*batteries not included (1987) Poster

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Use only as directed...
jimbo70012 May 2006
*batteries not included is a very underrated movie, especially among reviewers on the IMDb. The pros, such as Roger Ebert seem to give it some respect (along with 3 thumbs up). There was nothing sugar coated about the performances of the 5 main characters in *batteries not included. Jessica Tandy gives one of the best performances of her career as Faye Riley who appears to be in the early-to-mid stages of Alzheimer's disease. Hume Cronyn is Faye's husband Frank, owner of a small diner with no customers. Elizabeth Peña is Marisa Esteval, a single soon-to-be mother who clings to her statue of the Virgin Mary for what little hope she has. Dennis Boutsikaris is the cynical artist/painter Mason Baylor, who has a heart as big as his artistic talent, yet no one other than Marisa seems to acknowledge his talent. Finally there's Frank McRae as the former boxer extraordinaire Harry Noble, now living in the basement of the building that houses each character and the Riley's diner. Oh... Harry watches way too much TV... especially the commercials. His only lines (which were few) in this movie were lines from commercials. This movie represents a cross section of people who are on the verge of losing their homes to a real estate developer, who will stop at nothing to get them out of their building. After throwing large sums of money at them (to no avail), the developer hires Carlos (Michael Carmine) to run them out using whatever means are necessary, including force. The characters are developed to the point that you actually care for all 5 of them. Just when it looks hopeless for our friends, small spaceships, compliments of Industrial Light and Magic show up and start fixing everything. And flipping burgers in Riley's Dinner. They also wash dishes, repair broken Virgin Mary statues and stopwatches and they replicate using spare pots and pans and electrical appliances, fused together by at least 1.21 gigawatt's of electricity. Although the aliens are portrayed as mechanical beings with heart, they certainly give hope to the residents, and help bind them together. The visual effects are a treat... especially for those of us who have tired of CGI effects that look more like a cartoon than reality. There's something about filming a real model, built by human hands against a blue screen, then matting it into the film that makes it look more realistic than computer animated visuals. Many have written that this movie tries to suck the viewer in, using emotional techniques, as opposed to making it an intellectual masterpiece. I believe it takes more talent to get the audience to emotionally invest themselves in a movie than to create eye candy. Thanks to great acting, a decent-enough script, good cinematography and an equally emotional score from James Horner, this picture works in every way... even 20 years later. If you haven't seen this movie in 20 years, go ahead and give it a spin. It's as good today as it was in 1987! Prices may vary in Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico...
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Dockelektro22 November 2001
This movie sticks out of my memory from my childhood, because I remember it as a heart-warming tale, touching and tender. Today, I still like it, it continues to be a sweet story about ordinary people who find the extraordinary. Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn are very good, and make the acting juice of this movie. Liked it, and am still able to see it anytime!
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This isn't a Spielberg movie. It's a live-action Pixar movie!
gblues-111 July 2007
I must admit, I was a kid when this movie came out, but I never saw it as a kid. I watched it for the first time today--with 20 intervening years since the film came out. And I think that perspective shines a new light into this old chestnut.

If you'll look at the writing credits, you'll notice that the head writer is none other than one Brad Bird, who today works for Pixar. *Batteries Not Included might be sappy for a Spielberg flick, but it is right on target for Brad Bird. Rather than comparing it to E.T. or Cocoon, this movie is more properly compared to The Iron Giant and Toy Story--two movies that successfully bring out the humanity in inanimate objects.

If this movie came out in 2007 instead of 1987, you'd probably see a Pixar logo on the trailer. For now, just pretend it's computer animated and enjoy the show!
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A charming little movie
laguy31018 July 2001
While I realize that this movie has been blasted as being one of Spielberg's low points, it does have it's strongpoints.

First and foremost, this movie contains stronger characters (and places more emphasis on them) than most popcorn movies of today. If only a movie like TOMB RAIDER or MUMMY RETURNS (or even CATS & DOGS) were to pay as much attention to characterization!

The sci-fi elements, while cheesy, actually serve a purpose, and work quite well within the framework of the story. It's essentially a feature-length episode of "AMAZING STORIES."

