Psycho Beach Party (2000) Poster

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Peachy keen!
nixar5523 October 2003
This film really grew on me. It's got great actors (namely Nicholas Brendan and Lauren Ambrose), a great throwback sense of style, and very clever dialogue. I can't tell if this film is intentionally hysterical (I think it is, but some's hard to tell.) I also really liked some of the characters, including police"woman" Monica Stark. All in all, a light-hearted summer movie, perfect for a few good laughs.
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Fun spoof of 60's beach movie
lingmeister8 December 2002
A fun spoof of the Gidget type of movies. In addition to the surf spoof, it also adds camp, noir and suspense, all in B-movie style. The style itself is very '50s, with no details missed. With the movie's shifting of suspicion to different characters all the time, it will keep you guessing all the way toward the end as to who killer is.
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Amy Adams in a bikini
stuartmcgill-8773722 October 2019
Amy Adams in a bikini. Nuff said. Crap film though.
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a GREAT example of satiracle film-making...
kylebengel21 July 2004
First things first: 'Psycho Beach Party' is funny, fresh, light-hearted and completely likable. It is a rare film that can walk the tight-rope between mocking a particular film genre (in this case, the "Beach Blanket" movies of the fifties and sixties) while still showing great affection for said genre. 'Psycho Beach Party' does it wonderfully. Using an obviously skewed view of these pleasant if vapid films, 'PBP' covers us in satirical humor and warmth, a tricky combination to pull off. If you have ever sat through a film in which a surf board was the star, check this one out...great fun.

Now, second: In response to Brian Bagnall's review from Canada, this film is NOT gay propoganda (just because the writer/director is gay does not make this a gay film). Gays do NOT have to have blonde hair (one of the only two agy characters has black hair...must have missed that one, huh, Brian?). The film does NOT portray the era as demeaning to women (the women in this film are some of the most empowered I have seen in a long time). And if you can not suspend your disbelief for long enough to watch our young heroine escape from a man twice her size, you probably should not be watching a film with the word "psycho", "beach", and "party" in the title. This film looks foundly back on a time that was simpler, both in the movies and reality. Anyone who gets anything other than a Genre Spoof from this was not paying attention.

Put simply, people; 'Psycho Beach Party' is Fabu!
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Fun, goofy and weird
rivertam2629 July 2020
Oh where to begin with this delightfully queer, horror comedy thriller. Drag Queen/Actress Charles Busch (Die Mommie Die) stars as a cop on the case of some teens getting chopped on the beach. The wonderfully weird Lauren Ambrose (Six feet under) stars as Chicklet a young woman who wants to be down the beach studs and wants to learn how to surf. She's also got multiple personalities. Sexy Nicholas Brendan (TV's Buffy), hunky Thomas Gibson, gorgeous Matt Keeslar (Scream 3), Nick Cornish (TV'S Buffy), Andrew Levitas (Hellbent) also star. But the most surprising is a young Oscar nominee Amy Adam's (American Hustle). The movie is fun and goofy and weird. It's a wild ultra campy gem.

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Complete snooze fest
nathan-mcgee610 December 2015
I really liked the concept of the movie. A parody both on the slasher craze of the 80s and the teen beach movies of the 60s but sadly it didn't deliver the fun as it promised.

The story is really badly written and the acting is just horrible. But it's supposed to be funny but it wasn't funny. The jokes are awful and didn't give me a chuckle and the cinematography is enough to to anyone a headache.

It's a complete snooze fest. I literally found myself falling asleep more than I was laughing at the movie and that's not a good sign. I will not recommend this snooze fest to anyone not even a fan of horrible movies, check out scary movie or the 80s gem Student Bodies.
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We'll Have a Gay Old Time!
thalassafischer27 June 2023
I've noticed the more recent the review for this film there is here, the worse it is. I'm wondering if it has something to do with age? A lot of X-ennials (people born from the late 70s to the mid-80s) remember when The Disney Channel and Nickelodeon were drenched in 1950s and 1960s nostalgia so that our parents and grandparents would feel comfortable with us watching it.

As a kid, I saw all the beach party movies (along with The Patty Duke Show, Ozzie and Harriet, and re-runs of the original Mickey Mouse Club) so I know exactly what this movie is about. The person who said Psycho Beach Party "makes fun of 1950s horror movie" is regrettably under 35.
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never laughed let even say had a smile on my face
trashgang3 October 2017
A throwback to the fifties horror but in a spoof. Thought I would laugh it out sadly I didn't. For me nothing worked in this flick.

