The Bridge (TV Series 2013–2014) Poster

(I) (2013–2014)

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hesperuswreck14 July 2013
Although it's an acquired taste, any fan of AMC's "The Killing" will quickly pick up on the parallels in this unusual murder mystery. It features two oddly paired police detectives, one from the El Paso police and another from Ciudad Juarez. As in the killing, the female detective is dedicated but personally challenged by an imbalanced personality and a singular drive to follow her leads to the bitter end. Unlike other viewers, I like Diane Kruger in the role and think we're only seeing the beginning of her personality development: I do believe she is an Asperger's sufferer and captures the traits of one afflicted with this quite well. There are many high-functioning and accomplished individuals with these symptoms all around the country, and in many ways, her focus on the details and minutiae of this case will help rather than hinder her along the way.

As her mismatched Mexican partner in the investigation, Demian Bechir possesses all the odd charm of his counterpart in "The Killing," the streetwise and pragmatic Detective Holder.

I've never seen a TV program that focuses on a sensitive border issue or the tragedy of so many murdered girls in Juarez, so I applaud FX for giving us something truly original. "The Killing" is the only thing remotely comparable to it, and I actually like the same type of slow unraveling of a gripping mystery we're being drawn into. I'm so weary of the CSI and Law and Order one-hour quick kill and wrap-up compacted into one hour of predictable procedural. I'll definitely keep watching!
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Unusual look at an unusual problem
drjgardner29 July 2013
People seem to be split over "The Bridge" which makes sense for a TV show that probes the dialectic between North and South, white and brown, rich and poor. On the positive side we have an important contemporary topic (the slaughter of young girls in Mexico), some really interesting photography, and a lead character who is struggling with a mental health problem (think "Monk" as another of those rare TV shows that deal with this). Then there is some good acting, from Demian Bichir (he played Castro in "Che" and was nominated for an Oscar for "A Better Life") who plays a Mexican detective, Diana Maria Riva who plays receptionist Kitty, Ted Levine (the serial killer from "Silence of the Lambs") as the haggard Police Lieutenant, and Annabelle Gish (from "The Brotherhood") who plays a widow just learning about her life.

On the negative side, some of the scenes are a little gruesome to say the least, there is a lot of sex which may turn off some viewers (even while it turns on others), and the plot is complex, with multiple story lines that I suspect will ultimately intersect, but which can be burdensome to keep up with at this early stage. And of course, many people find Diane Kruger's Detective Cross a little disconcerting.

Personally I like the discomfort this show brings. I also like not having another one in an endless stream of attractive bouncy policewomen detectives. Co-creators Meredith Stiehm and Elwood Reid gave us another unusual female series star in Kathryn Morris's work in "Cold Case" (2003-2010), and that show was very memorable. So I'm prepared to stick with this one too. I give it an 8, which is probably more than it deserves at this point, but I think it has the potential to develop into a 10.

FWIW - If the multiple story lines confuse you, I suggest you record 3 or more shows before you watch them, and then have a marathon session in which you watch several in a row. This will make the multiple story lines easier to understand.
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Clueless reviewers
nataliachick714 June 2019
Geez. Most people clearly have no clue what people on the autism spectrum are like. Sonia cross has what is formerly known as aspergers-now it's reclassified as a form of ASD-autism spectrum disorder. As someone who deals with this, I can say that Diane's performance is SPOT on. The first episode may have been a little shaky-but after that it's all good. I also want to point out that further in the series you do see her character get emotional-and I've seen people complain about that, because they claim it's "innacurate". It's not. People on the spectrum are prone to meltdowns and sometimes innapropriate emotional reactions. This can easily happen when it's something that's emotionally connected to them. Diane does a great job with this role.
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Sometimes Originals Are Originals
mail-150-70559424 September 2013
While in the original TV series Sofia Helin gives an outstanding, sometimes funny, always compelling portrait of a police detective challenged with Asperger syndrome, her US counterpart takes out most of the fun by making her personality quite unbelievable.

The same goes for Demian Bichir. His complex character of the Danish Cop in personal troubles becomes the caricature of Latino clichés similar to the perception the US has about their southern neighbor as a whole.

