If a story is already perfect, why mess with it?
6 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Dune was written in 1965, and it stood the test of time. By making a movie named Dune, why dont u stick by source material? What is this irresistible urge to alter a perfect story with ur mediocre ideas

I will come to straight to point.

1) U ruined the character of Paul. He is a prophet figure, who never wanted war, but he was forced to choose that way because it was the only way. Yet in the final scenes, he "ordered" his men to go and fight. He never did anything like this in the books. "Take them to Paradise"?? Wtf!

2) It was the sister Alia, who despite being child came to Throne Room, killed Baron, threatened Reverend Mother, laughed at Emperor. She achieved many more feats. But she wasn't even born in this movie. Wtf!

3) How long is Paul's mother going to be pregnant? How ridiculous this is? Paul was exiled, and then he formed an army, and conquered a planet, yet his mother is still pregnant? Wtf!

4) I was most upset by Chani. The book Chani, I love her. She supported Paul the most, She loved Paul so much, She was Paul's everything. They also had a son by this time. Paul married Princess Irulan, but never touched her. Chani understood it was a political marriage, it was to save her planet. Chani in the books is so intelligent, calm, brave and she respects Paul.

In the movie, Chani is only making faces on everything Paul is doing.. When every Fremen is supporting Paul, his own wife which is supposed to support him, is against him.. When he ascended to power in the caves infront of all Fremen, she is the only one defying him! Wtf is this character assassination? The ending actually made me like wtf did I watch? My Gf asked me if Chani is going to be against Paul in the next movie, and my only reply was that they assassinated her character.. I need to calm down. Deep Breaths....

5) Where is the spice guild? Spice Guild, Emperor and Great Houses, they form the whole power system, each holding 1/3rd of the power. They were shown in the 1st movie when they didn't deviate from books. They had a major role in the throne room negotiations, but Wow! They weren't even in the movie itself!! Wtf!

There are some good things also.

As I already mentioned, Dune 1 was very good. I recommended that movie to many many people. First half of Dune 2 was also good. Cinematography, Music, the Grandness. But they ruined the second half, especially the ending when it ended on the face of very very angry Chani.

They did same with Witcher, with Game of Thrones, they ruined MCU too. Why cant they respect the original writer who thought all this, & the original story (which made it famous in the first place). Why cant hollywood stick to the source material with minor tweaking, rather than completely messing with it in the wrong way? The way things are looking, Dune 3 is going to be further away from the books.
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