The investigator being played by a man looking like a woman. The nerdie girl transforming into a sexy girl, the surf boys were some are gay, it all could be funny and if it was made in a good way it could have worked but not for me, it isn't even absurd (well, the woman played by a man maybe).

Not my cup of tea, and the rating is so high, maybe I'm missing something but I have seen a lot better.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 0/5 Story 0/5 comedy 0/5
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out of the ordinary
touche7513 March 2005
I have to say the first time I watched this movie I couldn't even sit through the whole show. Fortunately for me that particular summer HBO played it in excess. Eventually I found myself looking to see when it was on again and watching it every time. This movie is a definite "send-up" to all those campy movies we either loved or hated, and this movie is definitely in the "love-it or hate it" category. Give yourself enough heads up to be up for anything and you too will add this to your "must see's" of cult classics. Most of the actors are unknown, some you may recognize from various TV shows. the story line is quirky at times but the cast works well together to pull this off.
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Not Bad
elaurens883 July 2004
Gay propaganda? Get real! If you think this film is "propaganda" or an attempt to "rewrite history" you obviously didn't pay attention. It's just a fun, campy film that parodies bad teen movies from the fifties and sixties. And it mostly succeeds. Some of the gags fall flat, but overall the film works. The performances of Lauren Ambrose, Thomas Gibson, and Nicholas Brendon are especially amusing - they really capture the acting style that you see in a lot of those old B-movies. I also enjoyed how the film skewered various cliched movie scenes and hackneyed plot devices. but, as other posters have noted, how much you enjoy this film will probably depend upon how familiar you are with the type of films being parodied.
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A dissenting opinion....
planktonrules4 January 2018
How do you parody movies that are already parodies?

I noticed that "Psycho Beach Party" has good reviews from everyone. Well, sorry to buck the trend, but I did not enjoy the film. I think much of it could be my age. After all, I remember the beach movies of the 1960s because I grew up in the 60s...and the films were really already parodies of themselves. The original beach movies were terrible...and they made no bones about it and were meant to be dopey. So, making a newer film that makes fun of them really cannot hit the mark simply because making a bad movie about bad movies isn't really all that least if you are familiar with the genre. If I wanted to see incredibly broad acting, bad writing and a dopey plot, I'd just watch "Beach Blanket Bingo" or "How to Stuff a Wild Bikini". The only real difference is that "Psycho Beach Party" has more sexual innuendo and some killing. But for me, that just isn't enough to recommend it.
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super psycho fun!
darkcrash13 August 2000
A silly, sick, hilarious movie! We had so much fun--saw it on a rainy night in NYC; the theater was packed and a rollicking good campy time was had by all!

You'll remember many gems of dialogue--especially a line from Nicholas Brendon that rivals fellow "Buffy" cast member Allyson Hannigan's shocker in "American Pie"!

Anyone with the slightest affection for those AIP beach movies will love this one. Terrific soundtrack too--why no album???
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Entertaining and enjoyable without too many flaws
kannibalcorpsegrinder3 December 2012
After joining up with a gang of surfers and their lifestyle, a woman fears that the serial killer running rampant through the group may be herself when she falls victim to a split personality and tries to stop it from continuing before all of her friends are killed.

This was a pretty decent mixture of 60s Beach movie and slasher, though the fact that the stalking scenes are non-existent and never developed while the beach-party aspect of the movie is allotted full time to develop and go through it's paces clearly shows the slasher angle is just that, an angle used to give it a bit of individuality and distance itself from the pack. Still, it's not unwatchable, as the psychosis is pretty clever and generally pretty funny, the gay subplots are given enough room to be heard without overwhelming everything and the final revelation of the killer is pretty enjoyable. Still, had it done more with it's slasher setting, it could've had something really enjoyable instead of being just decent.

Rated R: Graphic Language, Violence and Nudity.
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A decent parody, but Lauren Ambrose is the real reason to see it
"Psycho Beach Party" is a parody of teen slasher horror films, taking place in the 1960's. It's a combination of beach movie, horror film, and camp. It's really not a very good movie for the general public, but as a cheesy camp flick it has its appeal, and it's worth at least a rent, at least for people who like this kind of John Waters-esquire camp. My main complaint is that it seems to try a bit too hard. But it's a great movie if you're in a certain kind of relaxed mood. Anyway, we have a copy of it in our collection, and re-watched it yesterday.

