hit so hard to home that it feels as though we our seeing our own love lives played out on screen. Granted Sunshine does tend to veer off into the ridiculously absurd but when evaluating what one takes away from this film, it is pure genius.

Quite amazingly this low budgeted independent feature showcases a surprising amount of A-list talent but manages to have those performers express well beyond their famous names. Jim Carrey, who has unsuccessfully attempted to make a mark in drama with lead performances in Man on the Moon and The Majestic, gives a thoroughly convincing and commanding performance in the role of Joel Barish. And Carrey's performance is only complimented by his interaction with Kate Winslet, who acts opposite of him as Clementine. Though the two give dramatically different personas to their characters and look as if they would never be quite compatible with each other based on surface actions, which is the idea the filmmakers are trying to express. It's not what is right in front of us that should define a relationship; it is the memories themselves and the experiences of the two individuals. Elijah Wood, in his first role outside the Lord of the Rings franchise which recently wrapped up in December, gives an effective performance as a man one can't help but despise for his methods of obtaining someone's affection but at the same time feel pity for his plight, which is that he feels love eludes him. And Kirsten Dunst performs well within the film despite her appearance that protrudes a sense of innocence that feels off-base or awkward that distracts from the actions of her character. Not to say that she doesn't perform well or that the character is a pointless one, not in the least, but perhaps it is the fact that her innocence, based on her name and the characters she has played, carries a stigma with her role.

Overall, Sunshine, as awkward and thoroughly confusing at it may seem and is, manages to express, in the most informal of ways, the feelings and thoughts we should all have when examining a relationship, in that it is not the superficial features but the underlining memories that make it all worth while. When a relationship hits that unfortunate moment where it all seems to be breaking down, we, as human beings, seem to instantly draw ourselves to the negative aspects of that person, as Joel did early in the procedure, in an attempt of sorts to make everything right within our mind. What Eternal Sunshine successfully expresses is that when breaking down the relationship moment by moment, more often then not the happier events outweigh the bad and that should be our determining factor to keep the relationship going. Too many moments are wasted on gut-instincts and logic, when it comes to love one must live every moment for what it is because we only have one shot in this world and we might as well make it worthwhile. What happens if that relationship doesn't work? You pick yourself up, let the relationship go, and, in time, move on. If you try your best and nothing seems to work in that relationship then perhaps it will never work and you shouldn't play out a fantasy that you know will never be. We have all experienced moments where we feel as though there is opportunity to ask someone out or express how one feels for a certain individual but have chickened out due to nerves, 'gut-instincts', or views of superficial matters. Eternal Sunshine promotes the ideology of living within the present and letting the course of the matter play out as it may. If we all relied on nerves and logic, would anyone really fall in love?
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Meet me in Montauk...
tccandler26 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd. -- Alexander Pope

==> I confess to being an idealist and a romantic. This type of film appeals to people like me... the ones who believe in love at first sight, soul mates, destiny, yada yada yada. The Charlie Kaufman penned 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' is as fresh and original as some of his other screenplays (Being John Malkovich, Human Nature, Adaptation), but adds a romantic depth that makes this one of the most complete film going experiences I have ever had.

There was an exchange during the film between our two leads, Joel and Clementine, played with poignancy and nuance by Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet, that echoed what I was feeling about the film.

Clementine: This is it Joel. It's going to be gone soon.

Joel: I know.

Clementine: What do we do?

Joel: Enjoy it.

Luckily for me, I knew I was going to be able to revisit the film many times in my life. The depth of the film manifests itself in the fact that the soul mates, Joel and Clem, both know that their time is running out and that they will never be able to meet again.

Most films might choose to highlight this type of heartbreak with the death of a loved one or a bittersweet farewell at a train station. But not Charlie Kaufman. He is bored by clichés. Rather, he chooses to dazzle us with the complexities of the human mind and all of its glorious possibilities. He is a master storyteller that is unlike any other I am aware of.

Joel (Carrey) is socially inept. He has had girlfriends, but none that really meant anything. It is as if he has never had a significant relationship of any kind. But, one day, he meets Clementine. "Don't make any jokes about my name", she warns him. She is wild and kooky, changing her hair color from red to orange to blue to green depending on her current mood. She seems the polar opposite of Joel, but they click. They click in ways even they can't pinpoint. But from the moment they meet, they know there is something special there.

However, after a silly argument breaks up their relationship, Clementine decides to visit Lacuna Inc., a company that specializes in wiping troubling memories away forever. She has decided to erase the memory of Joel. When Joel hears this from some friends, he angrily decides to do the same to Clementine, erasing her completely from his mind.

The erasing process involves a mapping of the memories and an all night process of erasure that is "technically brain damage", according to the doctor. The bulk of the film takes place during the process, inside Joel's mind. The most recent memories are first to go and we watch as they slowly disappear into nothingness. Those recent memories are bitter as we witness the arguments and the boredom of their relationship. But as the time rewinds, the memories get better. We travel backwards and watch Joel and Clem during their best moments, loving life and loving each other. As this happens, Joel desperately regrets his decision. He wants the inevitable erasure to stop, but he is completely powerless. Soon she will be gone and he won't even remember that he forgot her. The film focuses on his attempts to foil the process and retain some of her in the recesses of his mind.

