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'A Serbian Film' from an academical point of view
Radu_A22 July 2011
I've written a book and some articles about film censorship, so given the controversy looming around this particular film, and its highly interesting release history in the UK (read wikipedia for more), I got my hands on a pre-release uncensored copy. What's very interesting is that apart from some suggestive shots hinting at pedophilia and the extension of the film's most gruesome, unforgettable scene, it's all there, only left to the imagination - leaving me with the question I've come up with whenever confronted with such a case: if censorship leaves certain aspects to the spectator's imagination, isn't the effect even more stimulating?

Yes, 'A Serbian Film' undoubtedly runs for the title of the yuckiest film ever. Yes, it's definitely reveling in the very muck it pretends to criticize, i.e. the complete and total moral decay of our times. I would have very much favored an incorporation of the (presumably Western) consumers of the kind of pornography it deals with, for that remains the film's weakest aspect: the social commentary is quite accurate, but not sufficiently explored.

And yet, 'A Serbian Film' is still unmistakably a piece of art. The technical specs are top-notch for such a limited budget. The acting, especially Sergej Trifunovic as psychiatrist-turned-porn producer Vukmir, is nothing short of (disturbingly) wonderful. And most important of all: the underlying anger appears to be real. I was in Serbia for a festival last year (prior to this film's release), and cannot help but remember how similar some opinions and stories I heard were to the views expressed in this film. That being said, I completely understand why Serbs were outraged at this film. Being born in Romania, which has an equal share of ethical bankruptcy, I must admit that if this had been made in Romania, and called 'A Romanian Film', I would be very very mad.

This is one of those rare pieces of celluloid which will most likely not allow for any neutral point of view, like 'Mondo Can(nibal)e', or Pasolini's 'Salo', or the collected films of Catherine Breillat. The difference for me is that I usually dislike films of this nature because of their wantonly exploitative nature serving no narrative purpose; that purpose, however, exists in 'A Serbian Film', making it all the more disturbing and relevant.
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Hard to recommend this one
Spyan4 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares right back at you.

Folks, this film is as nasty as its reputation. I've seen very, very horrid/weird stuff like Aftermath, Nekromantik or other vaguely offensive movies but this one takes the cake. I wont say it's good ("good" being an adjective not once approximately insinuated in the film), but I can't say its bad, hence the 5. I'll take it for granted that people reading this review are well aware of the plot, so I won't go through writing about it.

Worst thing about this film is that it's very well produced. Sure looks like this endeavor got a very comfortable budget, and all the people involved are professionals. The latter parts of the movie that aren't sunk in darkness are somewhat beautiful. If you don't listen to the dialog, or anything that happens on screen, there is about a total of 15mns worth of "normal" exchanges and heartfelt relationships throughout the whole film. The main actors are very (not to say pros)convincing. Yet beneath the pretty varnish of inspired lighting and settings (still talking about the first 20mns), this film traumatizes. And while repugnant and depressive, it's pacing and editing drags you to the very end. Quality production overall (but that's hard to confirm, since you'll probably only see it once).

This movie should be (is, in some countries) illegal, and should not be watched by people under, or at least 25/30. One has to have a mature approach to the content in order not to be scarred by this flick.

Here's a none-offensive way to think about it : the Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian people were ravaged by war (1992), and this is their catharsis. Civil war is not about tanks and bullets : its about the desecration and destruction of people. That's about how brutal and merciless this film really is.

It asks all kinds of questions. Mostly to the audience and it's voyeurism. Its a movie about the making of an extreme film, so it involves the viewers and confronts them with their responsibilities...by pretty much the first frames. Smart move for a hard subject (the only redeeming quality of the film).

Isn't that why we're watching horror films in the first place?

The first and foremost question this film asks is - what can one hope for when witnessing the deepest abysses of human depravity?

Can't think of a better answer than : nothingness.

It's one of the only film I've watched that was completely devoid of any human value or respect, but one of the only ones that dealt directly with evil and depravity (to such an extent that it becomes almost a parody at some points, and that certainly helps the afterward-coping).

I watched it once, used up a full week to think about it and get it out of my system, tried it a second time and stopped half an hour in. Now I enjoy Wes Andersons' movies even more.

Be warned.
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A Serbian Filth
Coventry25 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"A Serbian Film" played at the Brussels Festival of Fantastic Film, and I simply had to watch it because it came with all kind of warnings like "this movie contains extremely violent scenes that might shock some people." Okay, usually I'm not the least bit impressed by this sort of clever tricks to lure more people to the theater, but in this case it must have some kind of significance, because the regulars at this festival are quite used to seeing extreme bloodshed, perversity and madness. If the organizers of this particular festival felt there was a necessity to provide additional warnings to this crowd of loyal genre fanatics, than this must be an exceptionally shocking film. And it is Well, let's just say there are certain sequences that are too revolting for words, but naturally the film itself is nothing extraordinary or even half-decent viewing material. The explicit pornographic footage is shocking merely for the sake of shocking and the most controversial sequences (one involving a newborn baby) are totally redundant and have absolutely no adding value.

