Not as good as the original, but still worth seeing
12 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Qu'est-ce qu'on a encore fait au bon Dieu?" or "Serial (Bad) Weddings 2" (what a horrible title!) or "Monsieur Claude 2" is a new French movie, very recent release that runs for under 100 minutes and was directed by Philippe de Chauveron and he was also in charge of the script together with Guy Laurent. Maybe these two names or the title are enough to make you understand that this is the official sequel to a highly successful French comedy movie from 5 years ago. Well commercially successful lets say, I am not sure if critics liked it that much. But I know I did back then and it was among my very favorite comedy films from that year. What I liked most about it was the political incorrectness really because that is something we don't get very often, especially not here in Germany where filmmakers are 100% aware that if they do not make a film that story-wise or at least ending-wise goes in hand with the mainstream media and the government's take on the refugee crisis, they are in deep deep trouble. Anyway, I am drifting a bit away, so lets take a look at this movie we got here. Like I wrote in the title, I do believe it is slightly inferior to the first film, but I still enjoyed it most of the time. This has to do most of all with Christian Clavier, who I like a lot usually and I was glad to see him voice Astérix in the new animated movie, but also that he is back for this one we have here. I think the rest of the cast also return, even though I must admit that while liking French films I was not too aware of any of the actors(' names) in here. So the one that stayed most memorable to me was the actress who played the pregnant character because she was downright gorgeous. So in the first film it is all about Mr. Claude's daughters bonding with men from all kinds of different backgrounds (a Jew, a Muslim, a Black man and an Asian). And they are of course also all still together in here. The key idea in this film is that each and every one of these four couples decide to leave France and move away to Israel, Algeria, China and India. But yeah, let me say this was not the greatest idea honestly. It did not feel too realistic that all of these would decide so independently at the same time and when they eventually dismiss the idea (due to Mr. Claude's involvement admittedly), it did not feel too authentic that really all of them would change their minds. Also pay attention to how it is initially always the men who have the idea, but the women carry them with them. And how it is also all the men who lose the idea first again. Not the greatest approach to strong female character writing.

In addition to this, there is focus on one of the men's father and how his daughter has a lesbian marriage coming up that the father, a devout African Christian has no idea is about to happen. Well, this story did not work out entirely either. I mean come on. There is a long-distance relationship going on that hardly anybody knows something about and they decide to marry? Really? Because they can now thanks to progress in gender equality ? I don't think so. So the heart and soul of this film story-wise were really not too good. Luckily, this movie instead works as a sketch comedy, occasionally again thanks to its lack of interest in political correctness. The best example is the guy who few from the Taliban who makes for some hilarious scenes every time he is on, be it with the Asian guy and the saw, the special belt and Mr. Claude or the first time hea appears to Mr. Claude's wife. Good stuff there. Some stereotypes are included again as well, one for each man: The Jew gets the financial success part, sadly he really lacks in this department. The Muslim lawyer gets the women wanting to fight for their rights to wear a burqa. The Asia is constantly scared because rich Asians are the primary target group for criminals (allegedly) these days and the African guy gets his Bollywood career and idea that he just won't get cast by anybody because even white actors are taking away his roles, such as Othello. Or Omar Sy of course. All this was kinda funny and made for some solid running gags. This film was at its best when it was at its most shameless. Don't pay too much attention to the key plots or expect great story lines. It is more about the situational comedy that can be appreciated here. Even there sometimes they go more than just a bit over the top, but it's easy to laugh about nonetheless. The ending indicated that there will most likely not be a third Mr. Claude movie, but we will see. Probably the commercial success of this second film is nowhere near the level of the first anyway, so they will dismiss this idea. Overall, you could say that with entering retirement. Mr. Claude is almost less significant in this film as well compared to his 4 daughters' men. Which is not always a bad thing. Pascal N'Zonzi deserves a special mention as overall he is almost more fun than Clavier this time and that means quite something coming from me as I am a Clavier fan like I said earlier. I think this should be all then. If you liked the first film, then go watch this one. It is pretty decent overall. If you haven't seen the first, which probably only applies to people outside France, then watch these two as a double feature together. Both aren't that long, so it would be less than 3.5 hours overall. Mr. Claude 2 gets a thumbs-up from me, but not a highly enthusiastic one this time. Oh and by the way you can clearly see it is a family movie on several occasions that involve the slightest bit of violence or use of weapons that they were very concerned to keep this film as harmless as possible to make sure young audiences won't be kept away. C'est tout.
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