'Eternal Sunshine' is directed by Michel Gondry who also helmed 'Human Nature'. He has a flare that accompanies Kaufman's words with perfect symmetry. This film bounces around on its timeline almost hysterically, but the director never lets us get lost. We always feel in control of our senses and our emotions. It is a tribute to Carrey and Winslet that they were able to do the same.

Jim Carrey has pulled off a rather remarkable transformation that I would have deemed impossible a decade ago. He is becoming a brilliant actor with qualities that resemble Jimmy Stewart and Tom Hanks. He is a fabulous everyman who is sympathetic and knowing, interesting and kind. He deserves tremendous praise for this role. Kate Winslet is consistently brilliant in every film. She is easily one of the very best actresses we have. Here she plays against type, and embodies a fascinating woman who craves attention but needs intimacy. Hers is a beautiful performance that will go overlooked. It is easy to understand why Joel falls in love with Clementine.

I think fans of Charlie Kaufman will be thrilled with this brilliant entry in to his collection. I think the film will appeal to those who loved the recent masterpiece 'Lost in Translation' or Tom Tykwer's recent beauty, 'Heaven'. It is a romantic fantasy with real emotions and real characters that will resonate with the viewer who isn't entirely closed to sentiment. When Clementine whispers "Meet me in Montauk" into Joel's ear... it's hard to hold back a tear.

This will easily be one of the best films of 2004. It is the antithesis of the typical romantic Hollywood fare. I loved every minute of its refreshing originality. The film has passion and flare and brilliant wit, all framed by an intelligent script that deals in absurdity while managing to maintain an intimate realism. These characters feel real. You root for them. You want them to meet again and give it another chance. It is a film that will only get better over time, as our memory of it waxes and wanes its way into our hearts.

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"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is a bizarre but wonderful movie, a very strange and remarkably tender experience.
MovieAddict20162 June 2004
"How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd." - Alexander Pope

Michel Gondry's "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is a bizarre but wonderful movie, a very strange and remarkably tender experience, which I suppose is only to be expected from screenwriter Charlie Kaufman, the man behind "Being John Malkovich."

The film was produced by Focus Features ("Lost in Translation," "21 Grams"), a company which strives to offer original, quality films to the true cinema lovers. If the company keeps producing films this good, they may become hugely successful in the future, if not already.

The previews portrayed the movie as a bouncy, cheery comedy in the vein of "Adaptation," the last film written for the big screen by Charlie Kaufman, when it is really a tender movie about love and romance. This is Jim Carrey's best performance to date, and may open the eyes of his prejudiced haters who have only imagined him as Ace Ventura and a certain cable guy for his entire career. No snippy quotes, outrageous humor or bizarre antics in "Sunshine" -- Carrey plays a true, realistic, three-dimensional character named Joel Barrish, who plans to have memories of his girlfriend, Clementine (Kate Winslet), erased by a new company called Lacuna, after he discovers that she herself has had the procedure performed only a week before. Joel meets with the company's founder, Dr. Howard Mierzwiak (Tom Wilkinson), and is informed that the procedure -- although "technically" brain damage -- is on par with a heavy night of drinking. "Nothing you'll miss much," he is told, as he plunges into a bizarre world of long forgotten memories.

The entire process of the operation is quite fascinating, really, if a bit reminiscent of an idea founded by none other than one of Kaufman's favorite writers, Philip K. Dick, who wrote the source short story for the Ah-nuld movie "Total Recall." All items relating to the person you want erased from your brain are assembled together, and the technicians at Lacuna (Mark Ruffalo and Elijah Wood) then "map" an outline of your memories, which are supposedly stemmed together. I have my doubts about the seriousness and remote possibility of such a procedure being performed, and the explanation is quite simply utter bull, but we don't care because the entire erasing of Joel's memories serves as a backdrop for a deeper meaning: If you could forget about past romances, would you really want to? And if so, would you be willing to sacrifice all the good ones, along with the bad ones?

The conclusion that "Sunshine" arrives at is, to be totally truthful, as honest as can be. During the procedure, Joel's subconscious realizes that it doesn't want to let go of its memories of Clementine, and so begins a strange labyrinth of fragmented memories, constantly changing surroundings, and mental materializations of Clementine. The movie is like a very bizarre dream, when you're trying to interact with people, but they're not responding, and you shout and try to get their attention but they don't seem to notice. Joel's entire odyssey of the interior of his mind makes "Being John Malkovich" look normal -- but as I didn't like "Malkovich" very much, and thought its strangeness was unjustified, it fits perfectly in "Sunshine" -- there are some great special effects, such as when Joel is wandering through his own memories, drifting in and out of sleep, hearing the voices of the technicians erasing his memories and watching as objects and areas around him vanish and deconstruct. It's so bizarre but yet also so beautiful. Gondry was a former music video director (his complete works are available on DVD) and he is the perfect candidate for this project, having worked with Kaufman before on the 2001 flop "Human Nature." It seems that he has finally found a unique directing style that ties in perfectly with the underlying themes of the movie.

There is a very deep message in "Sunshine," and it is arguably Kaufman's deepest film to date. Love and romance and memories of both have rarely been examined as thought-provokingly and tenderly as they are in this wonderful motion picture. The movie has a very profound message that all viewers should pay attention to. There are many small intricacies in the film, surely picked up on more thoroughly on repeat viewings, and the entire construction of the movie is completely enthralling and intelligent. I saw two people leave the rather empty theater during the screening I attended. It tanked in the US and I predict it will do the same in the UK, which is a shame, because this is the smartest film of 2004 and has the most to say about our lives than any other film this year. While everyone flocks to see the new Denzel Washington action movie, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is forgotten, which is quite depressing -- people would rather spend their money on forgettable entertainment than view something unique that has something important at its core.