Ultimately, this is a small movie with a small scope and intimate feel. Is it dated? Yes. Is it perfect? No. But it is a charming little movie that might be worth a second look.
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This movie is for the whole family to enjoy
chvylvr8019 March 2003
I like this movie a lot. Without getting too corny, I would even go out on a limb and say that it's a bit magical. It's a feel good movie that doesn't get too sentimental or campy. The cast does a average job with their average roles. Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn do a good job as the feisty tenants that wouldn't move out. The DVD release of this movie really doesn't have any extras so if you can score it cheap on video then I suggest you do so. That's what I did anyway. Spielberg proves once again that he is the master of the family movie. Interesting and heartwarming for the adults, special effects and fun for the kids. Bottom Line: This movie isn't really looked upon as a classic or anything but it's good to have on the shelf to watch every once and awhile.
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good family fare
SnoopyStyle12 February 2016
Elderly couple Frank (Hume Cronyn) and Faye Riley (Jessica Tandy) who is suffering from dementia run a small diner in an old apartment building. The NYC neighborhood is being torn down. Thugs led by Carlos hired by property developer Lacey and his henchman Kovacs (John Pankow) are pushing the tenants out. The tenants include pregnant Marisa Esteval (Elizabeth Peña), former boxer Harry Knoble (Frank McRae) and starving artist Mason Baylor desperate to save the building. The cops refuse to help. A couple of small UFOs arrive and change everything.

This definitely has the tone of an old Disney family film. Like those movies, this is strictly family fare which does tackle some slightly darker issues. The tone can be a little awkward at times for modern audiences but it absolutely works for this film. The special effects are terrific for the time. This features Brad Bird who contributed to his first theatrical screenplay in this.
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A delightful, nostalgic trip..
dasdrifter17 August 2003
Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn stole the show, as is expected. However, the film is a very fun and nostalgic trip, the remaining cast getting the job done well. While it could use some development, the ideas present and the general whim about the film allow it to stand amongst other contemporary classics.

Naturally, the film also sports great production values, with Spielberg, Kennedy, and Marshall at it once again. Go see it.
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Cute, sweet, funny and warm
Igraine9914 June 2002
Okay, *batteries not included is not a great film. It's not meant to be! The makers of this movie were obviously not trying to win any awards, but make a sweet movie for all ages about love, acceptance, friendship and family.

Frank and Faye Riley (Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy)own the cafe that's located on the first floor of the building they live in. Among the other tenants is a former boxer (Frank McRae), a pregnant woman (Elizabeth Pena) and a starving artist (Dennis Boutsikaris). They band together and try to stop an angry developer (John Pankow) and his assistant (Michael Carmine (II)) out to run them from the building. They're assisted by some mechanical aliens and discover the meaning of forgiveness and family, acceptance and love.
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Excellent, light hearted science fiction
john_braham4 June 2003
This film does, as suggested, bear semlence to Cocoon, however it contains a far richer storyline and a generally superior level of acting. This film while not specifically being a comedy tells a relativly amusing story of a group of residents of an old building, targeted for demolition, visited by alien 'devices' (the nature of which remain undisclosed throughout), who help them by fixing everything in their path in exchange for some power and spare parts. As for the level of comedy, well it depends on your sense of humour, I certainly found the funny bits, well, funny, and not in the usual 'in your face' american comedy style.
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A critical failure that only proves that professional reviewers don't always have the public's best interest in heart.
mark.waltz17 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those sweet movies (with a touch of city toughness) that remains as charming today as it did 25 years ago. Called a rip-off of "Close Encounters", "E.T." and "Cocoon" (did anybody dare call "E.T." a rip-off of "Close Encounters"?, which it lightly emulated), "Batteries Not Included" is a family film with an adult touch that is gripping, intense, charmingly corny and a tribute to the love between old people that time cannot tear apart.

Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy are the two oldest tenants of a small walk-up and run a diner. They are being bullied by real-estate developers, and a money-hungry thug (Michael Carmine) is determined to get them out so he can get a huge cash settlement from the greedy people who have been paying him off. Other tenants break down and sign the relocation agreement, but the stubborn Cronyn refuses. As the threats get worse, Cronyn, Tandy and their fellow tenants get a little help from somewhere in Steven Spielberg's mind. He didn't direct this, but his production company did produce it, and there is the obvious touch of his hand within the special effects.

