DogMan (2023) Poster


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Another great film from Monsieur Besson
Boristhemoggy29 January 2024
Douglas Munrow upsets his bully father who throws him to the dogs as punishment. But he befriends the dogs and they stay with him throughout his tempestuous life.

There's so much to say about this film. Part of it is down to the mind of Besson who never fails to bring a quality produced film with a -sometimes- slightly bizarre theme.

Caleb Landry Jones is superb as Douglas. His performance alone is so mesmerising you could easily forget what the plot of the film is. The plot is basically man's inhumanity to man, contrasting to dog's devotion to man. Which are the purer animals? The ones full of hate and violence? Or the ones full of love and friendliness?

The story is told mainly by dialogue between Douglas and his assigned psychiatrist Evelyn, played admirably by JoJo T Gibbs. And also flashbacks which fill in the gaps for us. However the timeline never seems forced, or interrupted. It flows like a great story should giving us exactly what we need to know and only when we need it.

Their narrative explores some of the issues about right and wrong, self justification, hiding from who you really are and being exactly as you want to be.

It corners on how pain from other humans can cause us to change and be different to how we should be. Yet a dog or an innocent child can bring us back from the brink.

Very much enjoyed this film, Landry Jones blew me away, that's the best I've ever seen him. And with Besson behind the scenes production is fabulous in all ways.

I give it a rock solid 7.
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Great movie for Dog Lovers!
sammy-gibson25 February 2024
Due to the fact that I'm a Dog Lover I'm probably a little biased. However, I did think this was a well done movie. It had an "Indie" feel to it.

It also had a very heart wrenching story line to boot. I also went into this not expecting anything really. Boy was I surprised! I found myself glued to the screen. Like I said I personally am a dog lover, but this did have a great story. The acting by the main character was very good.

To be fair it is probably not for everyone, but if you are a dog lover this one is a must watch! The story illustrates just how loyal, and healing a good dog can be in a person's life. In this case a lot of

I would totally watch this one again!
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fleurlily-151904 February 2024
I finally watched Dogman and didn't expect to like it. The story was very interesting and made me curious about the ultimate fate of the main character. I think Luc Besson is quite good at writing and portraying the character of Douglas. His character also develops throughout the story and is not stuck in a certain situation and certainly not pretentious. What I like about this film is that the dialogues are quite meaningful and in accordance with the reality of human life. A little bit religious. Despite the controversy of Luc Besson, I admit that he is quite good at making films. This film is worthy and fun to watch.
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Makes you love dogs even more!
dweston-3866926 March 2024
This bizarre, odd drama/thriller had many critics rolling their eyes I'm disbelief, according to the reviews I read.

I found it daring, ballsy, utterly strange ,poignant and had lots of heart.

It also contains lots of cute,lovely dogs.... Caleb Laundry Jones continues his journey into playing socially detached, awkward characters and like his previous effective performance in Nitram,he isn't afraid of portraying them with a sense of sympathy either.

He's one of the best actors around at the moment.

To play a disabled guy in leg irons,dressed in drag takes courage in today's toxic,cancel culture.

The film is like a twisted version of Oliver Twist,with dogs as the artful dodgers.

The Little Big Man/Forrest Gump style setup works on showing the audience show this strange man with his'children' of dogs came to be.

Only the ending feels rushed and out of place.
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Filip-Kolakowski4 December 2023
I am really not convinced that this was a good film. In countless little and large parts the action feels like it is only just holding together thanks to clichés so overused they can only point in one direction.

At the same time Caleb left me breathless. His presence stole the show not just in how over the top he played but also in modulating into relatively quieter moments with ease, speed and precision.

Laughing at the movie, with the movie. Being scared for the movie, and then for the characters themselves. Somehow it all seemed to harmonize - a rhyme with no reason.

There was definitely a strong message there but again I could not catch it.

I was amazed at the creativity of everyone involved, and the shear number of what was clearly pulled straight out from somewhere else.

Between the story itself just holding on for it's own dear life, the incredible performance and just the insanity of the whole concept I simply could not take my eyes of the screen. Tension was rising on the screen as well as on a meta level. It was like an old wooden rollercoaster and I could not discern between the thrill of what was lacking in construction and the multitude of sharp fantastical curves.

