Dying Young (1991) Poster


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Beautifully sad movie that just misses the mark.
Xeresa617 July 2007
My first complaint was that Vincent D'Onofrio was totally wasted in this role, although he brought some much needed life to this role. If they had fully developed Vincent'Onofrio's character then this could have been a beautiful and powerful triangle, but they wasted most of the supporting characters.

Campbell Scott was great as the young man dying of leukemia and gave a riveting performance as a young man who had never been able to fully live his life and groping for what he considers his last chance of happiness before dying.

Campbell Scott also has the courage to be unlikeable and at times arrogant rather than a plaster saint. His inability to connect and understand the simple friendship offered by Gordon(Vincent D'Onofrio) is almost painful to watch. He envies Gordon's easy openness and zest, and is also jealous of the way that Gordon effortlessly connects to JUlia Roberts character,Hilary.

The most poignant scene is when this young man of wealth, privilege, and education tries to relate with Gordon and Hilary who are getting a kick out of answering the questions to Jeopardy. He scores big on the questions that he studied in college, but grows more and more frustrated as Hilary and Gordon bond over their ordinary knowledge of TV shows-- like their singing the theme to Gilligan's Island. They are having fun, but Vincent can only see it as a competition.

In that moment he sees a world that he has never known and probably will never really get, and he lashes out at both of them. Gordon is hurt and puzzled and Hilary is torn between anger and understanding.

I wish that they had had Julia telling Gordon about how the character of Vincent was struggling with cancer, and having all three of them interact with each other bringing more depth to their struggles-- Vincent's jealousy of watching Hilary and Gordon interacting, and Gordon reaching out in friendship to help his new friend. It also would have given Hilary more insight into her emotions, and, when she made a choice it would have had more meaning.
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A film that takes off -- but forgets how to fly
Irisheyes071728 February 2007
To put it simply, the opening third of this film is intense. Quite intense. Campbell Scott's Vincent is a tortured young man who only wants to live enough to prepare himself for death. Julia Roberts' Hillary is essentially her Vivian from Pretty Woman (I hope everyone who sees this film is as unimpressed as I was with the shameless allusion to Pretty Woman when Hillary steps off the bus in -- gasp -- a red suit), but it suits the film well. But the passionate acting from Roberts, yes, but mostly Scott absolutely rends one's heart. When Hillary declares that she thought "this guy was going to die," the audience is right there with her. Scott's performance is so rare and so special during these opening minutes because he is not self-pitying. He is aware of his disease, and he's trying to fight it. He's beyond emotional pain, and as he struggles through the physical pain, we start to feel it too. By the time Victor announces that his treatment is finished and he's ready for a vacation, the audience is ready for one too--it's really too much to watch a character we're instantly so attracted to come so close to death so many times.

However, with the change of scenery comes a change of momentum. This is not surprising considering how emotional the opening third of the movie is--I'm not sure any movie could sustain that degree of intensity for the length of a feature film. Sadly though, the couple's time in the beach house becomes, as one critic put it, a kind of music video which features long shots of "endearing" moments between the two main characters. I would have liked to see more *real* discussions, interactions, etc. between the two than the endless close-ups of their pretty faces. The townsfolk are superfluous--essentially they're stock characters, cut-outs of real people that serve no real purpose in the film. Vincent D'Onofrio's Gordon is the most confusing character of all. He seems to have some sort of flirtation with Hillary, but this is never developed, explained, or resolved. A shame, as it could have added more drama to a section of the film that was sorely lacking in any sort of dramatic effect.

The ending of the movie isn't bad, but it never quite recovers the momentum of the earlier section. However, I find that no matter how much I dislike the middle part of the film, I keep thinking about the film as a whole, and really really liking it. If you're prone to it, this film will probably make you cry. If you're not interested in tears, it's still worth watching because at the very least it will make you appreciate how lucky you are to not be going through what Vincent goes through--not having to make the decisions or sacrifices he makes each day.