Personally, I'm having difficulties understanding what exactly the makers of "A Serbian Film"wanted to accomplish here. Thanks to films like "Hostel", half of the world already thinks that East-European countries are rotten places and that all the people living there are sick and violent psychopaths. With this film, writers Aleksander Radivojevic and Srdjan Spasojevic only seem to confirm and intensify this sordid reputation like they are proud of living in a country the rest of the world thinks is a hellhole. Both gentlemen were present at the Brussels Festival to promote their film to die-hard cult audiences and naturally they were asked why they felt the need to make such a heinous and disturbing movie. They replied that the movie contains a massive amount of frustrations that are irrevocably linked to living in Serbia, like continuous economic recession, post-Yugoslavian war traumas and political instability. Okay, I can relate to that, but is shooting a brutal and vicious pseudo-snuff film really the right way to process this oppressed anger?

The story introduces retired and literally hung-like-a-horse porn star Milos. He's worried about not being able to support his wife and son these days, but then he receives an offer he can't refuse. The sleazy Vukmir wants Milos to play the lead part in his supposedly experimental and artistic motion picture and offers him a paycheck he can't possible resist. The only condition is that Milos doesn't have any insight in the script and shoots his scenes on a day by day basis. Quite obviously Vukmir is producing a snuff movie and forces Milos, whether or not under the influence of drugs, to do extremely nasty stuff to his co-actresses in front of the camera. Undoubtedly, "A Serbian Film" is deeply unpleasant and grim, but the film isn't so much disturbing as it is gratuitous and provocative. You could tell the makers were proudly smirking when people stood up and walked out of the theater before the film was finished. The depiction of sex and violence are disgusting, but especially the tone and narrative are mean-spirited. And yet, all "A Serbian Film" is pretty well-made with imaginative camera-work and rough but professional editing. The soundtrack is terrific (that is, if you like loud and boisterous techno/dubstep tunes) and the acting is pretty decent. The film contains at least four sequences that I'll never ever forget in my life. Yikes.
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A friendly warning
figueira-g16 August 2012
Consider this not exactly as a review, but as a warning from a friend, in case you haven't seen this film yet and are curious about it. There are already many good reviews here dealing with the cinematographic, technical, cultural etc aspects of this film, so I won't add anything new there. This is not about the film, but about you, the potential viewer.

As many other reviewers, I've seen a significant amount of "extreme" or strong horror movies. Fear and shock are powerful emotions, and films are a safe and entertaining way of experiencing them. Some of them left a deep impression in me, sometimes for a few days, but that eventually vanishes.

With this film, it's a different story. It may leave permanent scars in your mind that will ruin some of the best experiences of your life, such as witnessing the birth of your child or lying in bed caressing a son's hair. Violent and obscene thoughts will keep intruding, and it's scary for me to think how much this can affect some people. If you think that you may belong to this group, don't risk it. There are many good films out there, and you may go on living without watching this one. Otherwise, go and watch it, but just remember that images can not be erased from your brain aftewards.

This is why this is so different. The fear does not come during the movie. It comes after. And it is too real.
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It genuinely repulsed me.
Sleepin_Dragon4 November 2023
An ageing porn star is given a chance to do something a little different, a movie that will take him in a whole new direction.

I was warned, I was warned by people who will probably read this review, I said I'd post it after watching it.

Initially there are a few interesting moments, and a few scenes where you're think you're in for something good, sadly as it progresses, all that is wiped, and lost in among a slurry of blood and gore. It simply goes too far, there were some decent ideas, but the realisation was just loathsome.

I wish I hadn't watched it, this has overtaken The Human Centipede as the movie I wish I could unsee. I am struggling to agree with those that class this as an art film, that's a joke, it's purely a sick fest, a movie about exploitation and depravity of the highest order.

I ordered this on dvd, I genuinely plan of chucking the disc at the bottom of a skip, in the hope that nobody picks it up and tries to watch it.


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For the love of God DON'T WATCH THIS
jackob12529 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this film knowing that it would be graphic, horrifying and all other kinds of disgusting but nothing could have prepared me for this. I'm not usually the squeamish type but this film has physically scarred me unlike any other. However I know this may just make people want to watch this film even more almost daring themselves to finish it but before you do let me give you a small idea of what this film contains.

Torture, incest, rape, child rape, a grown man raping a newborn child, beheading (during sex), necrophilia, paedophilia, bloody toothless blow jobs, anal bleeding and a man f***ing another man in the eye to name but a few. To summarise this is basically torture porn/a snuff film. Honestly I don't know why I saw this film all I know is I can never unsee it so I'll say it again, if you want to retain any innocence PLEASE DON'T WATCH THIS FILM!!!!!

You have been warned.
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This movie is many things.
I don't really know where to start... At first I didn't know what to think. There are so many nasty, nasty scenes in this film. So it took quite a while to really "digest" it. It truly is a nasty film. I didn't think it was possible to make such a film and get away with it!

