Review of Green Acres

Green Acres (1965–1971)
23 September 2014
I've known many who pan this show as pure drudge. Nay, I say to thee, this show was the pinnacle of genius. The jokes may be 'childish', 'sophomoric' and 'dumb' but they are meant to be. This show is one of the most amazingly funny shows ever produced BECAUSE it's humor is so dumb. It's meant to be dumb and done so well, the average person just does not get the joke. And think about it, Eddie Albert was a VERY accomplished actor. Does anyone really think he'd sign on to a stupid show? A brilliant show made to seem stupid, YES! And Eva Gabor, the ONLY Gabor worth ever remembering (were there any others, eh, who gives a damn?) was dumb so brilliantly, how could you not love her and her character?

I don't care what anyone says, if you watch this show with an open mind, or even a closed one that can grasp pure satire and NOT laugh your ass off, you need some serious counseling. Small, rural town life satired to the point of absurdity while also skewering uptight, big city snobs is just too funny to every dismiss as anything but brilliant. I've used that word a lot, and I mean it.
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