I recommend watching it at least once and forming your own opinion.
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Romantic tearjerker depicts heartbreak of cancer
roghache19 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This may not be classic cinema, but I found it a moving portrayal of both the suffering caused by cancer to its victims, and the grief to the loved ones who support them. Of course it's also a romantic tale of the relationship that develops between this particular patient and his caregiver.

The movie chronicles the story of a young woman, Hilary, who, following a recent betrayal by her boyfriend, takes a job as a private caregiver to a rather difficult young man, Victor, suffering from terminal blood cancer. It dramatically depicts Victor's struggles with chemotherapy (the scenes most memorable to me), and Hilary's assistance, with its ever increasing emotional involvement.

Julia Roberts brings her typical endearing qualities to the role of his nurse, who risks a broken heart by falling for a young man who is most certainly going to die soon. I've never seen Roberts in a role for which she didn't elicit viewer sympathy. Campbell Scott, son of actor George C. Scott, is also convincing as the young leukemia sufferer. My major complaint is Victor's lack of supportive family relationships (as I recall) or apparent faith. The movie could have been more meaningful if he'd had these, yet in addition, loved and needed Hilary. This scenario is dramatic, but it is unfortunate and simplistic that she is portrayed as his sole reason for living.

Get out the Kleenex, folks, for the entire movie. I liked the ambiguous ending that left the viewer able to cling to the remote prospect that Victor might miraculously survive. Its message of course is the devoted loyalty until death that Hilary offers. Some viewers have mentioned an alternate suicide ending; that would have definitely ruined the film for me.
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A love story which stays inside of you long after viewing.
killiam8 April 2001
Warning: Spoilers
A love story, deep and consuming. The characters stay with you, like family.

(I'm not sure what a 'spoiler' might be with a title like 'Dying Young' - so, if you don't wish to know what the movie is about . . . skip this comment!)

I've survived five different cancers since 1959. I've watched many others die from cancer, mostly because I've been treated in Veterans Hospitals since 1961 which had 'open cancer wards' of forty to sixty beds and we see all there is to see in each other's lives. I've seen this movie in real life, mine and many others' lives and families.

You will be utterly absorbed by the consummate, intricate writing of Richard Freidenberg's adaptation of the Marti Leimbach novel and the 'invisible' direction - my finest compliment - done by Joel Schumacher.

Throughout the film you'll be absorbed by the character's lives. How utterly real their pain, how complete their anguish, how deep their fear,how intense their love: both of the cancer victim Victor Geddes (Campbell Scott) and the loved ones - especially the caretaker becoming lover, Hiliary O'Neil (Julia Roberts).

If the Victor Geddes character had AIDS or Parkinson or Alzheimer's Disease? The audience and reviews would be thunderous applause; nines and tens. But: about cancer? The audience is frightened to give acclaim to cancer, the shadow disease.

The predictable audience reaction to a cancer victim story is amazing: Viewers fear contagion! In real life - friends, relatives, loved ones are frightened to death to visit a person with cancer; to 'touch' them?, to breath their air?, to be nearby?. That fear is brought to the theater, to the television and to the VCR. Fear is the Bitch Goddess of Cancer and was ever present in 'Dying Yong'!

I've never seen Julia Roberts (with whom I've been stuck since 'Pretty Woman") 'disappear into a role' as she did portraying the woman in love with a man dying with cancer. (I didn't see it in 'Erin Brockavich', at least not by comparison). Campbell Scott, playing the cancer sick Vic Geddes, is likewise consumed by the character and is invisible as an actor. There is not an actor before the camera throughout the film . . . just people about whom you Give-A-Damn; about people, not actors.

This is an amazing film.

Some might think I am biased because of my having had cancer: Perhaps. But, to see the gut wrenching under current, words which are never said, emotions programmatically withheld, denial and lies issued and ignored even though instantly recognized until there is a no longer any ability to do so was (is) the most profound treatment of catastrophic illness I've ever seen on film. I kept wanting to yell at each character to speak up, shout, get it out, say something!

(I wonder if those who have not had cancer had that same reaction.)

I hope that those who see this film will see the magnificence of its incredible love story (in spite of illness!) and feel its adroit kick in the shin rendered against the 'silence and lies' between those about whom you care when ill. This story is about love, about life, not about death.