But there's more to it. It's not JUST a nasty film. It's a nasty film with something to say. It's got something to say about money, about art, about family and about life in the "not-as- rich" parts of the "civilized" world. I think this movie is a part of a cleansing. A cry to the world; don't let sick stuff happen. It might just be me, but I thought I could see all that through out the film.

It is a very well made movie. The acting is solid to the end. The camera-work is just superb. Lighting, sets and costumes are just delicious! It's got texture. A look of it's own. The gore effects are also unbelievably well made. That is why this film is so hard to watch. It all seems a little too real to be entertaining. I love gore film, I do. But I prefer the campy ones with obviously fake gore. It's just too real to be comfortable.

So I'll give this movie a solid 7 out of 10.

It's really good but it's also really hard to watch.
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Every exploitation trick in the book . .
meccanici25 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This review contains spoilers - and descriptions of scenes depicted in Srpski Film. A baby is graphically birthed on screen by a large bald man. The mother lies prone, and pushes the baby out into his hands. He then takes down his underwear, and rapes the screaming newborn baby - on screen. A man is shown violently anally raping (onscreen) a young child - his own son, after he is injected with massive doses of a powerful sexual stimulant. The boy - presumably also drugged - lies face-down, bleeding profusely from his anus as the man continues a sustained sexual attack. Evidently, this is art. The thing that bothered me the most about Srpski Film isn't necessarily its use of deliberate shock, and taboo busting scenes designed to offend. It is the way in which Srdjan Spasojevic tries to cover his dubious tracks by passing it off as some kind of artistic political allegory about life in Serbia. I was aware of the fact that I was increasingly annoyed as I watched this film - mainly because the filmmakers use every trick in the book, and obviously some new ones to batter the viewer over the head with aggressive imagery, in order to make enough social fuss to draw in viewers. It doesn't necessarily make it a good film, although it is admittedly well shot, and well acted. It almost reminded me of seeing footage of beheadings on the internet. It's supposed to be profound in some way, but ultimately it is just irredeemable pain and destruction, and contains no social commentary at all. Realistic torture and extremely graphic rape scenes usually make a negative impact on the viewer, because they are horrific and unpleasant subjects. Using babies and children does not make it artistic, independent of your cultural origins - although some people claim that it is art. I saw another review of this film that evidently recognised genuine "art" in every single frame I, like some of the other reviewers - have happily watched horror and exploitation movies for years - but so what? It doesn't make any difference whatsoever. Sub-genres come and go, and the recent tide of shocking torture films are more akin to a test of the viewer's resolve, than the slices of entertainment they used to be. Fair enough - if you don't like them then don't watch. I am a film fan. I definitely love film. I just don't love this kind of film, or the thinly veiled attempts to disguise absolute exploitation as something profound.
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Nastiest Film Ever...Most Probably!!!
Nightmare-Maker26 July 2010
OK, I finally got round to watching A Serbian FILM.

I consider myself to be in the heavyweight division when it comes to having seen the most hardcore of horror/shock films, i.e, Slaughtered Vomit Dolls, The Gateway Meat, Murder-Set-Pieces, Irreversible, Men Behind The Sun, All the Cannibal films, Nekromantik....you name it, I've probably seen it. Now, I have to say, NONE are as nasty as this beast!

Im not going to say what happens in the film, but even for me, some was hard to watch. BUT the actual film is GOOD!...If you can get through it.

The basic story is about a guy called Milos, who is a retired porn star, who in his day was the best actor in the business. Now he is a bit skint, so when he gets offered one last job, offering him enough money to set him and his family up for life, he just can't turn it down. He asks what the film is about, but the employer is reluctant to tell.....what happens is indescribable!!! Like I said it is very hard to watch in some scenes, but the film is actually really good, and the acting is solid throughout.

You got to think, the poorer European countries, are rife with crime, and money goes a long way. So if you are having hard times and a massive money offer comes your way...How far would you go!