I think what the movie finally asks us after its long, emotional journey, is would we want our own memories erased? And if so, what would the consequences be? A lesser film might examine this idea poorly -- "Sunshine" is not. It is perfect in almost every conceivable way, and anyone who complains that it is not original must be joking -- in my entire lifetime, this is one of the most unique film experiences I have ever had.

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is a beautiful movie, eloquently voiced by Gondry, firmly constructed and rooted in an eerie nightmarish fantasy land where anything is possible. It's beautiful, it's bizarre, it's exceptional, it's funny, it's lovely, it's touching, it's witty, and it's one of the best movies I have ever seen.
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swestgat12 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie gives us what we all secretly wish for-- a chance to forget something that's hurt us in the past. The viewer can almost live vicariously through the two dysfunctional characters that are remarkably just like ordinary people. The relationship problems are the same. The little fights and bickers are things we all can relate to. The acting was amazing- throughout the movie, I actually forgot that I was watching Mr. Ace Ventura himself. Carrey and Winslet pull off a great performance, both ditching the typecasts that they've been shackled with. Not only did the film give us the opportunity to see what it was like if painful memories were erased, but it also gave us the opportunity to see that everything deserves a second chance. The way it ends leaves the viewer to imagine how the characters' lives will end. The idealist may say that they lived happily ever after; the pessimist may say that they just reverted to disliking each other again. Either way, it leaves you to imagining your own ending; a characteristic many films leave out. Basically, this movie makes you think, "What if...?" It truly gives new meaning to the phrase "You never know what you've got until it's gone."
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Brilliantly Original and Wonderfully Magical
soriano32911 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is the most well written movie since Pulp Fiction, and the best movie since the turn of the century. It's originality is unprecedented, putting screenwriter Charlie Kaufman (Adaptation) up there with the greats. And every time you watch it, you will gain a new understanding of the characters and story.

Just imagine, instead of dealing with the pain and suffering of your past, you can erase people and moments from your memory, and move on with your life, without giving it another thought. Imagine your bad relationships can disappear. You bad experiences obliterated. Your bad times gone. Dr. Howard Mierzwiak makes this all possible.

Meet Joel Barish (Carrey), an archetypal lost American, a passive soul wandering through his own life in a cloud of dissatisfaction. One day, his shyness and antisocial tendencies led him to meet the free spirit Clementine (Winslet), changing his life forever.

They break up, and Clementine impulsively decides to "erase" Joel from her memory. Joel, upon hearing this, also signs up for the procedure. But midway through, he changes his mind. Then the chase begins, as Joel and Clementine try to outrun the erasers, hiding in his childhood and humiliation.

Meanwhile, Kirsten Dunst, Elijah Wood, and Mark Ruffalo, the ones performing the procedure on Joel, have their own troubles with romance, memory erasure, and Clementine, all due to the procedure offered by Dr. Mierzwiak.

Although Carrey spends most of the movie in an induced coma, his outstanding performance proves to us that his talents go far beyond his Ace Ventura days. And Winslet's spectacular performance didn't go unnoticed either, earning her another Oscar nod.

To say the least, Eternal Sunshine will change your life. Kaufman shows us that you must take the good along with the bad, because if you forget, you are destined to repeat your mistakes. Joel doesn't realize he made a mistake until he gets past their bad moments, and remembers all the good times he and Clementine had together. This movie gives a new meaning to "You never know what you've got until it's gone."

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a brilliant work of originality. With all the crap Hollywood has been turning out in recent years, this will feel like a blast of fresh air. Kaufman's masterpiece is inspirational, and, unlike most Hollywood films, makes you think. It'll make you realize that at the end of the day, our memories are all we really have, and when they're gone, we're gone.
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Interior Landscape
doctec22 March 2004
Of all Kaufman's screenplays that delve into the interior landscapes of its characters, Eternal Sunshine is the most fully formed and moving story of the bunch, a rumination on the possibilities and consequences inherent in making the process of removing unwanted memories from your consciousness as easy as going for a checkup. Kaufman here plays on our desire to forget the bad things that happen to us and what happens when we are given the power to forget those things permanently, and the conclusion he arrives at is that it ultimately creates as many - if not more - problems than it solves. At the very least, it can result in making the same mistakes again ("Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it"); at the worst, it eliminates the possibility of our ever reconciling and coming to terms with our life experiences, the way we relate to the people who help to shape our lives and whose lives we shape through ours.

The film explores these ideas in a novel and engaging way: by taking the audience inside the mind of Joel Barish (Jim Carrey), a man who, after breaking up with his girlfriend Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslett), discovers later that she has had her memory of him wiped clean from her mind. He finds out how she had this procedure done and, despondent not only about the breakup but even more so about her having completely erased him from her mind, searches out the doctor who performed the procedure and signs up to have the same procedure done to him, so that he may also have no memory of her. He is rendered unconscious for the procedure but his subconscious is still active. Once the procedure is initiated and he becomes aware that his memories of the woman he loved - and still loves - are vanishing from his brain, he starts having second thoughts and wants the procedure stopped. His challenge then becomes to figure out how to protect as much of his memory of her as he can, and to find a way stop the procedure despite the fact that he is in an unconscious state.