The crisp design of this former superb Scandinavian TV series turns into a the the kind of blunt, boring, mediocre, dark mash of cop series that swamp TV sets world wide.

If you have the possibility, see the superb original to appreciate what TV can do.
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Don't listen to the naysayers
jij9811114 July 2013
I am always amused by reviewers claim to have seen the "original" foreign version and then proceed to give one or two stars to any American version. I have watched the original of this series and liked it a lot. So I was interested to see how the show was recast for an American audience. So far, the plot is very true to the original and as close as it can given the change in countries. And it is at least as good as the original as far as the first show is concerned.

What I liked about this show is the interesting twist of the two partners who are effectively forced to team up with each other. For me, the Americanization of the plot line was a positive and I thought was very well done.

Try this show and I think you will like it if you like solid police procedurals with an interesting twist in the personalities of the main characters.

Edit: After watching the first 5 episodes of this sleeper show of the season, I believe this version tops the original. It grabbed my attention from the beginning and its interweaving of the US border problems, drug dealing and wild west type newspaper headlines is very well done. Watch it and enjoy.

One last thought. The original was topical to Sweden and Denmark so I am amazed how naysayers who saw the original either never spotted the topical nature of the show or seem to be saying that the Sweden/Denmark cultural aspect of the original show should have been duplicated in a U.S. show! Most U.S. viewers would not know what to make of seeing Sweden/Denmark cultural clashes or even know of those clashes! What are these naysayers thinking??
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Love Diane Kruger's character
tolstoy196926 July 2013
I think Diane Kruger's portrayal might be off putting to people who don't realize Sonya's character has Asperger's. Once you know that, I think her character will make more sense. I think she does a brilliant job as Sonya. In fact, I think all the character portrayals are well done. I like Demián Bichir's polar opposite character where Sonya is socially awkward and inept so she says and does what ever comes to mind while Marco has to navigate the delicate politics of not going out of bounds with his Mexican Superiors and is good at charming his way into and out of most situations. I haven't seen the original show this was based on so can't compare but if it's better than this, I'll have to see it some day : )
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ferfer7213 July 2013
As someone who teaches students with special needs, I find the character of Sonya North spot-on. I think this is a VERY well-put-together show. It is well-cast, well-scripted, and does a great job of keeping the audience in suspense.

Interestingly, I thought North was the protagonist, not Ruiz. While we do see Ruiz's home life in the pilot, we learn an awful lot about North's life. It is also great to see Ted Levine in a show again. I wonder how one goes from being Buffalo Bill in "The Silence of the Lambs" to playing a cop repeatedly.

It will be interesting to learn how Matthew Lillard and Annabeth Gish's characters will fit into the story. I can't wait to get lost in the episodes of this show!
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Matthew Lilliard
twelve-house-books3 February 2022
Matthew Lilliard makes this series worth watching. Not since the character Jeff Spiccoli has there been a more hilarious druggie. Aside from the tons of humor created by Lilliard, the story itself is riveting and gives a close-up look at Mexican cartels and American corruption. The many death scenes are not for the weak-minded, reminding one of Criminal Minds (but not as weird).
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Kruger playing character with Asperger's
rozzwellguy11 July 2013
SPOILER: Being intimately familiar with Asperger Syndrome (AS), I think it would be extremely difficult for an actor to play. Kruger did a reasonably good job in the first episode and I think that's actually why some people were turned off by her performance; AS is often characterized by the flat affect that she is exhibiting and it doesn't make for the kind of dynamic character that people are usually drawn to.

This show should spark a lot of discussion and raise awareness of AS. The plot piqued my interest and I'll definitely continue to watch.

(Note to director: Shot of victim's eyes fading into headlights was cool!)
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Starts good, gets better
Hughmanity19 April 2022
The first season is a remake of the original Danish-Swedish version of The Bridge but they do enough differently to make it interesting. The show uses the story of the bridge murder to explore the dynamic between the US and Mexico and the corruption and helplessness felt in the face of the powerful narcos.