For me 8/10, but I can't recommend it, simply for the content in the film. But if you think you can take it, and can appreciate it for the film it is, go for it!
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Cinema at its most Extreme......I dare you to see this...
grindhouse7410 April 2010
So you think you have seen it all???? Think again, i reckon i have just witnessed the most disturbing extreme movie ever, and you know what, for the first time i have no idea whether to give this film a good review or a bad review, its not a film that you can enjoy, although it was very well made and preformed by the actors, so in a visual and technical term it was impressive.. The premise for this little shocker is simple, a semi-retired porn star is lured back to his profession to do this once in a lifetime shoot so he can make lots of money and secure his family, but he has no idea what the shoot will contain, so we the viewer have a birds eye view in the dark and very murky journey he goes through, as the porn shoot becomes more extreme he begins to realise what he's got himself into and the director has a shocking surprise for his lead actor in what he wants him to do, not to spoil anything (its a taboo busting subject) but lets just say that if you put Cannibal holocaust, Irreversible, Emanuel In America, and Martyrs in a blender, throw a baby in the mix and you have an idea what your letting yourself in for.....I know some people will be very upset watching this film and some people will demand that this film be banned, there are some scenes of extreme sexual violence that will anger some of the mainstream crowd, i just hope that the censors will leave this film the way the director intended.. Be cautious when you see this movie, if it gets a proper release this film will get mixed reviews, it will be sure to divide people apart and thats the beauty of this controversial film, love it or hate it, you will never forget it. I must admit i was relieved that the police never came barging in and arrested me and everyone at the preview...
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Crueler than cruel, darker than dark, more vile than vile entertainment
Meven_Stoffat12 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A Serbian Film is an ugly, cruel, nihilistic and depressing movie- one I regret having seen. I definitely recommend you stay away from it- no matter how much you love "shock" movies, or if you can take "sick, shocking stuff". Mind you, I can stand shock movies. One of my top films of all time, Cannibal Holocaust, is a film that is considered a "shock" film, but it's more than just a film with shock scenes, as the ending challenges the viewer to question our corrupt morals nowadays. A Serbian Film does not do that at all, it exists only to subject its viewer to ugly, vile, and repugnant stuff that would make the Saw movies look like a teddy bear's picnic.

A Serbian Film follows Milos, an ageing porn star who has taken a bit of a break from the "biz" live a nice life at home with his lovely wife, a translator, and his son, who is enrolled in singing classes. One day he is called to lunch, where he is offered a chance at redemption- a new porn film. His agent has not much info since the company prefers to keep its details secret, which leads him to question if he should do it or not. After his wife pushes a few buttons, he reluctantly agrees to star in the film and gets good and ready for the shoot.

But things don't sound right- for starters, the man in charge seems to be a little sinister, and the moment the shoot starts, things don't seem right. The shoot is taking place in an abandoned children's hospital, and the whole atmosphere is creepy and disturbing. The situations involved are some of the weirdest he's ever seen. After an oral sex shooting day, he slowly begins to figure something is wrong with the shoot. It isn't until a nightmare he has, and an unpleasant shooting day where he finally decides to to leave the shoot for good. His decision is final after he is shown a video of a newborn infant being penetrated, which the director calls "newborn porn". Then, from there, things get worse as he finds out he has done sick things unconsciously after waking up with no memory.

If you felt uncomfortable reading the second paragraph of the synopsis, I don't blame you, I felt uncomfortable typing it. I decided not to type the rest of what happens since there is absolutely no need to mention such disgusting, demoralizing and repugnant content. I'm sure most of the other reviews on here have done the deed, and without a doubt this film disturb even the toughest and most macho.

I can't come down on the film too hard though, because I'd be lying if I said it wasn't well done. The cinematography is well done and there are some nice, dark and creepy moments here. The acting is pretty good, especially from Milos, and that's where it stops. It's too bad a good concept got wasted on sacrifice of good storyline for sick, disgusting and shocking moments. This takes up half of the film, and is just unnecessary and absolutely demoralizing. Likelihood I'll ever watch this movie again? Definitely never.

To quote Ain't-it-Cool-News' review of "Chaos", "Why do we need this s--t anyways?"
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That saying, "Some things you can't unsee.."
shmobbie13 July 2010
That saying, "Some things you can't unsee" is definitely in full affect here. I saw this at the SF indiefest with a small theater packed with people and left utterly speechless. I have seen everything under the sun when it comes to sick and twisted cinema and this tops it all.

What's insane is that this movie is REALLY well made; Some very impressive camera work, disgustingly sharp and mean spirited dialogue, a believable cast and some serious nailbiter scenes. Oh yeah, it's actually got some laugh out loud moments also, but it never takes you away from that feeling of dread and utter disgust.

As a previous review said, there are about 4 scenes that I will never forget in my life. I saw this about a week ago and every time I see the friends I saw it with the scenes come up in our conversations. There are things put on celluloid that I never, ever thought I would see in a cinema in America(or Europe for that matter).