The manner in which he comes to realize and confront his dilemma is played out entirely within his interior landscape, a realm which (as anyone who remembers their dreams upon waking from sleep can attest) is a very surreal extension of our day-to-day experiences. Michel Gondry's visual style and direction works exceptionally well here in conveying the slippery, chaotic unpredictability of the worlds we construct from our memories and experiences; the clever interplay between this interior world and the goings-on of the outside world helps keep the viewer off-balance just enough to illuminate the fuzzy line of demarcation separating the two worlds and the peculiar manner in which they play off one another.

Jim Carrey and Kate Winslett do an exceptional job of bringing this abstract story concept to life with characters that are endearing, poignant, believable and utterly human. The supporting players are equally impressive: Tom Wilkinson as the mind-eraser doctor, Mark Ruffalo and Elijah Wood as the technicians, Kiersten Dunst as the receptionist all have relationships to the main protagonists and to one another that come to light as the story unfolds and help to propel the plot; as friends of Joel and Clementine, David Cross and Jane Adams are hilarious as a couple who seem to be stuck in the same rut that compelled the protagonists to break up and have each other erased from their respective minds. Kaufman juggles all these relationships masterfully and in such a way as to ensure none of them are superfluous to the ideas he is trying to get across in this story.

While there are elements of the plot that seem to place this movie in the realm of science fiction, the focus of the movie stays on the interior states, emotions and relationships between the characters. As such, the film is more of a romantic comedy than anything - albeit unlike any other romantic comedy you're ever likely to see. I saw a late showing of this movie with my girlfriend the day it was released at a local multiplex and there were only 20 or so people in the theater, yet at the film's conclusion everyone broke out in a spontaneous round of applause. This gives an idea of how compelling this movie can be. If you give this film a chance to creep under your skin, you will likely find yourself reflexively thinking about your feelings toward the important people in your life, as well how you relate to those feelings, as well as your memories and how you relate to them. A thought provoking, moving and entertaining film - I can imagine that a working title of this film might have been "Warts And All."
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Perfect - a movie that puts 99% of all contemporary movies to shame
Superunknovvn2 July 2004
There's only one way to describe "Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind": perfect. It's been one week since I saw the movie and I still cannot stop thinking about it. Was the ending happy or sad? I cannot tell, but it's deeply touching.

Charlie Kaufman is incredible. How does he come up with all these original, flawless scripts? Finally there's someone who uses the possibilities of cinema to the fullest. I love the way Kaufman shows the fate of individuals and derives universally true rules from it. The content of his story is always highly philosophical without ever being smart alec.

Some say "Eternal Sunshine..." was over-directed. I disagree. Having read the script, I know that Gondry deserves lots of credit for bringing this beautiful story to life. Sure, there are five creepy images per minute, but have you ever seen such an original, weird picture? Mind you, I'm not saying that lots of effects automatically make for a good direction, but in this case it really helped to underline the story, not distracting from it.

Jim Carrey... wow! I've always liked him as the hilarious Comedian he is, but I never thought that his performances in "The Truman Show" and "Man On The Moon" were that much of a departure from his funny-man side. As Joel, however, he is a completely different person. It's like Jim Carrey had a serious twin brother. Unbelievable. I bow to this performance! Give this man more chances to show his acting abilities, I say!

Finally I have to mention Beck's cover of "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime", which fits perfectly into the movie and won't leave my CD-Player for the next months.

A movie like "Eternal Sunshine..." really shows how much time and money Hollywood wastes on producing crap like "Bad Boys" or "The Fast & The Furious", and its box office result demonstrates how little people care about quality in movies. Personally, I have found my first contender for best motion picture of the year. I need to see the movie again, because I have a feeling that this one gets even better with each viewing. I can't wait until it's released on DVD.

I feel the need to say more, but I can't put my feelings into (English) words. All I can say is: GO SEE THIS MOVIE! You won't regret it.
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A warm hearted original love story
samuellewis486 May 2004
After a lukewarm reception in 2001 with "Human Nature", Charlie Kaufman has teamed up with director, Michel Gondry again for this romatic fantasy. With a name like Jim Carrey, this second collaboration couldn't go wrong in terms of box office success, and nor should it as this film is quite simply brilliant.

"Eternal Sunshine" centres around the life of Joel (Jim Carrey) a shy, mild mannered man who is heart broken after splitting from his feisty, impulsive girlfriend, Clementine (Kate Winslet). A short while after their split, he meets her again while she is working at a library and he is stunned to discover that she doesn't recognise him. He later finds out that the reason for this is that Clementine has had her memory of Joel wiped out completely. Dr Howard Mierwick (Tom Wilkinson) has performed an operation on her brain after Clementine visited his clinic to forget Joel. Much to Joel's distress, he decides to do the same, but during his operation he revisits memories of Clementine that he struggles to let go of.

If anyone was in doubt as to whether Jim Carrey can act, this is the film that will put all doubt out of the way. He performs with sensitivity and warmth, never once verging on the manic rubber faced lunacy to which he is most well known for. Out of all the perfomances where he has stepped into the dramtic role (The Truman Show, Man on the Moon, The Majestic), this has got to be his best yet. Kate Winslet is also brilliant as his unpredictable, adventurous girlfriend.

