Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
Stargate seems to grow up
8 November 2009
It is true, that SGU is in some ways a kind of 'Battlegate Atlantica Light', especially in visuals and drama. That's why I like it much more than SG-1 and SGA. Especially the slightly shaky 'reality cam' with the much nearer approach to a person's face is what I liked on BSG, because it gives you the feeling of being right beside the actors. Anyone who hates this, or the colors of BSG, or its dramatic behavior, might be displeased, even with this 'Light' version of an obvious mixture of BSG, SGA, and (only in plot) Voyager.

After all, I wonder about the age of the audience the producers intend. I think that SG-1 and SGA are for younger people than Stargate Universe, because of the simplicity, nice women and militarism there, which fascinates mostly young people (= boys, who want have a girlfriend like Samantha Carter and a gun).

SGU has a little deeper approach, and fortunately (I just saw ep.07) not so many (cheap) missions in the greenery, which I always hated, from Star Trek TOS to BSG. Coming with this, there is much less military, almost no shooting (I am very surprised about that), and less McGuyverism (although they could not always withstand), although more personal problems, failures and obscurities.

That makes - in my opinion - SGU more human. The mastermind, Dr. Rush, is someways completely helpless with the Ancient ship's systems. It seems, he could have a plan - but he hasn't. He is in no way as brilliant as Samantha Carter or Rodney McKay, he is weak and struggles with his past. Col. Young is not as tough as Sheperd or O'Neill. And thats advantageous.

For the moment, we have no enemies except those inside the acting persons and inside the organization. The main enemy is ignorance, helplessness and inscrutable Ancient technology. Maybe thats a lack, because from where could an ally/enemy like Todd the Wraith (whose potential wasn't even fully used in SGA) come from ? - Let's see, what the producers have in mind for us.

After the first few episodes I fear alas, that the tensions and problems of the pilot will be solved in time, and the series go back to good old Stargate Business, to say so, everybody is happy with everybody, and go further and fight out problems (even with guns ?), using the ship's advanced technology more and more.

The actors in SGU are very good, beginning with Robert Carlyle, who fits perfectly in his character. Justin Louis has a great performance as a partially broken shepherd of a herd of civilians, and well, David Blue...he has the easiest part here and does it very well. The big surprise is J.W. Smith, who brings the most rude/cool and also maybe most wise marine in the Stargate Universe. He has definitively charisma. Unfortunately there are no female characters to mention, because the script doesn't give them much chances. In ep.07 there is more with the Chloe Armstrong Character, but it's only a half-hearted try. Ming-Na does well in ep.05, but her character also should have more to do than being afraid.

Until now, my best episode of Stargate Universe until now was nr.5, where the whole staff incl. writers successfully gave their best to create a real milestone. I'm curious if they can top it in the future.
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