If ever an actor deserved to be awarded an Oscar it was Julia Roberts' portrayal of a woman in love with a man dying with cancer in 'Dying Young.'

See this film: It is an incredible love story! You'll feel happy for all the characters, and, yourself.

Killiam Tierney
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Never outstanding, yet it works well
gcd702 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A movie that is most definitely not all it is reported to be, but "Dying Young" is still a moving film that depicts the destructive disease of cancer quite well.

Julia Roberts returns to good form in her role of an untrained aide for the terminally ill Campbell Scott, who gives a fine and most convincing performance. The plot is predictable, yes, but it remains a very well balanced drama throughout, a credit to the film's director Joel Schumacher.

Perhaps only a must see for sentimentalists and Roberts fans, "Dying Young" turns out to be quite a good film.

Saturday, April 4, 1992 - Video
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Dull And Dreary Affair
slightlymad2224 February 2015
At the time of this movies release, Julie Roberts was flying high thanks to "Steel Magnolias" in 1989 and the mega hit "Pretty Woman" in 1990. Sadly dying Young misses the mark by a long way.

Plot in A Paragraph: Hilary O'Neil (Julia Roberts) has little luck in work or love. After recently Leaving her boyfriend when she caught him cheating, Hilary finds herself living with her eccentric mother (Ellen Burstyn). One day, Hilary answers an ad in a newspaper for a nurse to Victor Geddes (Campbell Scott) a well-educated, rich, and shy 28 year-old who is dying due to leukemia. Despite his father's protests, Victor hires Hilary to be his live-in caretaker while he undergoes a traumatic course of chemotherapy.

This movie is a dull and dreary affair that attempts to manipulate the viewers emotions at every turn. The direction is awkward, and it's easy to see why director by Joel Schumacher did not make any more movies like this.

If you like Roberts, watch it once, and make up your own mind.
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Underated Movie
bingobob31 July 2001
It took me till now to see this movie, and i wish i had seen it back in June of 1991. i stayed away from this movie because the critics just bashed the heck out of it, my only gripe with it is that i watched it on vhs,Fox has not relesed it on DVD. Julia Roberts was wonderful as Hillary and the music and cinematography were excellent. Also the stairway she walks up is not located on Nob Hill but is on Broadway and Lyon streets witch is in the Pacific Heights section of SF.All in all i really enjoed this movie. Please 20th Century Fox release this on DVD,Julia Roberts made two movies this one and also Sleeping with the Enemy(1991) with Fox and neither has yet to be released by them.
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You can tell there's a problem with a romantic drama when you find yourself not really caring whether or not the couple gets together at the end.
TheUnknown837-128 January 2012
You can tell there's a problem with a romantic drama when you find yourself not really caring whether or not the couple gets together at the end. That, unfortunately, was my problem with "Dying Young" a movie that I was hoping would stir my emotions, since I am usually a sucker for pictures like this. "Dying Young" stars Julia Roberts and Campbell Scott, the latter as a young man sick with leukemia, the former as his nurse. As you would expect, it's a Florence Nightingale tale with the two falling in love. But the fault does not lie with its two stars, and not at all with its director, Joel Schumacher, but with its writer, Richard Friedenberg.

The screenplay is rather limp, playing with the rhythms of conventional melodrama far too often, and without any real zing. A movie can get by with being conventional, if a lot of heart is poured into it by the storyteller. But that is not the case here. Gifted as they are, Mr. Scott and Miss Roberts do not have a whole terrible lot to work with. She is hired by him, he takes a shine to her (could any man not?), she resists him but pities him, and then warms up, and voila! They're sleeping together. But that was all that I could sense from the picture. The two stars steaming up the screen every once in a while. They did not seem to have a real relationship. I cared a little more whether Mr. Scott's character lived or died, but even at the end, I couldn't have felt less on the question of whether or not the couple would be able to come together again. As if we didn't already know and expect. The script also touches on some good subjects. Chemotherapy, for instance and how it can help kill cancer, but also make life for the patient a nightmare. However, the narrative does not develop these moments to register an appropriate impact.