Florence "Chicklet" Forrest (Lauren Ambrose, of "Six Feet Under") is the highlight of the whole movie, and makes the film worthwhile just on her merits alone. Her character has multiple personalities, the main two being the nice, peppy Florence, but the hilarious one is her alter-ego "Anne Bowen", a dominatrix minx. Ambrose switches back and forth seamlessly and hilariously between these two personalities (and a minor third one).

The story: Florence and her best friend Berdine (Danni Wheeler) get involved in a series of murders after Florence starts hanging out with the all-male surfers' club, wanting to be part of the group. Captain Monica Stark (played by writer, actor and novelist Charles Busch, who for some reason saw fit to be cast in this female part - he is not really funny, and the character is treated as if she were really female, instead of a obvious man in drag) is the officer in charge of the case. Add to the mix a sequestered B-horror film actress, Bettina Barnes (Kimberley Davies), Florence's picture-perfect mother, Ruth (Beth Broderick), psychology major dropout Starcat (Nicholas Brendon, of the TV series "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"), the catty Marvel Ann (Amy Adams, of "Drop Dead Gorgeous"), Swedish exchange student, Lars (Matt Kessler), Kathleen Robertson as the bitchy, wheelchair-bound Rhonda, whom you really just want to literally push out of her chair, and the supposedly omnipotent Kanaka (Thomas Gibson), a great soundtrack, and you've got a completely silly, fun film for lovers of the cheesy camp genre.
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Busch For President
shark-434 April 2004
Yes, a few of these viewers dont even seem to know the work of Charles Busch - the creator/writer and performer of Psycho Beach Party. Busch has a huge following in theatre (Psycho beach Party started a s a play)and all of his work is tongue-in-cheek and some of the complaints on these posts sound like people who wouldn't "get" Rocky Horror Picture Show or Plan 9 From Outer Space either. But that's okay - Busch's work is not for everyone - just like John Waters/Divine's work isnt for everyone. And this film adapatation certainly has it's weaknesses - but much of it is DEAD on - including the opening and closing credits with a young Ann-Margaret look-a-like doing her best go-go boot dancing. Busch is hysterical as the hard-as-nails "female" police chief and Lauen Ambrose has a field day playing the perky like Gidget with multiple personalities. The film is fun and if you like it, check on Busch in Die, Mommie, Die.
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Fun little B-movie
UK_Melia20 September 2007
I won't write a synopsis because you can see that elsewhere. I rented this mainly because I like Nick Brendon and wanted to see his work outside the Buffy realm. I was pleasantly surprised by this little gem. It's a bit of cheesy beach movie with a dash of slasher flick and comes complete with a dance-off to some band playing beach music.

It reminded me greatly of movies like 'Hairspray' and 'Cry-baby' - it's sort of in that genre. You know, over the top acting and hilarious one-liners that leave you wondering if they really said what you think they just said.

I'd recommend this if you dig anything by John Waters. Nick Brendon had a good part and it was fun to play 'Hey I recognize that actor' with some of the cast. Seven out of ten stars from me.
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Tongue-in-cheek beach party spoof
michaelRokeefe23 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Catch that perfect wave and keep all eyes open for a sand between the toes killer. Spoofing the beach party flicks of the 1960's. Lauren Ambrose stars as Florence, worried about filling out her bikini top as much as wanting to fit into the popular surfing crowd. She is also a bit schizophrenic with a violent streak and a mouth as filthy as a sailor. Sun-drenched comical search for a serial killer.

Also in the cast: Thomas Gibson, Amy Adams, Nicholas Brendon, Kathleen Robertson and Charles Busch.
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Great, camp satire.
ihrtfilms31 August 2010
Based on the stage play that was also written by Charles Busch, I was wary about this as I struggled with another of his films Die, Mommie, Die! But I enjoyed this a lot more. A satire on the beach movies of the 50/60's, combined with slasher movies, the film tells of a young girl who starts to hang with a group of beach kids, then starts getting black outs, just as some of the kids meet gruesome ends. Is she the murderer?...

The film is very clever as it satirizes genre films, in a B-movie way, but without becoming too stupid or cheesy. There is a fine cast, many of whom have gone onto great things, Amy Adams for instance, and there is a fine performance from Lauren Ambrose (from 6ft Under) who plays the split personality Chicklet brilliantly. There is also a good performance from 'Neighbours' star Kimberley Davies.

The recreation of the era looks fine and whilst the film never resorts to gross out humour or slapstick, there are some very funny moments, often from Charles Busch as the Police Captain Monica Stark or from two of the male characters gradual realization they are attracted to each other. The film starts quite slowly, but gathers momentum as it progresses and has a nice twist at the end. It reminded me a little of John Waters films, such as Serial Mom and Hairspray, it has much to enjoy in a camp, funny and slightly twisted way.