Kaufman's story of a man going into a surreal dream world is not too dissimilar from his earlier work, "Being John Malkovich". You have off the wall images such as Carrey re-enacting his 4 year old self along his journey in his head. The eccentricity of the story, which is Kaufman's trademark, once again works excellently. When watching this you generally care for Carrey and Winslet, in much the same way as Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson in "Lost In Translation". Gondry's diection gives a bittersweet flavour to the tale.

The sub plots involving the supporting characters who are operating are ingenius. Tom Wilkinson once again proves that he is one of the best British actors of his generation and he is backed up by great performnces from Kirsten Dunst and a post-LOTR Elijah Wood.

This is a lovely film and if you like originality with a sense of fantasy with a love story, then I suggest you see it. It's one of those films you'll want to see twice.
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I'm just somewhat confused over all the hype...
Apollo_116 October 2004
I'm a movie lover and I own 1000s of DVDs from all eras, so I like to think I have an eye for a really great movie... So why am I scratching my head after watching this and seeing over 49% of 12,000 voters giving this a 10? I just don't get it.

To be honest, I found the movie pretty average. It has some great acting by Winslet and Carrey and the soundtrack is quite enchanting. I suppose the storyline does touch the emotional nerves of anyone who has been in love and felt pain from it, but nothing I haven't seen done better in other (mostly "World Cinema") movies. The direction and style of the movie is nothing revolutionary (contradicting a point raised quite often here).

I was wondering was it something to do with the general reviews of the film? One trend I've found on IMDb is that the vast majority of people tend to echo what reviews have said about a film, even if they (deep down) don't feel that way themselves about it? I'm not sure, I tend not to read reviews until after I've watched a film.

I gave the film 6/10 as I was feeling generous. It really doesn't deserve anything more than this.
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an modern artistic triumph for all involved
Quinoa198427 October 2004
Michel Gondry, credited as the director and co-writer of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, is only partly responsible for the success that the film achieves. He implements a awe-inspiring blend of style to a story that is perfectly non-linear. But then there is also the madman genius of the current screen writing plane- Charlie Kaufman- who has written three of the most ingenious, funny, and human of "little" Hollywood movies (Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind).

He understands, and perhaps likely experienced to a degree, what a relationship holds to- the truth, to understanding, and then when it ends, how out memory changes the relationship. Enter in the concept that makes 'Eternal Sunshine' something of a un-official science fiction film - the Lacuna corporation, led by Tom Wilkinson's character, can erase just one person out of your memory, all of the experiences that you and the significant other had. So, when Joel (Jim Carrey) goes in to erase his memory of Clementine (Kate Winslet) after finding out she did just the same, he enters into a mind-warp. He goes through memories they had, happy ones, sad ones, some that are just what makes up what you have emotionally with the one you've loved. And sometimes, and to the behest of the assistants of Lacuna (Kirsten Dunst, Elijah Wood, Mark Ruffalo), Joel doesn't want them all to be erased.

As I mentioned, the plot is non-linear, which could've gone the wrong way if not done with skill. With a film like 21 Grams, which has a talented director and cast, the non-linear structure isn't necessary. But it's an asset that the story doesn't start from A to Z. To assist Gondry with this, he has the extraordinary Ellen Kuras as DP and Valdís Óskarsdóttir, an editor from Iceland. Their collaboration is crucial with Gondry and Kaufman (and co-writer Pierre Bismuth), as they bring all of these un-real images a real quality. Quite simply, there isn't a finer example of surrealism crossbred with realism in any other American film so far this year. The usage of lights, cuts, and with the kinds of special effects not expected (i.e. no CGI), add to the effect it has on a viewer. That the characters of Joel and Clementine are as enveloping as they are is also a credit to Kaufman.

But then there's one more part that completes the success of the film - the acting. Jim Carrey, very simply, is at his very best. He finds a balance from certain scenes in being like people we see everyday, feeling low, not much of interest, inward. And then when the memory erases begin, we get to see him act funny, but not like the kind of humor he brought with Ace Ventura or Dumb and Dumber. This is Carrey knowing this character just well enough to play off his counterpart, played by Winslet. She, meanwhile, is perhaps at her best. Her character is eccentric, funny, insightful, and wanting. She pulls it off. As do the supporting actors.

There's not much more I can say about this film, except to say that even after seeing it three times, I feel like I could watch it over and over and see a new shot, a new sequence, and new set of emotions tied to things. It's one of the great romantic dramedies of the decade.
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Eternal Nonsense!
stimpy_tr30 November 2020
Everything other than Jim Carrey's performance is nonsense in this movie. I got sick of repetetive scenes and overacting including Kate Winslet. What is that neverending partying scene in Joel's bedroom? Are we supposed to laugh at that? What about Joel's interaction with the memories of Clementine and taking advices from them? Nonsense over nonsense... The movie could have been much better, had the screenwriter made a better research about the unconscious mind and the director introduced less agitation. All of 6 points are for Jim Carrey.
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Great Idea That Fell Flat
2456adam29 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind explores the relationship of Joel (Carey) and Clementine (Winslet) through dream-like memories while Joel undergoes a procedure to have her erased from his memory following her decision to do the same, post-breakup.

This idea is one to build upon and craft a story around, however a large majority of the movie is while Joel is inoculated during the procedure trying to run through his memories of Clementine in a fast moving, screen shifting pattern that leaves the viewer little time to digest each memory and fully understand what had gone on. I think this movie would've been better suited if we actually had a chance to see the breakup occur, do 30 mins or so under the procedure to give the viewer a quick idea of how happy they were at one point, then take the rest of the movie showing us their journey back to one another.