Thankfully, the movie makes the wise choice of limiting scenes with the leading lady's mother. First of all, the dialogue is silly (she actually tells her daughter to move back in with her boyfriend, even though she caught him in bed with another woman, just because he paid the bills) and Ellen Burstyn's performance is sheer ham-acting.

Telling the story in a solid narrative also seems to be Mr. Friedenberg's weakness. For the movie is told with a lot of big lumps to bounce over. Take for instance, a rather oddball scene with Vincent D'Onofrio. Of course, being a romantic drama, there has to be a secondary character to make the leading man jealous. Anyway, Mr. D'Onofrio brings them a television set, and they watch "Jeopardy." The sequence proceeds to them trying to outguess each other on what the answers are, and just when it seems it might be leading somewhere, it all ends. The moment is nice enough, and grabbed my attention, but when it cut off, it left me wondering just what on earth the point of it all was. Yes, it did more or less resurface twenty minutes later at a predictable dinner scene, but not registering with much impact. And speaking of which, Miss Roberts' decision to run away from the hospital to the country house is rather awkward. Given the fact that the characters are not romantically involved yet.

And just what was the point of Miss Roberts running into her ex-boyfriend in a bar? Where to or from did the scene come from? Director Schumacher is to be commended. Except in a couple of jump cut scenes at the beginning, in which we see Mr. Scott suffering from chemotherapy, he does a solid job of directing. Most lovely are his moving images at a country house the couple move into about midway through the picture. A scene in bed between Mr. Scott and Miss Roberts is handled wonderfully, with the camera swishing away from them just as they start to kiss and fondle each other, and then finding the mirror across the room. He also does something that I consider wise. Avoiding the sex scene. He shows us the beginning, and the end, but not the middle. Evidently, he had more faith in the story than the screenwriter.

Not to say that Richard Friedenberg's screenplay is a hack-job piece of work. It's adequate enough, but not impassioned. The few tender moments are generated by Mr. Scott and Miss Roberts, and thanks to Mr. Schumacher's fabulous directing. And the movie as a whole is not bad by a long shot. But by the end of it all, it did not seem to matter what became of either character, and I did not feel as if I had gotten to know either of them. As a result, their relationship did not seem to amount to a whole heck of a lot. It's a great idea, with good intentions and good acting, but not much heart. Maybe the original novel by Marti Leimbach works better. I would be interested in finding out.
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All heil Joel Schumacher.
MovieAddict201615 August 2006
No, not really. Of course I'm joking. I'd rather be buried alive.

To be fair, Schumacher has made some good films - "Falling Down" is great fun by any standards - but his bad far outweighs the few good projects he's worked on. His influence on a film is instantly recognizable.

"Dying Young" is one of Schumacher's sappy flicks, about a woman (Julia Roberts) who decides to nurse a dying man (Campbell Scott) who has blood cancer. Typical story - hatred for each other at first followed shortly by a deep romance, which ends in...well...I guess I shouldn't ruin it.

The movie is hokey and artificial - it struck me as one of those Hallmark Channel specials you would see on daytime television. If not for the cast it could easily be found in such a slot.

It's a curiosity simply because Schumacher fans - as in, the kind that love to hate him - may find it interesting to see him attempt a romantic weeper.
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Catchy Title - great photography
Dansmith1420 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'd always wanted to see Dying Young - with its catchy title.

Enjoyed the movie; it's certainly a concept movie; leukaemia patient finds love with his nurse. The production values were absolutely superb as were the interiors and the costumes.

Julia Roberts was great, as was Campbell Scott, and a hint of menace from Vincent D'onofrio.

Enjoyed the wide open vistas of California and the gorgeous towns and building built along the coast The soundtrack was good with a mix of popular and orchestral.