The first season does a good job with the remake and then the second season dives deeper into the narco state and the people that are corrupted or left dead in its wake. Some great characters pop up and there is no black and white, only interesting shades of gray among them. I really enjoyed the second season which started to remind me of Breaking Bad a bit, both in the descent of a particular character into corruption and just in general great quality of the show.

In summary the first season was an 8 for me and the second season a 10 so I landed on 9 for the series grade. Too bad they didn't go for more seasons but they went out on top quality which is rare, so thanks to all involved.
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[6.5] A sad and insipid compote and mock-up
cjonesas16 April 2020
People involved in creation of remakes or based on series / movies often forget that they don't have or need to do it in the first place if they don't possess the true material and right script / storylines for doing so, being capable to do justice to the often bright original version and its exclusive and right atmosphere.

We have a series that fails on all accounts in regard to the original, shouldn't have been named The Bridge and shouldn't have been (falsely) based on the awesomly successful Swedish-Danish version and production.

  • It lacks the cold, rightly done, grimmy, menacing and dark atmosphere and vibe of the original
  • It lacks the brilliant diamond-like play and portrayal of the original female lead investigator that won't be mimicked or surpassed for a long long time. With all respect, Diane Kruger doesn't pull off an epsilone of that.
  • It lacks the very good cast and acting of the original
  • It has an awful and bizarre opening sequence soundtrack, not being of interest and not contributing to the show
  • It has a messed up script and story with lots of fillers, blood and (unsuccessful) violence depicting the American-Mexican mishmash
  • To its credit: It has some good acting, mainly by Demián Bichir (Marco Ruiz) and Eric Lange (Kenneth Hastings)
  • To its credit: It has some entertaining values letting it flow mindlessly before your eyes, episode by episode, until its jumbled ending
  • To its credit: Very good for practising the Spanish language and idioms

To wrap it up in one sentence, a forgettable series with latin vibes and culture, best put back on the shelves and have a restart of the nostalgic Bron/Broen.
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Great Series
belle_moon2 September 2013
I love this show. I can't wait until the next week to find out what happens next. My husband and I watch this together and we both love it. It is a great series. The series has suspense, murder, sabotage, mystery and humor. Each week's episode contains an unexpected twist. I keep wondering how are they going to keep the series going long enough for a season but they keep me coming back each week. My favorite characters are the Mexican protagonists. Marco Ruiz, his wife, the female reported and the drug lady. I also really enjoy watching the guy who played Shaggy in the Scooby Doo Movie as a drug addict reported. He is entertaining and really does a fabulous job in series. I hope this series last a very long time. It brings attention to the horrible things happening in Juarez that people now consider commonplace in Juarez and are no longer horrified by the atrocities. I have been waiting for The Bridge for many years. There is no other show like it on TV.
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A pale shadow of the original Swedish series
Vindelander3 August 2021
Absolutely dreadful remake and a totally different and incoherent storyline. I found it hard to follow and the gratuitous sex scenes were a real embarrassment and not worthy of Annabeth Gish.

If it wasn't badged as a remake of the original it would have been more bearable but I gave up after episode 8. Time again I wouldn't have bothered.
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anjacolsen17 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Why do all non-US series have to be converted into US series? It's an insult to viewers and an insult to the original product. You cannot translate the delicate interaction between two people from Scandinavia into US vs. Mexico cooperation by slapping different geography on it. It's just wrong.

The British love the series that have come out of Denmark and Sweden over recent years, and even so much that they have devoted an entire channel to the mystery that is Nordic television. How come the Americans have to convert these brilliant stories into US versions? Is it because the population in the US is unable to read subtitles when watching a foreign program? Don't know, but I think it is a shame to mess up something so brilliantly made to make it more accessible for the US viewers. Some programs are meant to be challenging and require some effort on the viewer's part.