I loved it all the way, will watch it again, will make my friends watch it.

Gripping. Transcendental. Up its own ass. Gripping.
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Not great, not terrible
jtindahouse3 October 2023
Short review: This was the third Secret Screening at Fantastic Fest this year. When it was announced I had never heard of it and had to do a quick IMDb search to find out what I was in for. It didn't really sound like my kind of thing, but I went in with an open mind hoping to be pleasantly surprised. It was a middling film. It had some good stuff, it had some bad stuff. But for the most part, other than a great performance by Caleb Landry Jones, it was pretty forgettable.

The film takes the approach of: who could hate dogs? It gets a lot of its brownie points from close ups of dogs making cute faces. It works, but it's also a little cheap and easy.

I heard mixed things about this after the show. Some saying it their favourite of the fest, others saying their least favourite. I can see it being quite a divisive experience. For me it was somewhere in the middle. 6/10.
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Amazing acting
pupqy29 February 2024
Yes first movie that comes to mind is Joker. Yes it had great acting and yes it was more realistic.

Without spoiling much , acting was amazing, and I loved the ending , it reminded me to magnolia , how the entire movie was "heavy" and then the ending made it "chill out".

Just don't take this movie seriously but pay attention to what it symbolizes like some other reviewers explained. Every thing till add up, second rewatch is recommended to enjoy what the movie symbolizes.

Sound track was great too, it really added to the movie.

I watched a lot of movies in my life and this goes on my top 100.

And I believe this is my first review after using IMDb for more than 10 years.

Amazing work, bravo!
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A bizzare creation but very well-done
FixedYourEnding28 February 2024
Dogman tells a story of a unique and outlandish character from a kid growing up in broken home and how he survived his adulthood. Categorizing this movie as an action film and a name like 'Dogman' might lead you to expect a fast-paced or a superhero movie, but although there are some action bits in this movie, it mostly deals with social issues, crime and art.

If you are a dog lover you will like this film and you will see plenty of this friendly breed in it, however this film is not about dogs, it could have been about bats or robots (although the name Batman is already taken) with the same kind of success.

Luc Besson does a great job here of telling a story, which he usually does well. I don't know what made him come up with this story but it's not something you see every day. The acting here is superb and made me rate this movie higher than I would otherwise do.

Overall I think this movie is worth watching, as long as you come in with the right expectations. If you can enjoy some art, singing and also some uneasy violent scenes you will enjoy this one. Exact score: 71 / 100.
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Must be loved by a dog person
annaisakova1 February 2024
Well, what can I say? As a dog behaviorist, I resonate completely with the main character. However, the main theme of this movie goes beyond dogs; it's about us-human beings who ostracize others from society due to disability, different skin color, or whatever else our minds conceive. It explores psychological trauma and our failure to support one another. The film highlights that animals, often deemed inferior, can surpass us in kindness. Let's be kind to each other and all beings on Earth. Thanks to Luc Besson for creating this beautiful movie, despite its heartbreaking ending. I highly recommend this movie.
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Solid Besson
xnicofingerx28 February 2024
A new Besson, so a viewing is a must, but this time under subjectively difficult circumstances. I don't like dogs or men in women's clothes. So before the film started, I had to grit my teeth. As the film progresses, however, the story becomes less of a torture than I had feared and even gains my interest. The travesty isn't a tune-up, but an escape from oneself, the dogs an escape from people. The protagonist largely disappears into social asylum, but without becoming completely lonely. It sounds like a profound story, but it's not. You can blame Dogman for this, or you can simply realise beforehand what you can expect from Besson. A cinema kaleidoscope bursting with ideas, at first glance with heavy subject matter, but then remaining on the surface until the very end.

Worth mentioning in my subjective qualitative categorisation are some, not a few, negative reviews. "Weak story", yes, as with almost every fantasy film, that's where I would classify it. "One star" / "Two points", here the term "rubbish" really applies, a real rating should ultimately reflect the work on the entire film world. "Joker rip-off", yes, definitely about 5 per cent.