Thoroughly recommend this film as a good all round concept movie which should please most people in the family.
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Julia Roberts vehicle is hopelessly dry-docked...
moonspinner556 August 2006
"I have only one thing to give you...my heart! You can have my heart!" Drip-dry schmaltz from screenwriter Richard Friedenberg, adapting Marti Leimbach's novel, is meant to tug at our heart-strings, but is unfortunately so stilted it never gets ahold of our emotions. Julia Roberts plays a directionless young woman with no future (but lots of big red hair) who takes a job as nursemaid to leukemia patient Campbell Scott. Will they fall in love once he's on the mend? Perhaps...but why? These two never seem to connect on a soulful level, and she's so busy being coy, being tough, and being caring that it's difficult to get a grasp on her. Director Joel Schumacher might have been in over his head: the film needs a light, sensitive touch and it's telling that the only well-directed scenes are the ones where Scott is being a jerk or when Roberts finally lashes out in anger near the end (the only time when she reveals something about herself that feels halfway real). It's always nice to see supporting players Ellen Burstyn, David Selby and Colleen Dewhurst; however, Burstyn is terribly miscast as a half-wit who collects dolls, Selby has next to nothing to do and Dewhurst (Scott's real-life mother) has an introduction--whirling around with an electric smile--that seems as though she's destined to be the story's grande dame, its Arc Angel (actually, she's not much of a catalyst in the narrative; I'm guessing the rest of her role hit the cutting room floor, not unlike the picture's original ending). Dewhurst, like Roberts, is just decoration in "Dying Young", a failed tearjerker in a genre that Hollywood used to know how to pull off with style and aplomb, with a few extra tissues. Not here. * from ****
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Dying young
one_way198316 May 2008
Every time this movie comes on television, I sit in my bedroom and watch it from start to finish as if it was the first time I've seen it. It is a film that focuses on a man, Victor (Campbell) dying of leukemia and his internal struggles of wanting to be carefree and wanting total companionship from the Hillary (Roberts), the woman he hires to take care of him. Eventually, Victor wishes that he could be well so that Hillary can look at him in a different light; however, Victor cannot see pass his disease to allow anyone to be in his life including his dad and Hillary. He abruptly stops his chemotherapy to go live life and die; however, he does not seem to be living it since he so competitive and wanting to be better than anyone else. You want Victor to be cured of the disease and you want him to be less envious of the well people and to stop worrying about death and just live, which is the whole message of the film. Don't be afraid of death since we all will eventually die and no one knows exact time when death will wrapped them in his arm, which is a very powerful message. Great acting from Campbell and Julia. Great cast. Please watch this film and formulate your own opions.
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A nice movie starring Julia Roberts with a familiar plot
lisafordeay29 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Julia Roberts (who used to be known as America's Sweetheart back in the 90s with hit movies such as Pretty Woman,Eat Pray And Love and Mirror Mirror); stars in this A Walk To Remember meets Me Before You styled flick Dying Young opposite Campbell Scott(from The Amazing Spiderman).

Here she plays Hilary O' Neill a young woman who catches her boyfriend having a steamy session with another woman and is left heartbroken. To ease her pain after the breakup, she comes across an ad on a paper where a wealthy man is looking for someone to care for him as he has leukaemia since 10 years and she decides to take the offer. But Victor's father doesn't want her to look after his son as she wasn't a doctor. But the young man named Victor(Scott) saw her and took to her straight away and decides to hold a secret interview down in his room and she gets the job. So Hilary decides to look after him with romance blossoming along the way.

As time goes by Victor starts to get his dark hair back and himself and Hilary go off together and spend the holidays in an old house away in the countryside. But is Victor really better and will Hilary stay by his side when his time is up?

Overall this film was great. The chemistry between the two leads was believable. As mentioned before parts of this reminded me of Me Before You starring Emila Clarke and Sam Clafflin with the set up(expect Me Before You focused more on assistant suicide,whereas Dying Young didn't focus on suicide it focused on cancer)If you are looking for a tearjearker or if your like me a fan of Julia Roberts then check it out.

Overall its a 6 out of 10.
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sad romance
SnoopyStyle30 January 2016
Hilary O'Neil (Julia Roberts) is bitter after her boyfriend cheated on her. She applies for a personal live-in nursing job but she's dismissed almost immediately. Victor Geddes (Campbell Scott) is a rich young man dying of leukemia. He over-rules his father and hires the sassy girl with the short red dress. As they get closer, they find themselves in a complicated relationship.