Additionally, the characters are just unlikable. Both Carey and Winslet play their parts convincingly, as they always do, but Joel is a soft spoken, uninspiring pity party while Clementine is a rash, over the top head case who prides herself on her eccentricity when in fact it just comes off as her being a (redacted).

All in all, this movie can be summed up by the anticlimactic final line: "OK."
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Gondry at his best
Pukeonthestreet11 February 2020
His imagination is brought straight from his brain to the screen. Such an inventive and original movie with top notch acting making it one of the best films of all time.
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Absolutely wonderful
TheLittleSongbird24 November 2010
When I first saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, I wasn't expecting to love it, let alone like it. What a surprise when I saw it! I think this film is wonderful in every aspect, truly beautiful and packs a full emotional punch. In fact, if you don't mind me saying so, it is one of my favourite films of the 2000s.

I especially loved how Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was shot. The whole film looks beautiful, not only with the cinematography which is indeed spellbinding but also in the scenery which was nothing short of amazing. Another impressive asset was the soundtrack/score. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind doesn't have the best soundtrack/score I have ever heard in my life, but the score makes the film all the more moving, while the soundtrack is well selected and appropriate.

I was also very taken with the story. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind has one beautifully constructed story I can tell you, with an almost poignant message about it. It is strange and bizarre yes, but neither of those are bad, quite the contrary. Then there is the script which is both poignant and funny, not to mention very deep. The pacing very rarely feels boring if at all, and the direction is adept.

I have very little to complain about Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind's performances either. As good as the supporting performances are especially from the always splendid Tom Wilkinson, I have to give the real kudos to the leads. Jim Carrey has done some good performances in some good films, The Mask, Liar Liar, The Cable Guy and Bruce Almighty showcase his comedy talents wonderfully, but this and The Truman Show show he is perfectly good at drama too. He is very understated here, but it works as he still manages to be likable all the same. The real star though is Kate Winslet. A beautiful and captivating actress, Winslet is absolutely perfect in her role.

Overall, wonderful film. Bizarre yes, but very tender and poignant helped by the exceptional performances and cinematography. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Great, if you can relate...
rje5824 March 2004
If you can relate to the underlying theme of love longed for, love given and received, and love lost, this is a great film. If you have come to understand that acceptance can -sometimes- be a great thing and not a compromise or a 'settle for' - this is a moving film.

As crazy and almost surreal as elements of this film are, it somehow remains honest and real. That seems like a contradiction... life is contradictory, isn't it?

Carrey and Winslet both turn in superb performances, as do the supporting cast. An incredible film that most of the people who 'get it' will love - but I suspect there will be more than a small percentage who won't understand it or can't relate to it and they will (understandably) dislike it.
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most imaginative concept
SnoopyStyle23 September 2013
Joel Barish (Jim Carrey) falls for Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslet) from the first moment they meet on a train. After a bad breakup, Clementine erases Joel from her memories. He decides to do the same to her. Patrick (Elijah Wood), Stan (Mark Ruffalo), and Mary (Kirsten Dunst) are the three slacker technicians who are running Dr. Mierzwiak (Tom Wilkinson)'s machine. As his memories are eliminated, he starts to fall in love with Clementine all over again. He struggles to hold on to his memories before it's all gone.

The premise is amazing, but it's the imaginative visualization of the process that puts in on another level. Jim Carrey pours his heart into this very difficult disjointed performance. It's very effecting and probably one of his best non-impersonation performance. In its core, it's a beautiful love story. It's funny. It's poignant.
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It's OK (very OK)
mstomaso6 May 2006
Very nicely crafted science fiction love story. More of an experience than a film.

What? Sci Fi? Well yes. A simple science fiction device, memory erasure, is the vehicle for this beautifully shot, brilliantly edited and directed love fable. The fact that this is a good film does not disqualify it from the sci fi genre. In fact, would-be sci fi writers and film-makers should take note of this.

But Eternal Sunshine is a love story first and last, in all respects. The characters are what John Irving would call "L.A. dysfunctional", although they don't live in L.A. Carrey and Winslet are deeply insecure people with little going for them but good looks (which they try to disguise), fairly sweet dispositions, and a desire for companionship. They meet on Valentine's Day in Montauk, where they have both seemingly traveled 'on a lark', and the entire experience of the film seems to derail from this point forward. Chronological, linear story-telling becomes impossible because the characters are having their memories erased in order to assuage the pain of their separation. No spoilers, so let me stop right there.

If I have made Eternal Sunshine seem like it might be too much of a challenge or too disturbing for an evening's light entertainment, be not afraid. Certainly there are occasional disturbing elements, and the characters themselves are all neurotic enough to have walked off the street and onto the screen. But the film is so artistically rendered, and so well thought-out that what could have been a nightmare really becomes a fantastic post-modern love fable. It's also one of those great films that becomes predictable after a while, but is so delightfully portrayed and satisfying that it does not matter.

The acting is exceptionally good. I would expect nothing else from this cast. Winslet is especially remarkable for her ability to play a young North East American better than most American actresses could. How this genius has been passed up in each of her 4 Oscar nominations to date is inexplicable. Carrey's talent is undeniable, though I dislike many of the films he chooses to take on. His performance here is easily as good as his award-worthy performances in the Truman Show, Bruce Almighty, and Man on the Moon.

