Everyone needs to see this movie
28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I don't normally talk about the cast of a movie when making a review unless I really like one or more actors/actresses in it but let me just say that purposely casting actors who are genuinely liked and known to be nice or at least known to play the nice characters, was actually genius! Because there's an misconception that rapist are just the weird creepy guys in alleyways when really, it can be anyone, So yeah, genius cast like I said.

Talking of cast, Carrey Mulligan was amazing as Cassie, I still can't believe that people said that she wasn't hot enough to play a "femme fatale" and that Margot Robbie should've played the role, first of all, Carrey Mulligan is extremely beautiful and also Cassie is not a femme fatale, She isn't seducing these men by pretending to be drunk, these men just like to take advantage of drunk women, not saying that Margot Robbie couldn't have played Cassie, she absolutely could have but still, that's not the point.

I've also seen people saying this is just a man hating movie, which is really weird to me because the women in the movie are also shown to suck and can absolutely contribute to rape culture, which is actually something I feel like we don't talk enough about, women can be awful to other women and while that is ultimately a result of the patriarchy, it's still not okay.

Honestly, Gale was the only sane/normal person in this movie, she was a good friend, along with maybe Cassie's parents who also didn't do anything wrong either, by the way, I appreciate the fact that Cassie had a good relationship with her father despite what she does at night.

Although i can't exactly say that Cassie is "crazy" per say... as she never truly hurts anyone, she didn't kill these men like we thought she would because of how it's framed in the trailers, she just torments them a little and the same can be said about what she did to two of the women in the movie, she captures female rage so damn well, she's really smart, badass even, and she's quickly becoming one of my favorite characters in anything ever.

This is absolutely a female Joker movie, minus the killing and extreme violence (although there is some violence, mostly by the end), so okay I guess you could say that it's not exactly fair to compare the two but whatever, I love both movies and I can definitely see some similarities as both movies goes deep in the main character's psyche, a main character that isn't exactly mentally well.

I'm a bit torn on the ending like some people seem to be but I mostly love it and I can't really say I saw it coming or that it couldn't have been better but thank god it didn't go the way I thought it would, which was apparently the original plan, just have Al kill Cassie and end it there, which would've been realistic but... for a movie? Nah, you gotta give the audience some hope and have her have at least some kind of revenge on the guy who did an awful thing to her best friend, the ending is really bittersweet and might be one of the best movie endings that I'm going to remember for a while.

If you're a man and haven't seen this movie (even tho you're reading this long review with full spoilers-), you should watch it, please trust me, this movie doesn't hate you, it hates rape culture and patriarchy and it's honestly really good documentary in a way, women watch movies about the experience of men all the time so why when it's about a woman, it's "bad" because men "can't relate"? It's flawed reasoning to not like or watch a movie. Also, if words like "rape culture" or "patriarchy" triggers you, grow the hell up.
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