Julia Roberts is beautiful and sassy. There're a couple of fun early moments. Campbell Scott never convinced me as a romantic lead in this movie. The romantic chemistry doesn't work for me. Director Joel Schumacher has done plenty of good work but I don't think he does well with romantic material. It's a lot of overwrought love in this and it all feels very forced.
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Moving, Realistic, and well acted!
pheonix202919 April 2000
As someone who has seen this movie numerous times, I can honestly say that this movie isn't for those people that are looking for a "Happily ever after". This movie is as realistic as a movie about such a subject(Cancer) can be. But the best thing about this movie is the relationship that the characters have. The actors, Julia Roberts as the hired nurse and Campbell Scott as the very sick young man are excellent and believable in their rolls. If anything this movie brings out the fact that he has a short time to live, how he chooses to live his life is what this movie is about. The story ends in a way which WE the viewer choose the path we want to see it. If you want a happy ending you can say that they left together and he was cured, BUT if you are realistic and are aware of how many lives cancer takes you know that they had their time together and eventually he dies. "You don't know when you are going to die, nobody does. But we have now, so live with me Victor. Live with me--Hillary(Julia Roberts). Those words are the basis of this story, to live the time you have, live for the day. I have recommended this movie to many of my friends and I am doing so here and now. A must see.
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"Dying Young" is a romantic drama film directed by Joel Schumacher, starring Julia Roberts and Campbell Scott. The story follows Hilary O'Neil, a young woman who takes a job a
alexpeychev15 April 2024
"Dying Young" is a romantic drama film directed by Joel Schumacher, starring Julia Roberts and Campbell Scott. The story follows Hilary O'Neil, a young woman who takes a job as a live-in caregiver for Victor Geddes, a wealthy and reclusive young man suffering from leukemia. As Hilary and Victor spend more time together, they develop a deep and passionate relationship, but their happiness is overshadowed by Victor's deteriorating health and the challenges they face.

Julia Roberts delivers a heartfelt performance as Hilary, a spirited and compassionate woman who finds herself drawn to Victor despite their differences. Campbell Scott portrays Victor with sensitivity, capturing both his vulnerability and his strength as he confronts his illness. The chemistry between Roberts and Scott is palpable, lending depth and authenticity to their characters' relationship.

The film explores themes of love, sacrifice, and mortality, as Hilary and Victor navigate the complexities of their romance in the face of illness and uncertainty. As Victor's condition worsens, Hilary must confront her own fears and insecurities, grappling with the prospect of losing the man she loves.

"Dying Young" is visually stunning, with lush cinematography that captures the beauty of the California coast where much of the film takes place. The film's emotional resonance is heightened by its evocative score, which underscores the characters' joys and sorrows with poignant melodies.

While "Dying Young" received mixed reviews upon its release, with some critics praising its performances and emotional depth, and others criticizing its formulaic plot and melodramatic tone, it has since gained a following as a poignant and affecting romance. Ultimately, "Dying Young" is a moving exploration of love and loss that resonates with audiences long after the credits roll.
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I thought I might Die before it ended...
darin-wissbaum4 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This film might have been better had it tried harder at showing a man fighting heart and soul to beat his cancer. Instead all I got out of it was some whinny self-pitying boob. Julia Roberts plays the part of a woman hired to be a nurse maid to Campbell Scott (as Victor Geddes)as he goes through the agony of blood cancer treatments. Victor Geddes comes from a well to do family with lots of money, and it struck me as strange that the father that hired Julia would not want to find a professional nurse instead of some blue-collar street girl. In any case Victor's cancer goes into remission and then they of course fall in love and head off into the woods. It has all the clichés of any cheesy love story.....Victor's cancer comes back of course and their love is tested but they are strong and he will fight the cancer and win.

This film has 3 parts:

1) Man has cancer--lost in self pity--meets cute blond chick with no knowledge of being a nurse.

2) Mans cancer goes into remission---man and cute blond chick fall in love---run away to the ocean.

