Preposterous plot, nice cinematography
9 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Am I going senile? I simply can't believe the reviews, awards and ratings that have been festooned on this movie.

The plot: based purely on the fact that somebody looks somewhat shifty in an old photo, a murder suspect is identified. Er, OK you've lost me already. Where would we find this murder suspect? Why not pop along to the football stadium, we're sure to spot him in a crowd of only 20,000 or so. There he is! Quick!

Now we have him in custody, let's get a confession out of him, we have 6 minutes. Done deal! Next!

The relationships between the protagonists are frankly juvenile. The film is an insult to one's intelligence and if it had been made in USA starring - say - Bruce Willis, it would have been pure B list fodder.

It's too long as well, and the music made me want to eat my own fingers. Nice cinematography though.
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