You are missing out on a lot of good television in the US from all over the world because of this kind of censorship.
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What are they thinking?!
narafem11 July 2013
I watched the Danish version of the bridge and am a big fan. The premise of the American version HAD me really excited. The fact that they tried to copy exactly the Danish version was a complete disaster. Diane Kruger is horrible in this role. I don't doubt she has talent but they should have allowed for her to play the role in her own way instead of copying an unforgettable role that was already done (and done well).I had a hard time sitting through the 1st episode. Demian Bichir is the only redeeming quality in this show and might be the only reason I continue to watch. The female lead in the Danish version is extremely hard to pull off, so they shouldn't have even tried. I'm seriously saddened since I had high hopes for this show. Did no one watch the reels before putting them out for human consumption? Was there not a test audience?
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Dense and Rich
jobear248416 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
While AMC gets most of the glory for redirecting viewers in search of quality programming from major network to basic cable with shows like Breaking Bad and Mad Men, FX is definitely holding their own with Justified, Sons of Anarchy, and their newest venture The Bridge. As Shakespeare said "There is nothing new under the sun", and The Bridge isn't exactly new either. It's a remake of Denmark's "Bron", which also means "the bridge". Yet while the original focused on a crime that took place on the borders of Denmark and Sweden, FX's version focuses on the much grittier border of Mexico and the U.S., specifically the darkly criminal Juarez and comparatively backwoods El Paso. When a woman is found murdered and laid out directly on the border bridge, it forces law agents from both locations to work together.

This show is dense and rich, the TV equivalent of brownie cheesecake. It starts with the two leads, Diane Kruger playing Det. Sonya Cross and the real find- Demian Bichir as her Mexican counterpart Marco Ruiz. Kruger is playing down the physical beauty that landed her the roll of Helen in the movie Troy, and her Det. Cross is so socially awkward because of her struggle with Asperger's her scenes are painful to watch- in the good way. While there were times when I thought Kruger was overdoing it slightly, there was nothing jarring, and there were moments of fragility she played beautifully. Ruiz is her polar opposite, smooth and charismatic, charming ladies out of information as quickly and easily as Cross causes people to shut down. Bichir, whose IMDb credits are mostly Spanish language rolls, displays acting as effortless as his character's charm- there wasn't a single false note. Their assumptions of one another and the way their behavior is expected to be, should be, and will be compared to the actions they actually take is wonderfully constructed conflict that transcends the cliché butting of heads usually found in plots like this.

There are other threads and characters presented that aren't immediately clear how they relate to each other, mainly a recently widowed politician's wife, played by the always-good-to-see Annabeth Gish, whose husband was into something behind literal closed doors. There's an egotistical reporter that is introduced as a stereotype who quickly develops pathos when put in a unique danger. We also glimpse a sinister coyote- not the animal, but someone who escorts illegal immigrants across the border for high prices- but his may be the highest of all. There were complexities of family and mentors added to the leads, and the writers balanced all of this without being convoluted or feeling like anything was just filler.

A lot happened though very little was revealed in the hour and half pilot, at no point did I find this languid. The Bridge is drawing comparisons to another Denmark import, AMC's The Killing- but after just the first episode I already have higher hopes for it- even though The Killing was another show I thoroughly enjoyed. There was more delicious tension here. There is also a healthy dose of trepidation while watching. We the viewers are preparing for (and looking forward to) dark times ahead. There is such a sense of place; I love when a location becomes something of a character in and of itself. There are hints of politics, national and race, which entered into the scope of the show without any screechy preaching. Even the cinematography is high quality and real- the night feels like night, not just day with a lens filter. This show is definitely worth watching, and unless it takes a series of serious missteps in the future I will be.
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Next Breaking Bad
marygilbert618 July 2013
The Bridge could very well be the next "Breaking Bad". I do not understand the criticism of the Sonya character. Different types of characters make stories better. I think she is great and truly acts like she has Aspergers Syndrome. With all of the cookie cutter cop shows on TV now.....I was delighted to see the bridge. My husband and I grew up in El Paso and find the settings, language etc. very realistic. I hope it gets to stay on the air because it has so much potential........there are too many reality shows and Honey boo boo type already. Quality TV is rare....this could be great if given a chance.
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If it was bad I would say it, but it isn't...
deloudelouvain24 February 2015
First of all it's not possible for me to compare this series to its original Danish version because I didn't see it. Most of the time the original versions are better but honestly for this one I don't really care because this show is good enough for me to be well entertained. And I am sure that the Danish/Swedish conflict could not be compared to the American/Mexican conflict. And that's just the point that makes this series highly enjoyable. The whole connection that two different detectives from different countries have is a delight to watch. Diane Kruger (as detective Sonya Cross) puts down a good performance playing her character with Asperger Syndrome. Demian Bichir (as detective Marco Ruiz) is perfect in his role, trying to keep his integrity as much as possible in an environment where corruption rules. The plot has enough twists to keep you intrigued. A good show for those who like crimes and mysteries.
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Holds up better than I expected, compared to the Scandi-noir series
canuckteach23 September 2022
A body is found on the bridge from El Paso, Tx to Juarez, Mexico, a half-body on each size of the dividing line of the border. The killer in this series is ruthless, very resourceful and capable of pulling off amazing deception to hide his identity. This includes: knocking out the lights & cameras on 'the Bridge'; contacting authorities to level demands, using location & voice encryption; and planting evidence to incriminate other weirdos. In one scenario, he locks a reporter in his car, and sets off a countdown on a bomb planted in the backseat. What's unusual is that the killer later discloses that he has a vendetta against the reporter, which makes us wonder why the bomb was not foolproof?