I can at least recommend Dogman to Besson fans.
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Shallow, Hollywood style
insightflow-2060326 November 2023
I won a ticket to this film and thought I'd give it a go, despite the fact I've never liked anything by Luc Besson. I had seen the lead actor in Twin Peaks: The Return, where he was particularly creepy. The same here, I suppose that is his "style". However, Twin Peaks made more sense to me than this, or at least it had more depth. With Dogman, I had to question what I was watching - the cliched dialogue, the tired monotonous recitation, the action: superhero with a past of child abuse beats the bad guys in a completely phantasmagorical scenario. Finally, of, course, dogs are better than humans.
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Captivating and moving and mind blowing.
kindofblue-782212 March 2024
Do yourself a favour and seek out this film.

It's art-house. Therefore it's strange. Therefore it's original.

Go into this film with an open mind. Forget Leon and that type of film.

Dogman is a cut above Leon.

We live in the era of blandness, mediocrity, remakes, rebadges and a total lack of innovation and originality.

Or do we?

Along comes a film that's the antithesis of everything contemporary.

Along comes a film that gives hope to those who think the film industry is dead.

It takes an old head to makes a film like this.

Dogman is very moving. Its no joker.

Joker is a film so painful that I can't watch again.

Dogman is uplifting. It gives hope.

Does it give faith in the future of the film industry.

Only time will tell.
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Great premise and acting, however not quite believable
kayraven-129 January 2024
I was very intrigued by the premise and the story, which did not initially disappoint. However, as the story unravels it becomes more difficult to believe and ends up in a mess. The pacing seems off, as the ending scenes seem rushed and lacking. The build up to the culminating point is just flat and the ending is predictable, which really is not what I personally am looking for. There are scenes simply contradicting each other and completely making no sense by the the end. Some details of the story are so far from reality it makes the whole experience unrelatable. It would really all be easy to overlook if the film was gripping, but it isn't. However, the acting is the one thing that kept me watching until the end, making the main character the best thing about the entire movie. If you're a Besson fan or want a decent film for the evening, it's a good choice. However, I wouldn't say it's a masterpiece or would vow a keen viewer.
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kotomo-9113016 January 2024
This film is clearly unhealthy.

This work seems to have been made to get the financial subsidies, to meet the quotas and highlight the abnormal.

So, all men are rotten, masculinity is a horror, the only way out is to cross-dress, to kill your body, all women are beautiful and flawless, Catholics are despicable beings, religion is a horror... It's a clearly amoral " movie " that puts the suffering of its protagonist forward to debunk the current social model. A film that only New World Order followers can relate to.

In short, there's no storyline to speak of, no positive initiation. It's stupid, unhealthy and propagandistic.

It's Luc Besson at its worst, demonstrating the decline of cinema at its noblest.

Feminism had already killed cinema, and wokism coupled with LGBT will finish the job. The best way to respond is not to consume this kind of product. Avoid it!
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What happened to Luc Besson?
searchanddestroy-13 April 2024
It's not a negative question that I have asked. I am so surprised by such a gloomy, depressing, moving, poignant film from such a director. So far, except concerning LEON and JEANNE D'ARC, Luc Besson had never been so dark, painful. I hardly believe it. I expected far worse from such a director about whom my feeling and expectations have rarely been very optimistic and hopeful. Don't confound it with Matteo Garonne's film from 2018: DOGMAN, a movie as dark as this one. Speaking of dogs, since JE SUIS UN SOLDAT, I have never been such a powerful and engrossing feature. Before this there was Samuel Fuller's WHITE DOG. This Luc Besson's feature is really good, riveting, gripping. One of Luc Besson's best for me.
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Caleb Landry Jones? where do I sign in?
BoBo_Goal3218 March 2024
Caleb Landry Jones probably didn't meant to do anything else in life but act. He doesn't pass for anything but a brilliant actor that can play with every role he will get. One I saw his name as the leading actor in this movie, it wasn't even a question. Luc Besson made me to suspect, but I was already invested in the leading actor, so it was a deal breaker.

It is a story about an outsider that suffered a massive childhood trauma which made him to be something else. At night he goes out and dresses with a costume, that makes him unrecognized and he also act as a local robin hood. His name is: "Dogman". He can't fly, shoot webs or even stand or walk, for this matter. And no, he isn't a superhero, not even close, but I almost had you thinking.

The childhood father related trauma made him put his trust on canines, so he treats them as his babies and they give them one hundred times the love he even considers of giving. Story-wise, this movie is telling a flashback story, from the point of view of the main character as a narrator and narrative defining.