We spend a lot of time inside people's heads in this film, yet the camera never becomes a member of the cast as it does in films like "Being John Malkovich". I can pay no higher compliment to the production team. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish, and it is done with flawless simplicity in Eternal Sunshine. This film has just joined Shakespeare in Love, Wild at Heart, and Brokeback Mountain among my favorite all-time love stories. This is the first Michel Gondry film I have seen. I am going to make sure it is not the last.
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Best Film of 2004
Matt_Layden13 February 2005
Joel (Jim Carrey) is a rather milquetoast man who meets up with free spirit Clementine (Kate Winslet), and they become romantically involved. However, they endure a messy breakup and Clementine goes to a business called Lacuna, Inc., where she has all of her memories of Joel erased. Not wanting to be left out, Joel also goes to have his memory erased. However, soon after it begins, Joel realizes that he wants to keep the memory of Clementine, so he tries to reverse the process.

Well, if you're familiar with Kaufman's work, then you know what your getting yourself into. This is just as weird if not weirder than his previous work, Being John Malkovich. I knew what I was getting myself into, but 90% of the movie I was saying to myself "What the hell is going on?", but in a good way. It opens with Joel calling in sick for work and going on a different train, heading for Montauk. He meets Clementine and they hit it off. Now this is about 15 minutes into the movie, then out of nowhere come the opening credit sequence. I will admit, I thought it would be different, but I'm glad that it is the way it is, the movie is 80% of the time in Joel's head.

If you think you know Carrey, think again. This movie is his best performance, better than Majestic, Truman show and all of his comedic roles (which is what I love him for). Just looking at his face from the second we see him, we feel his pain, then like that, we feel his joy, embarrassment and hate. Just awesome acting on his part, and Winslet was great as the free spirit who never seems satisfied. The supporting cast all work well in their small, yet important roles. Oscar nominations for Winslet and (crosses fingers) Carrey.

But if I were to bet any money on any Oscar nominations it would obviously be the writing, what a mess, but beautifully constructed. You think to yourself, is that scene really necessary? Then ten minutes later you think to yourself how brilliant it was, that's beautiful, crazy, give me whatever he's smoking kind of writing. Charlie Kaufman's writing is always clever, but this time he's one-upped himself by making something simultaneously bizarre and emotionally engaging. It seemed like his earlier movies were clever for the sake of cleverness, but 'Eternal Sunshine' manages to dazzle you with it's originality and it's poignancy. The fact that this movie was able to wrap such profound loss, emotional tenderness, and hope in such a self-consciously stylized package illustrates the incredible talent of the people behind it.

Michel Gondry's use of vibrant coloring and quick camera movement give the film a very involving first hand feeling. The constant use of the handy cam is very all involving for the viewer, and I suppose that this is exactly what is needed in such a personal movie. His work on the dream sequences is incredible as well. He decides to use more practical effects than what we see today with computers.

Eternal Sunshine is a tragic, yet beautiful film that sits at the top of my list of "Best of 2004".
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hecklerdanny18 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the basic plot. Clemintine and Joel have a long, rocky relationship. Clemintine decides to get Joel erased from her memory, so Joel decides to do the same, only while Joel is in the process of the erasing, he comes back around to the really sweet, nice memories, and realizes that he wants out of the procedure. Now here's what I thought about it.

This movie is completely amazing. Totally original story and wonderful directing. Some of the best directing that i've seen in any movie. Some of the best original music too. This is in my top five favorites, and it also boosted Jim Carrey into one of my favorite actors. You know you have a good movie on your hands when the next day you're still thinking about parts of it, and you want to see those parts again. If you haven't seen this, I recommend that you check it out. It's different, in a really good way. There's not much more to tell you about it. If you want to see the Ace Ventura Jim Carrey, than you should absolutely skip this one. But if you want to see a side of him and Kate Winslet that you've never seen, or if you want to see a total original movie with wonderful cinematography and really great music, then by all means, you should absolutely see this one!
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Different kind of romance but not for me
adamonIMDb6 January 2017
This is an interesting film, a romance like nothing I've seen before. I think the idea is a great one and it was executed well enough, though not wholly to my taste. If the filmmakers had adopted a more simplistic approach, this would probably be one of my favourites in this genre.

The problem isn't so much the story but the style adopted. I wasn't too keen on the construction, the way the film is constantly toing and froing between scenes, scenarios and characters. I almost felt like the filmmakers were trying to be too smart and would have preferred it if the story would have been told simply.

That said, Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet are highly convincing as couple Joel and Clementine. Their relationship and chemistry on screen is probably why this film is popular with so many people.
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To forget is not always the easiest solution
The-Sarkologist29 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It took me a little while to work this movie out because it was a little odd at the beginning. Okay, I knew it was about how a man (Joel) was having all memory of his ex-girlfriend (Clementine) erased from his memory, and that it is basically a love story in reverse, but as I said the beginning left me a little baffled. Basically Joel goes to the beach and meets Clementine and they begin to hit it off and after their first date he parks outside her house so she can get her toothbrush and some guy comes up to him and asks him what he is doing. Suddenly it jumps to a scene where he is driving home crying, and for a while I thought there was a sudden jump of two years to when they had broken up. When, later on in the movie, the scene where they first met was completely different to the opening scenes of the movie I was under the impression that there was a huge continually stuff up. However, how can a movie, with a huge continually stuff up, get a rating of over 8 on IMDb? Well, all is explained in the end.