The performances and suspense are very good, even if the plot is somewhat fanciful. By episode 11, we are pretty much wrapped up on the who & the whys, which makes me wonder why 13 episodes? I would suggest you end it there. In the interim, there is some bad language and a few sensual scenes worth fast-forwarding, if, like me, you preferred the sanitary depictions of intimacy of the 1940 film noirs (camera pans away from a couple alone in a room).

We binged this over the course of a few days-so, I can hardly rate it below 8. Stripping out the fluff, the show's pacing would have improved with 8 episodes-not 13. That'd include NOT bothering to resolve every little plot-line.
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Poor knockoff of Swedish series
Siddhartha146 June 2021
I've seen this series from various countries. No one, I mean no one comes close to Sofia Helin's Saga portrayal. Of all the countries' portrayals, this one is the poorest due to bad acting by the lead female. Truly awful and embarassing. Instead of this, watch "The Tunnel" from Great Britain. That actress did a decent job of the detective's portrayal, although still not close to the performance from Sofia Helin. Kim Bodnia is also irreplaceable as the other detective.
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Interesting timing. I see a 'Breaking Bad' cult like develop for this.
JohnRayPeterson26 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There are plenty of viewers who have not and will not see the original Euro series for a variety of reasons, the most obvious of course being sub-titles (if an American version is available). I'm a fan of Swedish thrillers but given the numerous comments to the effect that the plot as basically been true enough to the original, and given I've started to watch this American version I'll wait till I've seen the 13 episodes. With the last eight episode of the last season of 'Breaking Bad' around the corner, the timing for launching 'The Bridge' is fortuitous.

Having watched only the first three episodes so far, I'm satisfied that the IMDb storyline will suffice for the prospective viewer's 'need to know' about the plot. I was a huge 'Breaking Bad' fan and I sense that once viewers have seen at least a few episodes, they will want to see the rest, just like the Vince Gilligan series. The comparison is of course not based on the characters or the plot, as they are far apart from each other. What makes me use this comparison is that the characters are developing before our eyes in much the way as the award winning series did develop its characters.

Most of the negative reviews about the first few episodes have been focused on the performance of Diane Kruger; so here's my take on this to start off. She plays a detective with Asperger syndrome and that is a most difficult role to do, for anyone. That syndrome is a form of autism and viewers may tend to compare her performance to that of notables who have played so brilliantly such role before; I'm thinking of course of Dustin Hoffman and Claire Danes. But Asperger is just not the same. Some reviewers were kind enough to relate their personal experiences dealing with Asperger individuals and if you do your research you will find out the characteristics of these individuals afflicted with the syndrome are ones very hard to detect on the surface or in casual contact. Hence, Kruger's character will not be endearing; it would make no sense, unless the producers were going for flash. I'll admit I was put off by the character at first (1st episode) but once I got to understand the character, and after a little research, I love Kruger's performance.