Go into this with extreme caution and a very open mind. I loved it.
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Proceed With Caution
jg-6107320 June 2018
WOW... ok this is the first review I've done in a few years so I may be a little rusty now with that said I'm a HUGE horror fan and have seen all of the popular "extremes" to come down the pipe in the last few years and my friends, in terms of extreme and downright disturbing content, this one puts them ALL to shame in the worst (and best) of ways! The setup here is pretty simple (older porn star agrees to one last job for a huge payday yet isn't allowed to know anything about the script) and is told in a fairly straightforward slow burn-exploitation format but what sets this one so far apart is how real and well done the film is before the real horror starts. Milos (our protagonist) is just a family man trying to make ends meet and this is one of the few horror films where you Really feel for the main character and that's a big part of what makes all the downright SICK S@&$ that happens in the second half that much worse. The acting was a lot better than you'd expect from this type of film (especially from Milos) and helps add the emotional weight that really makes this a knee-breaker. Another huge aspect ASF gets right: this is scary as h@ll before anything really happens thanks to some absolutely top notch cinematography and a synth based score that will chill you to the bone and lets you know right away that some VERY bad things are coming and oh god do they ever... After a couple of very uncomfortable shoots at the start of his "film" Milos tries to back out and he (and us viewers) are dropped into a nightmare that is not going to be soon forgotten. There isn't much to say that hasn't already been said in terms of shocking content but I'm still shaking this film off as I type this so here's my 2 cents anyway: there really is a line of "showing too much" and this film wallows in crossing it and assaulting the viewer with truly the most disgusting scenes ever put on legit film (at least in the uncut version)! Honestly I would have given this an 8 had this been the cut version and showed A LITTLE restraint. That's not to say this isn't a quality horror film because it is of the highest kind just one that's impossible to recommend because of said scenes and the very real damage they could have on people. In closing this is our generation's "Dare Film" if you will. That ONE movie that you "bet someone won't watch" and for good reason. It's as much porn as it is horror and to say it's not for everyone would be the understatement of the year but ultimately I went in expecting a very strong political horror film and that's exactly what I got, and the need to take about 15 showers. It was clearly made by angry expert film makers that wanted to REALLY shock and make a good movie doing it and they succeeded in making one of the most disgusting and brutal films EVER. If that doesn't sound like something you're prepared for (and even most horror fans aren't) stay away, FAR AWAY
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Absolutely disgusting, unnecessary and in NO WAY art or entertaining!!!
hcjv619 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Now I LOVE my horror, gore, video nasties, scary stuff etc and have watched pretty much everything there is out there........I heard about 'Serbian Film' and have to admit like most people with my kind of film interest just HAD to see it ASAP purely to see if it lived up to the hype. Well I wish I hadn't now wasted those 2 hours of my life for many reasons. 1) The storyline is basically 'past-it porn star signs up for a snuff film' 2)The film drags and drags on and then there is a disgusting scene blah blah.............. Now if you want to watch a man assisting a woman in the birth of her baby and then straight away drop his pants and start raping it infront of her whilst it screams uncontrollably you seriously need help. That should have put you off even reading any further but if it didn't the main actor finds himself viciously raping his own son who has been drugged........I really am not going to say anymore. If stuff like this attracts you to a film then you have major issues......I don't care about the 'dialogue, the pretty scenery, the atmosphere' blah blah as this film is DISGUSTING and Unnecessary :( I snapped the DVD the minute after ide finished watching it, then put it in a bin bag.....in next doors bin !!!!!
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Just a slight warning, can't rate it because it would be unfair.
michaelnobleb-8395525 November 2019
I'm not sure why I'm writing this review to be quite honest. I saw this movie about seven years ago. Since then I've gotten married, had children, had my share of ups and downs, but one thing remains constant. More often than not, I take a few seconds out of my week to think about this movie and the impression that it has left on me. A problem I didn't realize I had until just now in this moment. I came here to check the reviews on a movie to watch with my kids and ended up subconsciously typing this movie into the search bar.

This is just to serve as a warning to people what kind of movie this is. I've seen my share of movies that left me with an unsettling feeling, but none quite like this. Its unnerving in a way that may leave an imprint on your brain if you are that type of person.

Can't rate it, because it would be unfair, in my opinion. Because no other movie has every left its hold on me like this one, and for that alone it would be rated to high in my mind. Not saying to watch it or not to watch it, just saying be ready for a trip that you may stay on for along time after the ride is over, if not for the rest of your life.
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Quote Eric Cartman: "THE F*** IS THIS?!"
sithuation26 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone is talking about references on Serbian history, oppression and whatsoever. So I want to point the key scenes (Caution: Spoiler!) before posing my question.

What do those Serbian guys show us?

  • Very detailed decapitation of a woman who got tied to a bed and repeatedly hit while being raped

  • Rape (and murder?) of a newborn baby, straight out the mother's womb

  • A man raping another unconscious man

  • Hitting Women

  • A woman having all her teeth knocked out being forced to perform oral sex and getting choked by a penis through holding her nose

  • Implication of raping a woman with a metal tube and showing her obvious death through bleeding out

  • Rape of a male child by his father with graphic details of blood spraying from his anus to his thighs

  • Rape of the boys mother by her husbands brother right next to the boy being raped by his father

  • Implication of necrophilia in the final scene after the protagonist kills himself, his wife and his son with a bullet

Did I miss something important? At least you get a good impression on what's going on in this movie. So where should I begin in understanding the metaphorical tones of that movie? I can find ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to justify any of the actions listed above.

Is a father raping his son next to his wife, who gets raped by his brother, like a metaphor of the government, trying to raise your taxes? I can't tell - and I'd be glad if ANYONE who gave this movie more than one star could tell me, where I can find a message in this movie.

If "a broke man reaching for every little bit of money" is the message - well that could be told without having a dozen people molested, mutilated and murdered. If you have problems and want to address them there is always a possibility that doesn't involve rape, decapitation or sex with the dead.