The story is sad for most of it and then it takes some nasty turns that are sometimes unreliable, but not in the way that makes you want to leave this movie, because it did a solid job to get you invested in it. Caleb Landry Jones is doing what he does best and it is to be amazing as an actor and he got me thinking about several Joker characters over the years. He definitely could be one of them, in the future.

It could have been better, much better, but Besson doesn't want it to be deeper, he wants to take a cripple drug queen and make her shoot a shotgun. No, its not a Robert Rodrigues movie, but its defiantly Besson, that doesn't want to neglect his adventures character and its movie leading role characters himself.

It's a good movie, that makes the audience to, sometimes, get lost in it, because it spreads for several areas, plot-lines and also stuffing inside several genres, but it is a solid movie, that doesn't let you any crack or hatch to get out - you just want to keep going with this twisted story and cross the finish line, smiling and thanking Caleb for the ride.
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Similar ones were made and they were better
olcayozfirat2 March 2024
It is a fantastic movie released in 2024. Even if the director was Luc Besson, the movie felt a little light in terms of subject matter and depth. I don't pay much attention to the artistic feast of the film. I comment based on the impact it will have on me. This movie made me watch it with curiosity, the dogs were perfect, the music was good, the acting was not bad, the plot was mediocre. Would I watch it a second time? No. Is there a scene that sticks in my mind? No. Then, for the sake of the good things, I can give it 6 points.

I have seen it compared to Joker, but this movie is incomparable with its character analysis and the change of the character over time.

There is no sexuality or nudity in the movie.
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Exageration and decadence til death
maxbinnewies2 October 2023
To start off, this movie seems to split the audience a bit. My group of friends, whom I saw this at a sneak peak with, had mixed opinions. Although generally positive, some liked it less. It is definitely in the art house/indie spectrum of films and thus might not be for everyone. It also has near-zero ambitions of being realistic, a fact that you just have to accept if you want to enjoy this movie.

But oh boy, is it fantastic! It is very artful, but not "artsy" in the sense that it feels forced or like an experimental film project that's barely worth watching were it not for it's art style. Instead, it delivers a full and well-rounded feature film, in which the art style feels like an extracurricular you get as a free bonus gift. Just because they can. The art style is "very over the top". From a perfectly trained army of dogs via over-exaggerated cliche characters to intriguing visuals and action scenes. And the intensity continuously increases as well, ending in a big, absurd finale. The story focuses on a broken, abused and deranged man finding his way in life and his company in dogs. Throughout his life story, we meet various characters that are vividly introduced to us from his clinically insane point of view. We get to experience his coping mechanisms with the abuse he suffered and the damage it has created in him by seeing the world through his eyes for two hours. This somewhat dark and serious story goes very well with the sometimes comical art style and reminded me a bit of Bojack Horseman to be honest, not just because of the animals.

Dogman shines with brilliant acting, a fast-paced plot and absolutely stunning imagery. Every scene is perfectly fitted out to match the character we get to meet in that particular scene. And of course... excellent use of dogs as co-stars.
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Unexpectedly well done!
subxerogravity31 March 2024
That unexpected part comes from the fact that I had no idea that it was directed by the great Luc Bensen. A pair of tights and a cape away from being the perfect comic book origin of a superhero Dogman is a character development piece that was formally crafted. It's stories like this that make characters like Batman and Spider-man stand the test of time.

Did not know what to expect but got everything. An memorable performance by Caleb Landry Jones and a new one i never seen before Jojo Gibbs who plays a psychiatrist Dogman tells his story to. A story that had me as much on the edge of my seat wanting more as the character was.
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Doggy style
kosmasp20 September 2023
No pun intended - Dog Man is actually a perfect and fitting title. Although some may take issue with the gendering of the main character ... or may take issue with ... the character not being entirely committed to one gender. You'll understand if you watch the movie - and the amazing central performance! John Wick would also approve I am certain of it.

The main character - flawed and really with quite the backstory, is what makes this movie. Of course if you are way too sensitive ... it may also be what breaks the movie. You have to be open minded to say the least. They say do not work with kids or animals ... in movies that is. But while I have no idea if they had issues during the shooting of the movie ... the result does look good. They may have all been ... good boys! Which can not be said about (all) the human (characters) in the movie ... quite the opposite is true.