Tandy's character is suffering from dementia and obviously believes Carmine to be her long dead son. This creates for a touching twist when the film explodes into its dramatic conclusion and gives Carmine some truly multi-dimensional layers to add to his character. The fabulous Doris Belack has an amusing small role, her memory from tons of T.V. soaps (as well as "The Golden Girls" and dozens of movies including "Tootsie" and "She-Devil" embedded in your mind) and the shot at the end is a sign that even in the ruthless corporate world of a metropolis like Manhattan, the meek will inherit the earth and good will ultimately rule over evil.
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Tame, Blase Sci-Fi That Has Oodles of Heart, Solid Special Effects and Little Else
drqshadow-reviews21 May 2012
Steven Spielberg plays executive producer for this cliché-laden, family-friendly sci-fi fairy tale, and it's got his fingerprints all over it. Loaded with plucky working class heroes, cute anthropomorphic critters, moments of agonizing forced charm and stereotypical corporate villainy, it still might have worked under a craftier director. Instead, a second-rate cast extracts every ounce of ham from a very dimly-written script while they flounder around a slow, dull storyline. The effects work is good for the period, a must since the real stars of the picture are the small, hovering mechanical aliens that drive the plot, but beyond that it's weak sauce even for a kids' picture.
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Charming fairytale with an '80s twist
zyrcona27 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I remember this film from the '80s and recently bought it on DVD, and it is still an original and fresh idea and a very sweet story. The main characters are an elderly couple Frank and Faye. Faye is unfortunately suffering the early effects of dementia and her husband Frank is her carer. These two characters are very sympathetically written and acted and have a believable backstory -- they have lived all their married life in the ageing city building they are in the story, where they run a café, but now developers want them out so they can demolish the building. The other characters are less developed and not so interesting, a retired boxer, a painter, and a pregnant woman who has a long-distance relationship with the father of her foetus, so the focus is really on the elderly couple. It is refreshing to see a film about this kind of relationship, rather than yet another soggy romance or a generic story about kids as a character backdrop to this kind of fantasy story.

The *other* characters in the story are a pair, and later a family, of benevolent biomechanical creatures who construct a nest out of junk on the roof and start repairing broken items about the place and eating others. Some people in other reviews have identified these creatures as 'aliens' or 'spaceships'. While it is speculated initially by the other characters that the creatures may be spaceships for 'tiny aliens' or come from other worlds, when one of them is studied under a magnifying glass by a character, he sees lots of little circuits, and not 'tiny aliens' and since the creatures mate and give birth to offspring this would suggest they are living organisms in their own right. There is also not really anything to support the idea of them being of extraterrestrial origin, and it's probably more likely they are something that came about as part experiment, part natural evolution on Earth, although the question of where they come from is never addressed.

A few people have also claimed this film rips off ET and a film called Cocoon. 'ET' is a story about a boy finding an alien creature. I have not seen 'Cocoon' so I read a synopsis of it, and it is a story about elderly people finding a fountain of eternal youth created by aliens. 'Batteries Not Included' to me is nothing like either of these. It is an urban fantasy version of the 'pixies down the garden' trope with an '80s twist on the pixies. And I enjoyed it when I first saw it, and I enjoyed it again more recently. It's a sweet, quirky story and a clever idea.

It's a shame it isn't a better-known film, but I suspect there are reasons for that, and there are some problems with it as a film meant to appeal to family audiences. Firstly, the story about Faye's Alzheimer's, even though it is a refreshing change, is by its nature grim. Although the story ends happily, I am left with the expectation that Faye's condition will inevitably deteriorate soon to the point that Frank can no longer care for her and they can't continue to live together in the home they have spent their life in. A similarly grim theme is that when the biomechanical mother gives birth to her 'chicks' one of them is stillborn, although it is later revived by one of the human characters, which is sweet, but young children may get upset or not understand the birth scene.

The second problem is the main antagonist, a thug hired by the developer to evict the residents of the property, in that he is extremely violent, breaking into the property wielding axes and cudgels and threatening the residents and smashing up their property. Halfway through the film he unprovokedly attacks, and apparently kills, the father of the little biomechanical family (although he is later repaired by his mate) in a scene that would likely be deeply upsetting for young children, and towards the end he violently assaults a man and sets fire to the building, before somewhat redeeming himself by rescuing Faye from the burning ruins.