Those Serbian guys are just sick in their minds and I can't imagine anyone with such a rotten mind that they can focus on details like blood spraying on thighs of a boy that is just being raped by his father while lying next to his mother.

I never thought I would quote Eric Cartman ... but I do it again: "Seriously .... the f*** is this?!"
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Why, just why??!!
paulclaassen20 June 2018
There are some films that should never have been made. This is one of them. It is revolting, twisted and sickening. The film was banned in a number of countries around the globe - with good reason! This is an 'art film' in its worst form. The ending was completely dissatisfying. I don't recommend this at all.
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Censorship is the Best Marketing
claudio_carvalho24 July 2011
In Serbia, the retired porn star Milos (Srdjan Todorovic) is married with his beloved wife Marija (Jelena Gavrilovic) and they have a little son, Peter, that is their pride and joy. The family is facing financial difficulties, but out of the blue, Milos is contacted by the porn actress Lejla (Katarina Zutic) that offers him a job opportunity in an art film. Milos is introduced to the director Vukmir (Sergej Trifunovic) that offers a millionaire contract to Milos to act in a film. However, Vukmir neither show the screenplay nor tell the story to Milos. Milos discuss the proposal with Marija and he signs the contract. But sooner he finds that Vukmir and his crew are involved in sick snuff films of pedophilia, necrophilia and torture and there is no way back to him and maybe it is too late to protect his family.

Yesterday, the exhibition of "A Serbian Film" was forbidden in the RioFan Festival by the promoters that claimed in a note that "We deeply regret the decision. "A Serbian Film" is, without any doubt, one of the most polemic films of all times etc." These were the magic words that made me see this film.

First of all, I am against any censorship: a film shall be accordingly rated, with warning advising the theme since only very specific audiences might like it. My wife, for example, is a very sensitive person and would never support watching "A Serbian Film".

This film is indeed sick, violent, polemic, with many transgressions; but "Irréversible"; "Salò o le 120 Giornate di Sodoma"; "Hostel"; "Ichi, the Killer"; "Cannibal Holocaust"; "I Spit on Your Grave" (the original) and many others also are and they have their public and fans.

"A Serbian Film" is one of the most violent, sick and graphic films that I have ever seen, but I liked it. The sequence with the baby is unbearable and hard to see; the scene with Milo's family is too violent and disturbing but absolutely predictable. The acting and make-up are impressively realistic. Certainly a sensitive person will be sick and will not like or even see this movie. The poster in the movie-theaters and the boxes of the DVD or Blu-Ray should warn that this story is recommended to a very specific audience; but censorship, never, since it is the best marketing that a polemic film can have. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "A Serbian Film – Terror Sem Limites" ("A Serbian Film – Terror without Limits")
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A sick film
Andy-29626 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not easily offended, and in fact I like edgy movies, but this film is totally sick. What is sad about it is that the director is not untalented, and for the first hour this seems to be a very good if disturbing movie. Unfortunately, the last half hour goes downhill in the most sickening way. In Serbia, Milos, a former porn legend, currently out of work and living a family life with a wife and a small kid, is tempted with huge money to step out of retirement to participate in a new kind of artsy porn film. He is not told the argument of the movie (as if porno films have such things) and the mysterious director, one Vukmir, seems totally off the rocks. But since he needs the money he agrees to do it. Unfortunately, his misgivings turn out to be very true, since he is soon forced to participate in increasingly degrading acts, a nonstop parade of horrors (including, and I suppose I'm giving some spoilers here, killing a woman with a machete while he is having intercourse with her, the rape of a baby and of his own small kid) for which he will eventually take revenge. As I said, I think there is some talent here, but is so sick that is not worth it. What is laughable is some reviews I read which try to justify this film as a metaphor or an allegory for the rape of Serbia during the war or something like that. Believe me, there is nothing here about that.
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A milestone for pulp cinema
First, I want to say that I disagree with everyone who argues that this movie is simply made for explicit shock value with no other purpose. I can quarrel this with two simple points: 1. I am a male porn performer myself and immediately found there to be a handful of real concepts, thoughts, and fears to relate with Milos on within the first fifteen minutes of the film (desensitization, your position in a family setting as a pornographer, to take the job or not to take the job, etc). Now, I'm sorry if you have no way of grasping that he is a realistic and admirable character in believable shoes, but he is. The level of relation I found with Milos shocked and impressed me and made me wonder if either that screenwriter had had some personal experience as a porn performer in the past, or instead was just a really intelligent person who was able to grasp it without actually experiencing it.

2. People like this actually do exist! Snuff is not a fictional concept. There are people that are this sick out there - and involving massive sums of money and pornographers does not seem far off at all. If it weren't for people who took the time to make films like this for us, how would we be aware of the twisted possibilities of what could happen to us if we're not too careful? On top of these opening defense statements, there are a bundle of things that make this a fantastic film.