As I mentioned, this is basically a love story in reverse. The story begins after they have broken up and Joel discovers that Clementine has had him completely erased from his memory, so he goes and visits the same doctor to have the procedure done to him as well. This is when we get to the core of the movie as it jumps between Joel's memory and events going on in Joel's bedroom with the people who are doing the erasing. Thus what we have are in effect two stories going on which at first do not seem to be related at all, but slowly become interrelated.

The way this film has been set out makes it quite different to the 'boy meets girl, boy loses girl, and boy gets girl again' typical Hollywood theme. If seen in the normal order then that is basically what the film is, but it isn't. The film begins with the break up and then we watch, through Joel's memories as they are progressively being erased, the relationship as it unfolded. However, the relationship begins with the break up, and then moves through the fights – all of the painful parts – however things begin to change when we get to the good parts – the parts that Joel does not want to forget. Joel knows what is going on, and when he realises that all of the good parts of the relationship are being removed he suddenly wants it to stop, and thus we have this psychological fight where is tries his best to retain his memories, while the doctors on the outside are fighting to complete the process.

I guess sometimes, especially when we go through painful experiences, we would like them to be removed from our memory so they do not come back to haunt us, but the question is then raised is that healthy, and is it possible. We are told at the beginning that all evidence of the relationship must be removed because by seeing (or even hearing) one element from that relationship can end up triggering those forgotten memories. This is where the film gets interesting because one of the assistants, who assisted in Clementine having her memory erased, falls in love with her and uses his knowledge to start a relationship with her. However therein lies the problem – while she may have forgotten, he hasn't, and what is worse, he is using the knowledge that he gained from assisting Joel in deepening the relationship, but this has an opposite effect.

Then there is what is going on on the outside, but I won't go any further than that because I have already pretty much spoiled the movie (even though I have put a spoiler alert on this review). However, what I picked up in the movie is the idea of removing memories (and it appears that many are well aware of this aspect as well). Just because we have bad memories, or more precisely, memories that hurt us, does not mean that they are useless. First of all our memories define who we are, whether they are pleasant or not, and to remove those memories will end up undermining our character. Secondly, if we seek to remove the bad memories it does not mean that only our good memories will remain. As can be seen in this film, the good memories of the relationship are inextricably tied up with the bad, so by removing the bad, we are also removing the good. It is clear that Joel wanted all of the bad memories removed, but when he suddenly realised that these bad memories were connected to the good memories, and the good memories were also being removed, that was when he wanted it to stop. Finally, just because all of the bad memories are removed does not necessarily mean that we will not repeat the same mistakes. In fact, by removing them means that we are more likely to do so. As Winston Churchill once said: he who forgets the past is doomed to repeat its mistakes.
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i tried, but i don't still fall in love with it
twentysixawaken11 April 2011
I have to admit, I am sorry, but I don't like the film. It's been two years since I first watched it, and with a poor memory like mine, I have completely forgotten what it is all about. The only memory I have about it is the essay I wrote as an assignment, from which I know I didn't feel a thing about it as many people do. I also remember one of its lesson, that is you can't just ignore your mistakes, you have to look them in the face—look them really hard to be able to learn something from them—otherwise you are gonna to make the same mistakes again and again. Unless you make a change, this will be a never-ending process. Lots of things have happened since the latter half of last year. I have experienced many frustrations, I have been under huge stress, and I began to be aware of my own existence again—the last time that I did was in my junior year, when I was involved in a vortex of mixed feelings dealing with my contenting roommates. When I repeatedly make the same mistakes, the lesson of the film comes to me, and I tell myself: "See how you got here. You are careless to the lessons life teaches you. Be smart next time." Therefore, I want to watch the film again, to see if I will change my mind, since it has such a depth, it helps me avoid old mistakes. But after I finished it, I still don't like it. I did change, however. The problem with it, as I see it this time, is with the way the director presents it. The humor, which he may think as a plus or as something that will make it entertaining, is exactly what ruins the film. He could have reduced some of the humorous scenes because they don't fit in with the whole tone. For example, people will laugh when they know that the young guy from the clinic steals Clement's underwear. But what't the point of that? Or, the scene that while Joel is trying hard to keep his memory, Mary and Stan were actually having a party on his bed. Maybe he wants to indicate the absurdity of the whole erasing thing, or that's his satire of the commercial world where people only care about money and are not sympathetic to your feelings, but he could have used another way. The sad love story and the kinds of humor of irresponsibility and all form a really weird combination. It may be better if the director sticks with only one of them. As for the love part, I don't feel a thing, either. Maybe I have passed the stage of life when you dream about a person who will love you as if you are the only thing he has. Rather, I respect the fact that we are two equal people, we have our own concerns, and we are together because we seem to form good partners to live the rest of our lives. I don't want him to interfere with my life too much, because there are many things to do except love. By the way, Jim Carrey is very handsome!
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It Just Isn't for Me
baileycrawly15 March 2020
This movie isn't bad. In fact, the acting is good and I commend the writers and director for the way in which they chose to tell their story. But for it me it just doesn't work. There's not enough of a focus or cohesive story to hold my interest. There's not even continuity, with this film intentionally jumping through a number of time periods. It was a tedious film to endure when I watched it, and not something that left me with any desire to watch again.
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