In summary, this is a delightful film, but may be unsuitable for young or sensitive children due to the violence in what would otherwise be quite a gentle story, and some darker themes.
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Smart But Bittersweet
FiendishDramaturgy29 March 2007
Many reviewers have fond memories of this work, and I have to admit that I do find this quite fun, but there are moments herein which are quite tense and mean, and lead to an overall bittersweetness which permeates the work. I blame that completely on Mick Garris. This work could have been great if it weren't for his inclusion of the "bd guy" element. This work did not need such a device, and it severely took away from the beauty of the work.

Mick Garris has been single-handedly responsible for the bastardization of most of the Stephen King film adaptations.

Directed by Matthew Robbins (Close Encounters writer) and Exec'd by Steven Spielberg, you may appropriately expect a small amount of awe generated by the beautiful effects and the endearing characters. *batteries not included does deliver. Also, these actors were a sure thing. I am sure you'll remember most of them from Ron Howard's Cocoon.

If you enjoy Cocoon or High Spirits, I would suggest this.

It rates a 6.7/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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Absolute Nonsense
sddavis6323 June 2001
"Batteries Not Included" is made in the spirit of "Cocoon," except that it just isn't anywhere near as good. Steven Spielberg is listed in the credits as Executive Producer, and this must surely rank as one of the weakest productions he has ever been involved with.

The bare bones of a plot exist. An evil developer wants to evict the last five eccentric and misfit tenants of a rundown building that stands in the way of his development plans. When all hope seems to be lost, the tenants are visited by cute, lovable living spaceships that have a knack for fixing things. Needless to say, the developer can't overcome the power of the "little guys", as Fay (Jessica Tandy, who is perhaps the only dimly bright spot in the movie) calls the aliens. There are some barely humourous moments scattered throughout, but overall this can best be described as drivel. One question intrigued me throughout, though: why would an obviously powerful and well connected developer such as this "Mr. Lacey" (played in a couple of brief appearances by Michael Greene) have to resort to hiring a gang of thugs to chase these five apparently helpless tenants out of the building? I mean, we discover early on that the police won't help them and the city won't help them. Why are the thugs necessary? (I know, it makes us really sympathetic to these people to see them so abused.)

In any event, this just is not a good movie at all. The best thing I can say about it is that it only put me to sleep once. I give it a 2/10.
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steviecrowther3 October 2004
A true classic. This was the first film I ever saw, and it has stayed my favorite for almost 17 years! Obviously, some may hate it, and some may love it, but its one of those films you have to judge for yourself. OK, so, perhaps the storyline is a bit thin, predictable and slightly unbelievable, but, what film isn't? There are more good points than bad (I'm not giving the good ones away, you'll have to see them for yourselves!) It could do with a bit of updating, maybe a newer version could cover up plot holes and dodgy script, but then it would lose all its charm. And Batteries Not Included definitely has charm, bucket-loads!

In my opinion it should be up there with Star Wars and E.T as a cult classic. It'll make you laugh, cry and hate the bad guy.

I definitely recommend it! Go watch it!
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A Nice Clear Cut Enjoyable Movie (Possible Spoilers)
mwendel20 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Every time I see this film, in part or in whole, I enjoy it thoroughly. It's not a movie where the acting makes me cringe, or there's a character that makes me go "I've seen this guy a million times over". I believe the characters are good and solid. The scenario (not the outcome) is plausible and the situation I am sure many people in their lifetimes have been in.

The movie, I believe, besides being designed to entertain both children and adults alike, was made to make the adults think about what's going on in the world at large: -Are all the big capitalists destroying all our links to the past and the "good old" times, in the name of greed? - Can the residents of a community, no matter how large or small, be heard when they band together and cry out? Many of you may feel that I am reaching but, I think its these larger aspects in some cases that gets a film of this nature made and makes it more appealing on the drawing board. (Plus, I think the answer to both questions is yes.) But enough of the socio-political analysis of the film.

Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy give strong solid performances as an aging couple with very real problems in a modern world. I think the issues they have are not uncommon among our aging population and make it a movie that both they and their children can relate to (more analysis, sorry). Their characters are lovable and crushing simultaneously, as Jessica Tandy's character is ill with what I believe was Alzheimer's and Hume Cronyn did the best not to burst the bubble she had wrapped herself in as a result.

With a strong supporting cast of unknowns playing likeable people with believable character flaws, the movies really gains strength. You really take a liking to all of these characters as they just struggle to maintain their everyday life in the play they want to live in. And none of these characters will scare the kids.