First of all, the cinematography - the look they got in post - the editing - it all looks stellar, tasteful, and comes off as being done by true, inspired professionals. This is probably the best looking and feeling film that exists that could be considered anything even nearing the "torture porn" sub-genre. While I would never call this a straight-up torture porn film, it certainly does feel similar when it delves into it's scenes of sex and violence with "S&M tones" - that's putting it lightly... I would never call this a horror film either. It's FAR too human and psychological to me to be categorized in a genre that has become so stale and brainless. If anything, what separates it from most torture porn is that it's torturing your brain, not just your eyes by seeing prolonged sadistic violence on it's own. There's a lot more to this. It's more like psych-torture.

I also found the performances to be perfect for this film. Milos of course steals the show, see-sawing between the calm likable man he is and the primal beast he becomes when "working". Marko was also another standout with his performance - very discomforting with his bitterness towards Milos and his uncontrollable lust for Milos's beautiful wife. While Vukmir and his henchmen were the cheesiest, they still filled their shoes very effectively. Majority of the female characters didn't have much personality, but I believe that was on purpose to go along with the mentality of pornography - and I found it very effective and dreamlike or nightmarish. I couldn't believe how many stunning women they found to cast for such an intense film - it only adds to it's surrealism.

The score was impressive as well. Hard hitting, abrasive, electronic beats almost comparable to a score like that of The Social Network - and just as good. It made me feel even more engaged in the film and the character than I already was beforehand.

Now, I know a lot of people can't handle explicit gore - but the artificial violence itself is a masterful art on it's own! To create an artificial scene of violence and make it believable and effective is a mighty task! And this movie is chock FULL of gut-wrenching ultra-violence! This is something that deserves recognition, praise... even awards. It's not an easy game, kids! I would love to go into detailed descriptions of the groundbreaking scenes, but I'll leave that to everyone else. I've looked through this message board and it's just chock full of spoilers. I'll just say that all the violence is extremely disturbing and realistic, and thus it's very impressive.

Now I admit that I laughed plenty of times as an instinctual defense mechanism in reaction to some of the most over-the-top sequences. What else can I do as a human being? You feel disgusted, or you laugh. It's one or the other. If it were real - I would certainly not be laughing, but it's not - it's a effective emulation of what in reality would be ultimate horror. Because it's SO shocking and effective, I laugh, because I can't believe they pulled it off - or took my brain to this new place it hadn't been before. THAT, is something to admire.

I would never tell anyone to watch this movie. But I will tell you that it is absolutely a masterpiece of it's own kind. Pulp cinema, if I had to call it anything so broad. A lot of people say they will never watch it again. Now, although it scarred me - I don't think I'm going to lock it up and swallow the key. It's too good to never watch again. But, it will be a long, long, long time before I do again... (Unless I have a sick friend who just wants to watch it WITH me THAT bad).

I'd give it a 10, which it very well probably does deserve in the long run, but I just can't bring myself to do it.
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Smells_Like_Cheese28 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
On the internet one of the films that has had the biggest buzz that I noticed was a movie called A Serbian Film, getting so many bans and claiming to be too extreme to show to any audience. Naturally being the freak that I am love to see the forbidden, I've seen a lot of extreme films trying to test my limits on what I can take. For some reason I did build this movie up in my head to make it a lot worse than I could imagine, which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. However, this did push my limits and not even with the particular "newborn" scene that is usually the center of attention, keeping in mind that I watched films like The Exorcist and Jaws when I was a child so I know what's a movie and what's reality, it's the ending that killed me. The reason I love extreme films is because I feel that a lot of films are so watered down with the truth and that bad things do happen to good people. It's a hard reality to accept and you don't want to believe it, we close our eyes to a lot of crimes every day. I thought that A Serbian Film was going to be like that, I know the porn industry has been labeled as too extreme for a lot of people to quit or end up dying of disease or drug over dose, but this took it to a much darker level of almost being a snuff film done in a Hollywood way.

Miloš is a semi-retired Serbian porn star with a beautiful wife, Marija, and young son, Petar. Although he is strapped financially and his home life is happy, his biggest problem comes in the form of the jealousies of his brother, Marko, a corrupt police officer who envies Miloš' family life. Seeking one last big payday to make a clean break from pornography and secure his family's financial future, Miloš is intrigued when one of his former co-stars, Lejla, approaches him with an offer to star in an "art film" being directed by Vukmir, a well-connected, independently wealthy pornographer who wants to cast Miloš for his legendary ability to get and maintain an erection. When Vukmir offers Miloš a large sum of money to star in the film, Miloš reluctantly agrees, ambivalent towards Vukmir's insistence that he must remain ignorant as to the plot of the film until shooting begins. Miloš is picked up the next morning and taken to an orphanage where he is supplied an earpiece by Vukmir's driver. He goes into the making of this film realizing that he may of just made the biggest mistake of his life with the director's darker intentions.