There is also a lot of religious stuff in this ... which is a bit weird considering it also has elements that the church would never agree or promote ... but that is Luc Besson for you I reckon ... still really well made and if you suspend your disbelief enough ... a lot of "fun" you can have watching it.
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FUN but..
keaton_brown72 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Look, it's not a fantastic movie.

Some subpar acting and some horrible design (looking at you, Latino 'gang' clothing choices and sideways gun-holding cringe).

However, as a dog lover, I had a LOT of fun with this film. The booby-trappings and scenes carried by the dogs rekindled a sense of fun once felt from films like Home Alone. Very glad I watched this, I'd be hesitant to recommend to others as some of the acting really is poor, but it excelled in the fun department, yet was atrocious at carrying out the dramatic and narrative elements. The psych was one of the few decent actors with an interesting backstory, but the exploration of her character scratched the surface, avoiding to add depth.

Bizarre ending I might add, not sure why the religious element was decided to be expressed again when it wasn't required earlier in the film to begin with.

A good flick to watch in the background and check into when the pooches appear, feel free to check out during the dialogue; you will be glad you did.
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Literal or figurative, this movie can't win
b_velkova22 September 2023
The story is illogical, unrelatable and told in the worst way possible - through a rationalized and lifeless confession in front of a psychiatrist. Everybody gives the worst acting performance in their life, especially the lady who plays the allegedly successful actress. Shakespeare is once again abused without any need or gain. The idea that God's new Son and flock are the yesterday's outcasts might have actually worked, but is not developed strongly enough throughout the movie to serve as a logical, let alone powerful ending.

Still, there's one scene that makes me think that Besson might actually not be asserting, but problematizing the shown ideas. In it the protagonist performs in a drag show as Edith Piaf: he opens his mouth and her voice comes out. No one seems to notice the fraud though, the audience in the club is in awe. But maybe the audience in the movie theater notices and here lies a message for them? If that's the case, all the other flaws of the movie can be seen as hints towards a different understanding: how unsustained it is to diabolize all men, to victimize and sanctitize all women, to free victims from responsibility for their harmful coping mechanisms and to praise them as fair instead.

Of course, that would make the movie only more clever, but not better, because the power dynamics problem does exist and although it should be addressed in a very different way than it is currently, it definitely shouldn't be minimized or denied.
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Worth watching
souaidsouraya28 September 2023
I cannot explain why, but this movie just moved me! The story may sometimes be illogical or a bit « too much » but there is just something about it that is worth watching.

It may be the perfect choices of music or the impeccable acting of Caleb Landry Jones.

It's just the kind of movie you have to watch at the big screen and get into it without asking yourself too many questions, just let it take you and it will.

Usually IMDb overrates and I never post a review but I saw so many negatives things without giving it its credit I just had to write something.

I get that people are angry because of Besson's history but films are a collective work.
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The Dog Whisperer
nogodnomasters20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Douglas Munrow (Caleb Landry Jones) tells his life story to a police psychologist (Jojo T. Gibbs). He is in a wheelchair and in drag as the cops pick him up going down the highway with a semi-trailer filled with dogs. His dad (Clemens Schick) raised fighting dogs and starved and misused them. Doug crossed his father and ended up in the cage with the dogs. They bonded. His interests became theater and make-up. His life led him to perform as a drag queen who used his dogs as his private army with them being able to obey complex commands.

The film held my interest as one wonders what the dogs could do next. Dog owners suspect their dogs know what they are telling them.

Guide: One brief F-word (WTF). No sex or nudity.
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Just ridiculous
Franktheripper6 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
He gets shot point blank 3 feet away with a shotgun, that makes a visible 1 foot diameter whole in a fence where he's standing, stomach height.

From this shot which would have killed anyone he losses half a pinky finger, and the BULLET, as referred several times by the protagonist (shotguns don't fire bullets) ricochet (!) on a "wall" and lodged in his back.

May i remind you he was on an improvised shack made of wooden planks and a chain link fence. No solid walls anywhere near.

This and other ridiculous scenes like dogs executing elaborate plans on command, acting like human beings made the film very hard to watch, it tries to be serious but ends up being just ridiculous.
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