Then enter in the X factor - cute palm sized robots that come from who knows where - nor does anyone really care I think. I found these robots to be unique and disgustingly cute - no where before can I recall in all the movies I've watched, have a seen something similar - nor since either. These robots are curious, intelligent, and very entertaining to watch. Additionally, they save the day in the movie. (More analysis) They prevent the movie from becoming an overbearingly strong socio-political movie about the tactics and behaviors of big business versus the small individuals that is constantly replayed over and over in our society everyday.

Either way, its some classic actors, some unknown supporting actors and some very cute robots all coming together to make a film that can be watched over and over for many reasons by both young and old alike.
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They look like kid's toys
bkoganbing28 September 2019
In Batteries Not Included the remaining tenants of a building a developer is trying to clear just will not go. The remaining tenants are Elizabeth Pena, pregnant with a traveling musician's baby, Dennis Boutsikaris an artist, Frank McRae an ex-boxer and Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy who run a luncheonette on the first floor as well.

After a rough time with Michael Carmine a local tough in charge of getting rid of the tenants all seems hopeless. But then a pair small flying saucers that look like kid's toys. They are some kind of artificial life form and they are most useful at repair and cannibalizing parts from all kinds of places to effect repair.

This is a truly charming fantasy and the long married team of Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy who had just scored big time in Cocoon fit perfectly in as the two leads and leaders of the remaining tenants.

There is a truly magical ending to this movie which I won't give the slightest hint but you'll stand up and cheer.

A winner from executive producer Steven Spielberg
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Uplifting story about a group of apartment dwellers...
dwpollar11 November 2006
1st watched 11/11/2006 - 7 out of 10(Dir-Matthew Robbins): Uplifting story about a group of apartment dwellers who don't want to leave their building while the neighborhood around them is leveled so that a new business complex can be built. After prayers and wishes are offered up to the heavens, a couple of electricity-needing otherworldly miniature spacecrafts come to their assistance by fixing things after getting what they need. The bad guy in the story works for the tycoon putting up the new highrises and first offers them money to leave their residences then starts destroying their properties to bully them into leaving. The group who want to stay is led by the Hume Cronyn character who owns a restaurant, that's on the 1st floor of the building, with his alzheimer-ridden wife played by Jessica Tandy. They make a great couple as always with the supporting players layering on enough neediness to keep the viewer routing for them. This is a forgotten classic of a movie that was overlooked in the Spielberg-hyped era and if I remember right it was advertised as being another Close-encounteresque type of movie when it weighs much more heavily on the human side. One of the executive producers was Spielberg, so the advertising was probably trying to cash in on that. Definitely worth another look if you hadn't seen it in awhile because it's well done from beginning to end and is a thought provoking essay into believing in your dreams and not letting go.
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The Sentimental Touch of Spielberg
gavin694222 May 2016
Apartment block tenants seek the aid of alien mechanical life-forms to save their building from demolition.

This story started out as something destined for "Amazing Stories", and you can tell that it maintained the feel when expanded in length. It still has that sentimental nature Spielberg loves and packed the show with, and it just has that sort of light-hearted fantasy you don't see very often.

Aside from the two leads -- Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy -- the cast is largely unknown, and that may not be a bad thing (though it is disappointing that they didn't go on to become bigger names). This isn't a "star" film, it's about regular people helping each other out.
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Appreciated from a Human Level
wildbill01725 February 2007
If I had to describe this movie in one word, it would be "sweet." You have to be human to appreciate such sentiment, but I imagine some non-human beings may enjoy it also. What I mean to say is that this story deals with human emotion. Although this is a fantasy, the emotions it deals with are very real.

We see an old couple on the verge of despair, as the evil developers threaten to rob them of their last piece of security, their home. Jessica Tandy, whom we have already grown to love in "Driving Miss Daisy" and "Cocoon" (and don't forget "The Birds" from 1963!) is Faye Riley, a pitiful old woman who is losing her mind. Her husband, Frank (played by Hume Cronyn) in his deepest and darkest hour, cries out for deliverance. Before he falls asleep, we see the answer to his prayer arrive.

I am sure that some Christians may not like that the prayers of a poor old man are answered by funny mechanical beings, but I'm also sure that most will agree that God works in mysterious ways. The timing of the arrival is surely deliberate. These people need a miracle, and that is what they get.