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Processed cheese
moonspinner5528 August 2005
Murder-mystery send-up of the teen films from the early '60s--complete with a schizophrenic Gidget at the steering wheel--is keenly aware of what it wants to be, and how to duplicate the look of those A.I.P. beach flicks...yet it never develops a rhythm of its own. The cast is game, but green; co-star Charles Busch, in drag, also adapted the script from his own play, and maybe should have directed as well: none of the other performers matches his irreverent tone (although he does give himself the wittiest lines). The plot, about a killer amongst the surfing set, is a dull, talky one, and the camera-work is as insecure as the general handling. A fair attempt, this was probably a lot more successful on a small stage in front of a salacious audience. *1/2 from ****
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Very Good Movie. PERIOD.
bhatia6 August 2000
A great movie with a lot of great performances by the cast. Especially Lauren Ambrose (Florence/Chicklet), who after seeing this movie, definitely deserves a lot more recognition. Recognition, I hope, that comes soon. Same goes to the whole cast also, who really made this low budget beach movie into my eyes, a hit. So please, if you have time, and live in New York, stop by to watch this great movie. You won't be disappointed.
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The Vidiot Reviews....
capone66614 August 2015
Psycho Beach Party

One telltale sign that you have had sex on the beach is that human/jellyfish hybrid you just gave birth to.

Luckily, the amorous adolescent in this comedy is avoiding interspecies breeding.

Prudish Florence (Lauren Ambrose) wants to learn how to surf from The Great Kanaka (Thomas Gibson) and his crew (Amy Adams, Nicholas Brendon).

While making great strides on the waves, Florence - now Chicklet - still struggles with the unpredictable blackouts that turn her into a sex-crazed psychopath.

Meanwhile, a police detective (Charles Busch) has come to the seaside to investigate a recent rash of murders that seem to implicate everyone Chicklet knows.

Based on the off-Broadway production, this subversive sixties surf movie spoof has ample seventy slasher film tendencies to please both fans of deliberate camp and low-budget horror.

By the way, if you're going surfing after committing a murder make sure to wash the blood off beforehand.

Yellow Light
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Gidget Goes Berserk
aesgaard411 August 2003
I like this movie. The premise is sort of like what if the first slasher film had been made by the production crew who made the Frankie Avalon/Annette Funicello movies. Lauren Ambrose is made up to look like Gidget as she plays a character with a split personality. As people start getting killed, she wonders if she is doing them. A drag queen of a sheriff is played for laughs but at least he/she takes his/her job seriously. Beth Broderick who plays Zelda from "Sabrina The Teenage Witch" also stars as Lauren's mother. Kimberly Davies is a Marilyn Monroe-like actress on vacation staying in of all places a haunted house that even has a role in the murder mystery. The opener even has her in a dreadful "Attack of the Fifty Foot" spoof. Kathleen Richardson from "Scary Movie 2" also stars. Filled with all sorts of Gidget and surfer movie references, this is one film that horror fans and fans of surfer movies can really get together on !
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Gidget goes psycho
kingcasey_iii11 May 2023
The orginal title Gidget Goes Psycho intended as a parody of the puritanical innocent 'Gidget' Sufer' girl movies from the 50's.

Delightful movie, parodying Cali 50's surf girl Gidget movies.. Dark comedy. A young 16 year old's named "Chicklet" promotory summer of romance and socializing with older peers and surfers is upended by a serial killer stalking Malibu.

"Chicklet", suffers from multiple personalities and doesn't remember between black outs. Could she be the killer? The leader of the surf gang Kanaka is attracted to one of her personalities and tries to invoke her at the risk........
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Okay, but not the best one at all
xanderlavelle3 October 2003
Before I watched the movie, I thought it would be a horror movie. But just after a few minutes, I knew that my first impression was wrong. I think this movie's more a comedy and it's really crazy. Sometimes the movie is much too foolish(e.g. the police officers- man dressed as woman and woman dressed as man). You really can't take this movie serious. But it can entertain you!
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Dreadful parody
JohnSeal10 August 2001
No one would ever argue that AIP's Beach movies were high art, but compared to this awful pastiche of campy cliches they might just ascend to that level. Apparently an adaptation of a stage play, the film is badly and unimaginatively shot, and the acting is strictly off off Broadway.

Go and see Hedwig and the Angry Inch instead.
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