The counterpart to Kruger's Sonya Cross character, is Marco Ruiz, played oh so well by Damian Bichir. The dynamics of these two main characters are so different in that each has much to be concerned about personally, Cross with the future of her job and Ruiz with the life of his family at risk; such is only scratching the possibilities and directions the investigation can and will be taking us. Each episode so far has had developments that ramp up the intrigue and get us more and more involved and wanting to know WHAT NEXT. To be continued: I hope and trust to have still a positive edit to this review by the end of the 13 episodes.
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watch The original Danish/Sweedish first with subs.
surfisfun9 May 2019
Doesn't compare well. The main actress is not acting the same. in the Euro version , the main actors and secondary ones well chosen . The original is very addictive lol enjoy!
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Different drama series with a twist of so much more!!
janet880726 September 2014
I love The Bridge. It's just a breath of fresh air from your other crime shows. The Bridge is not for everybody. This show is bloody,violent, sexual, horrible (in a good way) and so much more. But at the same its good, funny, enjoyable. It just keeps getting better and better and you just keep wanting more. I can't get over the whole I'm good, I'm bad, I'm evil. Its just so good. The partnership between Sonya and Marcos is so genuine. It's not romantic its just really good cops doing a good job. And I would hate it if they go the romantic way for those two. Sonya and Marcos are meant to be best friends. Sound cheesy but its true. Its like a you have to watch it to know what I'm taking about.
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No way,no how to top the original!
alshwenbear129 October 2013
YES, I HAVE SEEN THE ORIGINAL! And the biggest flaw of this remake is Diane Kruger's inability, to reenact what Sofia Helin did as Saga Norén, pretty much every other actor in the FX version is acceptable, but I will argue anyone who believes that this is a good recreation of the original concept!

Just for your Information this is a dumb down version for unintelligent viewers, if it wasn't for the good acting of Demian Bichir and Ted Levine, this one would belong on the trash bin!

We know that Saga has Aspergers Disorder and Sonia besides of being annoying seems to be just mentally challenged, besides, this remake, lacks the finesse that the smart concept and storyline that the Bron/Broen's writers (Jannis Noya Makrigiannis, Anders Rhedin and Fridolin T.S. Nordsø) managed to convey for such a gripping police-drama.

If you don't believe me, just watch both versions on a parallel schedule, on twenty hours you'll find yourself as naive for believing that the Bridge is as good as the original! For fifty bucks, at Amazon you will find the truth!
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The falling down
skay_baltimore15 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen all 3 versions of this series: the Danish original, the French/British "The Tunnel", and this. Trust me...London Bridge might not be falling down, but this bridge most definitely is. I disagree with some reviewers who have criticized Diane Kruger's portrayal of a detective with Asperger's Syndrome. In fact, she was about the only one in this show who did a halfway decent job, but that's not saying much. Her character in the other productions is 100% consistent with her Aspergers Syndrome. Specifically, she can only bond -- somewhat -- with her supervisor. With everyone else she is distant and robot-like. In this show she irrationally (and insanely) bonds with her sister's killer's brother, in an emotional/romantic way, that's completely out of character.

The rest is just a total mess -- from the stereotypical portrayal of a Mexican policeman, to the idiotic reporter Daniel Frye, to the incomprehensible story arc of Charlotte Millwright, to the equally incomprehensible story arc of Steven Linder, to the bizarre story arc of Eleanor Nacht -- this show jumps the shark and never gets back on track. And while the story arcs of the competing US agencies (CIA, DEA) and the corrupt Mexican government might be factual, the story TELLING is little more than a Mexican soap opera. The characters are constantly making decisions that would make witless characters in slasher movies look intelligent by contrast.

This show is without a doubt the worst of the three. The original Danish version is the best, and "The Tunnel" is a runner up. And whereas The Tunnel tried its best to stay true to form to the original, this series deviates left and right and totally loses itself in the process. If you're interested in some mindless distraction, or if you're interested in seeing just how off the rails this show is compared to the original, give it a try. Otherwise, save yourself the aggravation and look elsewhere.
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