Hope for the few remaining tenants reside in the friendship they develop with tiny flying mechanical creatures, which demonstrate intelligence and good will. Besides proving that even machines can be cute, they also prove that faith is a powerful ally to have on your side, which is strong enough to stand up to the evils of the world.

Sentimental? You bet! This is NOT a fault! (Say it with me, people!) This is what makes the story special.

It is never explained to the audience what these beings are, or what planet, dimension, or reality they are from. But for the people who benefit from their friendship, that doesn't matter. What matters is that they get the help they need, just in time to save their only home from being destroyed.

And the way this plan works out makes good commentary on the goodness of all the people involved, as well as some delightful entertainment.

Equally important as Frank and Faye is Harry, a simple minded but good natured man who fixes things. Played by Frank McRaye, he earns the love and appreciation of his peers as he figures out how to serve the needs of their newfound friends.

If you have heart strings, this movie, and all the actors in it, will surely pluck at them. If you are a robot, then I hope this movie serves as an example of how good a mechanical life form can be.

See this movie. You'll be glad you did.
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afonsobritofalves5 April 2019
Despite having a weak argument and a few weak special effects, I found the film interesting and fun, had good actors, a fantastic soundtrack, good sound mix and a good editing. Although not the best movie ever, I think it's one of the best comedies of the 80's. I highly recommend it.
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Let's save this script with a little extraterrestrial magic
nathanschubach26 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
At age 30, I just watched this for the first time the other day, and I have to say, I know why I wasn't into it for as long as it's been out. There's something a bit less-than-family-entertaining about senile old people just trying to get by as a local gang of ruffians attempts to beat up tenants and muscle them out of comfortable living. Even a huge former boxer was afraid of these guys at some point, and then he turns out to be a 1-2 brawler out of nowhere. And for some reason, the story needs to hang onto the story of an artist who's courting a resident pregnant woman with no support for her in sight. It's chaos!

So out of nowhere comes some magic that patches the entire motley crew together. Must be nice! Where were you creatures in the 2012 movie? I won't give away what the movie poster doesn't give away already: a tiny spaceship is involved. The magic element of this spaceship (and possible other magic powers?) is what makes me groan all the way through the movie. I personally cannot stand watching a magic element at the beck and call of a rundown community.

The movie was fun at times, watching the spaceship animation in composite shots; I like watching older movies that still shot like this for special effects because they still seem a lot more "real" than CGI does. The story is very blah: it relies on the special magic forces that fix everything a little too much. Jessica Tandy and Tom Aldredge really took the acting duties for this one, mainly because the other characters were a bit bland. The gang that followed the one main Latin dude reminded me of most bad 80's gangs, almost like the rat gang in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?.

Overall, I wasn't very impressed by it. I didn't have any childhood moments other than the dated special effects (good, but dated). The villains were there simply as a plot point without much background as to why these people had to leave this shamble of a building. Why would they stay? It's a hazard for god's sake! I would recommend it to those feeling nostalgic, but not for modern kids nor adults. It wasn't that entertaining.
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Heartwarming & Sad
Cylex12 August 2001
I love a good tearjerker & this is one of the best. The tenants are at the heart of this. They are all well played, especially Faye (Jessica Tandy) & Frank (Hume Cronyn)The visiting spacecraft are an added delight. The score is brilliant. 8/10
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Two Classic A+ Actors in a feel good movie
Do they make movies like this anymore? I won't give a spoiler (not that the plot is a mystery.) The joy is not in the plot anyway. It's in the way the sweet, G rated story is told, in the character, good casting/acting by Cronin and Tandy, directing by Robbins and overall production.

Quite simply, "Batteries not included" is a movie that your kids will like and you won't hate watching with them. Sure it's meant to make you feel good - and it does. These days Hollywood seem to limit kids movies to Animation. Where are the modern versions of "Goonies", "Old Yeller", " Bed knobs and broom sticks", and "batteries not included" There are too few real movies for kids. Thank goodness the digital age lets us watch those good old movies. don't deny your kids. These kind of movies build character for the little ones. They need stories to be told, fairytales and movies that sparked their imaginations. It's a sweet movie worth watching with your kids.

