The Sci-Fi/Fantasy Epic of our Generation
26 February 2024
Had the pleasure to watch this film in an early screening and was completely blown away.

"Dune: Part 2" is everything one could ask for from a film of its kind. As a big fan of the Game of Thrones franchise, it's been a long time since iv'e encountered this level of world-building and epicness. The plot and story development are carried out in an awe-inspiring manner throughout the movie, progressing at a precise pace toward a spectacular climax that is executed perfectly.

Denis Villeneuve continues to prove himself as one of the most promising filmmakers of our time, and if it was up to me I would keep him in these high-budget epic tales such as these since there are very few directors working today that can tackle this genre as good as he does. The film received praise from many great filmmakers, the most notable being Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Trilogy, Oppenheimer), who very accurately compared Villeneuve's achievement in this film to the "Return of the Jedi" of the modern era.

Would highly recommend to re-watch the first movie in order to appreciate the subtleties and foreshadowing better, though it's not completely necessary since the movie is pretty self-contained. More specifically, one of the most prominent and impressive strengths of the movie is how it stands on its own without relying too heavily on the first part. Of course, for those who really want to enjoy the story, there's no real point in watching the second part without having seen the first one. However, even those who watched it a few years ago and don't remember every little plot detail will be able to catch up very quickly while watching the Pt. 2 and will understand all the important details-even the smaller ones. Non-ideally, even someone who hasn't watched the first movie at all will greatly enjoy this one, as it is very self-contained despite relying heavily on the first movie-an impressive and highly commendable screenplay effort by the writers.

Timothée Chalamet delivers a very impressive and charismatic performance, to the point where it seems like this is the role he was born to play. Zendaya also gives a very good performance, with significantly more screen time than in the first movie. Austin Butler manages to be terrifying in the role of the villain, Rebecca Ferguson shines in one of the best performances of the year, and Javier Bardem surprises in a role that sometimes provides the comic relief of the movie. In addition to them, the film is filled with top-tier actors and actresses who all perform their roles amazingly.

Hans Zimmer's score is masterful just as you'd expect, and one step up from the Oscar winning and Grammy nominated score of Pt. 1. Technical aspects such as VFX, Production Design, Sound, Editing, etc. Are all top notch and awards-worthy. The action sequences are absolutely mind blowing and sent chills down my spine. Denis direction is impeccable, and the story is absolutely fascinating- continuing to develop characters from Pt. 1 even deeper and introduce new incredible and intriguing characters.

In my personal opinion, the movie is better than the first part in pretty much every aspect. While the first part was excellent, it mainly served as a setup and positioning of the pieces for the sequel. In "Part 2," the story reaches its climax, with one of the strongest climaxes seen on the big screen in recent decades, befitting the complex work Frank Herbert wrote many years ago.

I believe (and surely hope) this movie will be a major player in the next Award Season. Below-the-line wins are pretty much guaranteed as of now, but I hope it will get some love in above-the-line categories such as Direction and even Best Picture, perhaps to break stigmas presented against the Fantasy/Sci-Fi genre in recent years at the Academy. As a big fan of the genre, unless a better competitor will be released later this eligibility period, maybe it's time for a movie like this to triumph once again.

While the movie serves as a great wrap-up to the story introduced in Pt. 1, in my opinion it could serve as an even better set-up to a possible masterpiece in "Dune: Messiah", which I really hope will get green-lit soon.

Don't miss the opportunity to catch this movie on IMAX, since I believe it's an historic piece of epic-Fantasy/Sci-Fi cinema and a movie that will be remembered as a classic of the genre.

Extremely recommended.
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