3) Cancer comes back---love is tested---end of story.
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I felt like I was dying
hausrathman20 February 2003
Julia Roberts plays a young, beautiful, working-class woman who is hired to nurse a rich young man, Campbell Scott, who is dying of leukemia. Guess what? They fall in love. This trite, confused, and overly-stylized film, directed by Joel Shumacher, is nothing short of a disaster. There isn't a single genuine or convincing moment in this entire flick, which is really saying something since you'd think they would have hit upon at least one or two by accident. This is undoubtably the worst tear-jerking romance since "Love Story" stank up the screens. The only reason I rate this one film higher than that film is because Julia Roberts is better actress, and nicer on the eyes, than Ali Macgraw, and Julia, thank God, doesn't spend the entire film calling Campbell Scott 'preppy.'
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One word; Fantastic.
Nitaoxley081118 June 2002
I bought this video in a sale for only £2.50 and although I knew it had Julia Robert in it, I thought that maybe this was going to be another "Firehouse" which.. Well did nothing for me. I turned the video on, lied on he sofa and cried! Very few movies ever make me cry, this being one that has never failed to every time I have seen it.

Hilary O'Neil is hired as a nurse when Victor Geddes' father goes away on business. Eventually, Hilary becomes more than his nurse, she becomes, in my opinion; His reason for living. This movie is a powerful and moving story of one man's need for love and a woman's need simply for a job.

Definitely one to watch!
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Predictable romance
jayroof7 November 2021
The plot was told a million times - the rich hires an unqualified attractive woman etc etc but the scenes and how the movie was put together just made me cringe again and again, Victor's behavior was unbearable and dodgy.
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What a movie?
alikaholley1 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely love this movie. I think it is one of the best romance films on the market. This movie can move you in so many ways. It made me laugh, it made me angry, it made me cry. I thought the end was very touching. I cried so hard. I don't know why the review says he dies because no one knows. It has an open ending and you can take from it what you want. I know everyone is allowed to have his or her opinion but to say he dies is assuming. I like to believe that he lives. He was getting better with the chemo. He could get better again. I thought this was just the best movie ever.
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Okay film, BAD hair!
NYCostumer22 November 2017
Certainly not a great film, but an okay one at best. However, the wig on Julia Roberts is probably one of the worst I've ever seen in a film. And if it's not a wig- yikes!!!! I find it hard to believe not one person (Producer) watched the dailies and didn't think "gotta' deal with that fake hunk of hair on the leading lady."
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Dying Slowly
filmbuff197024 May 2002
This sort of thing is bad enough on the small screen but on the big screen a weepie has to have the the abillity to move.Pass the Sick Bucket please.Did this movie have to be so boring and tedious.Julia Roberts looks lost at sea in this.A really Bad movie that builds up to nothing.1 out of 10
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Still loving this movie...Campbell Scott scene
amy05020921 June 2008
After 17 years I still love this movie. Campbell Scott was awesome. He was so intense. I love the part at the party where he is watching her from behind the candles. Then when she starts dancing with Gordon and she looks for him and spots him watching her. You can see the love and the ache, and the passion he has for her. His eyes say it all. I wish he would have been in other bigger films. He is a great actor and he played that part so well. It's weird seeing Julia that long ago. She looks different, but yet she looks the same. She was great in this movie also. I didn't want the movie to end as they walked out the door. I wanted to see more, maybe a "1 year later" thing and they have a baby. It still makes me cry every time!!!
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Painful to watch because of content!
miken-326 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
had a real hard-time viewing this film. It is hard to watch a movie about someone going through chemotherapy. That is why I rated the movie low. If it doesn't bother you, you may give the movie a higher rating. I also was not convinced by Julia Roberts performance and saw no reason for her to gradually fall in love with the gentleman that is going through the ordeal. He seemed to be very obnoxious the whole time!

The scenes where he goes through his painful chemotherapy are very difficult to watch and one wonders why Roberts is willing to stay with him.

If you want to see a really moving story with Julia Roberts about death, I highly recommend the movie Flatliners. Roberts gave a much better performance in that one.
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