I often wonder why Hollywood is reluctant to make movies like this when they are generally the biggest blockbusters of all. (They've been telling Spielberg for years his movies are too sweet; said E.T. was a dud).
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*batteries not included
jboothmillard7 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In 2017 I was having my 30th birthday, and I thought, what better way to celebrate than to watch a number of films also turning 30 years old, this was one I heard a little about, so I hoped it would be good, produced by Frank Marshall and Steven Spielberg. Basically in a dilapidated New York City, East Village apartment building, the tenants of the block are being forced to move out by the owner of a nearby property development, Lacey (Michael Greene), so it can be demolished. Elderly couple Frank (Hume Cronyn) and Faye Riley (Jessica Tandy) manage the apartment building, and the café below it, tenants in the building include artist Mason Baylor (Dennis Boutsikaris), pregnant single mother Marisa Esteval (Elizabeth Peña) and retired boxer Harry Noble (Licence to Kill's Frank McRae). Some of the residents are tormented by Lacey's thugs, led by Carlos (Michael Carmine), the assault convinces them to move out, including Mason's girlfriend Pamela (American Dad's Wendy Schaal) who is tired and advises Mason to quit being an artist and find a steady job, and the Riley's friends Muriel (Jane Hoffman) and Sid Hogensin (Tom Aldredge) who are bribed by Lacey and move to a retirement home in New Jersey. Things look bleak, with Frank thinking of giving in, and Faye's dementia growing, until the appearance of of a pair of small living space ships descending during the night, repairing many broken items as they fly around. In the morning, Frank is amazed to find the vandalised café repaired, putting him and Faye back in business, Faye was the first to see the two aliens, the other residents follow her to see, they take residence in a shed at the top of the building, the residents dub them "The Fix-Its". The Fix-Its scare away Carlos, then Faye and Marisa learn the female alien is pregnant, after consuming many metal and electrical objects, it gives birth to three baby Fix- Its, but one is still born. Faye buries the stillborn, but Harry digs it up, takes it to his apartment, and successfully revives it, taking apart his precious television set, while Frank and Faye have an increase of business, including from the demolition crew, the Fix-Its assist in the kitchen. Mason and Marisa grow closer, Mason feels better about his art, and Marisa's baby is due in 2 to 3 months, musician Hector (Charles Raymond) is the father of Marisa's child visits her, but leaves quickly, with a steady gig in Chicago, Marisa tells Mason their relationship was not working out, but she has developed feelings for Mason, and vice versa. Carlos is unable to prove the existence of the Fix-Its, Lacey is furious with the delays and moves to replace Carlos, in anger Carlos breaks into the building's basement and sabotages the building's pipework and electricity, badly damaging the "father" machine in the process. The residents discover the Fix-It children are missing, they search the city for them, while Faye stays with the "mother" and fixes the "father", when it is repaired the Fix-It parents search for their offspring, they are found with Harry, the reunited machine family then depart from the planet. Tired of the delays, Lacey's subordinate Kovacs (John Pankow), an arsonist, attempts to burn down the building in a staged "accidental fire", Carlos sees this and sabotages the plan to make the entire building explode, but Faye is trapped inside, Carlos manages to rescue her as the fire spreads, the other residents return to find the blazing building. The next morning, the apartment block has been reduced to a smouldering wreck, the construction crew, in respect to Harry, refuse to continue working, to Kovacs' fury. Harry is greeted by the mechanical family during the night, who have recruited countless other Fix-Its for repairs, by the next morning, the entire building has been seamlessly restored to brand new condition. In the end, Lacey's demolition plans are forever cancelled, Kovacs is terminated, Mason and Marisa settle into a relationship, Carlos tries to start a friendship with the Rileys, Faye finally accepts her son has passed away, and some years later, the apartment building still stands, surrounded by bigger developments, and the café has a roaring trade, with new employment brought into the area. Also starring John DiSanti as Gus, MacIntyre Dixon as DeWitt, Doris Belack as Mrs. Thompson and Luis Guzmán as a Bystander. Tandy, Cronyn and the other actors give nice gentle performances, the script is based on one of the episodes of a TV show called Amazing Stories, it is sort of a retread of elements from Cocoon, the special effects are reasonable, the plot very simple, it doesn't quite have the magic of other films about alien creatures making friends with humans, but it is something all the family can warm to, an average science-fiction fantasy. Worth watching!
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