It's hard to say if I liked this film or not, excluding the scenes that are extreme, there are some strange moments. Petar, the son, is watching one of his dad's old porn films and his parents walk in and treat it pretty light hearted and when he starts asking them what that funny feeling in his pants was his dad tells him to fix it with his hand. Keeping in mind this is a child who could be no more than 10 years old. The last minute of this film was a little confusing. But all in all, this is a tragic film and I would agree that this film can be way too hard to handle. The ending is absolutely horrific and without giving too much away, just trust me when I say that if you think you've seen it all, you'll still be shocked and sickened. I don't know what the director's purpose with this movie was, I did read that it was his take on the Serbian government, which confuses me even more. I don't know if it was a way of saying they screw around with the people too much? I give the film a lot of credit as it has the kahoniees to go where no mainstream film dares to go. I can see the reason for the ban from several countries. Like I said, if you think you've seen it all, A Serbian Film will still make your mouth drop at least once. To those who think it wasn't shocking, I don't want to know what you do consider to be in bad taste. So if you're curious, just be prepared, I don't even know if I could tell my friends about this film because they will definitely be asking me how I made it through this movie.

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Sick, sick, sick!
nikola810837 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film is sick on so many levels, it's absolutely beyond my comprehension. Though director is known for his appreciation of unconventional film making, I could never imagine that anyone with good mental health would ever direct, produce and star in such a film. The amount of sodomy, violence and deviance is unbelievable. Having sex with a woman while beating her and chopping her head off while still doing it; delivering a newborn baby and immediately forcing it to oral or any kind of sex (yes I do realize it was not an actual baby, but still); not to mention the scene including the "actor", his brother, his wife and his own son ... I don't get offended by lots of things I see or hear, but it's not enough to say that I am absolutely disgusted with this one. Simply shocked. Speechless.
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Wow. "This is Cinema"
valentineadam171 October 2022
This movie was by far the craziest i've ever seen. I understand why people give it a low review but the movie is very good and well thought out. After a slow start the movie will have you shockingly glued to the tv. It shows things your mind cant truly visualize in a unpredictable way. If you can get past the disturbing nature and gore of the film (which is purposely almost impossible) the story line and the acting are pretty good. Even the young actors, it is very hard to see how this flim wouldnt have a lasting impact on the rest of their lives. It definitely will be an unforgettable film for me. One theme or phrase a main character would say is "this is cinema". It was definitely cinema at the highest and darkest level. Your eyes glued, emotions flowing, and will leave an impression.
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Traumatic Beauty
itrevorallen13 March 2020
The top review basically said it all, we all found ourselves watching this for the same reason. This movie is ****** up, but lets add a review people haven't talked about.

If you aren't here to "prove your a big enough man to watch this" or to "cross the most extreme movie of all time off my watch list", then you may appreciate this for it's beauty and aesthetic artwork.

The first time I watched the film, I like many others did not enjoy this. The second time I realized why I didn't like it, it got to me. It was shot well, the camera never strays away from what is happening on screen and often the entire background is black, there is nowhere for your eyes to escape to. This may have been the very factor that made me want to watch it again, you are stuck watching the pure ugly truth, nothing held back. The third time I watched this I realized the film has a well written unique story, it's ugly, taboo, depraved, powerful, and captures this heinous world we live in.

I have worked as a Paramedic for several years and feel this movie is exceptionally intoxicating. I have seen things I wish I hadn't during the course of my career, this movie gives the viewer the ability to look into these deep dark places on Earth, just like many of us have.
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I hope this movie gets erased from History!
natea_teodor5 April 2020
I won't include spoilers here, everyone is free to watch any movie he wants. That's free will and Internet is accessible to anyone! But if you decide to watch such "art", then you will be deeply disappointed! Because honestly, that's not even a movie! The first 50 minutes of the movie are just a prologue. You are just "introduced" into the plot, how the main character got tricked to destroy himself. A lot of people recommended to me this movie. They even said "hey Teodor, you should watch this movie, I know you like dark stuff, that's a treat for you."" And today I decided to follow this. I was encouraged by a large curiosity honestly. I watched 50 minutes of it painfully because nothing was happening. They just talked, made plans. And then I was hit by gruesome. I can handle pretty much anything. I am not the kind of guy which sees something gore and I rush to the bathroom to throw up. I really enjoy it actually. Is part of the movie. It is ...... art! But A Serbian Movie (or Film ... or Srpski Film whatever) takes everything to another level. A level of stupidity and gruesome. Honestly, as a personal opinion: You NEED TO BE MENTALLY ILL and have serious MENTAL PROBLEMS to watch this movie and give it 10 stars, to enjoy it! You can't enjoy a movie like this one. That's not ART! That's not A MOVIE! That's SICK! That's a serious disaster. I really really hope they used CGI in this movie. Some scenes are too difficult to watch, even for a "veteran" like me. I watched a lot of crazy movies, but this one is different. And is different in a bad way. It's just... not worthy. You will just waste 90 minutes out of your lives and after this you will just ask yourself "Why???! Why did I even watched this S%(@ and why this movie was invented?? Who is behind this contraption and how does he is not in prison for life yet???""
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