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Where We Go To School Does Not Determine What We Will Become
jzappa23 May 2007
The History Boys is a very very challenging film for any audience. One of these reasons is that it is driven by extremely eloquent conversations between younger and elder intellectuals, each conversation delving aggressively deep into the corners of conventional logic and subtexts and fleshing them out in what different characters arguably believe are the most truthful ways. Many characters are quite confident and extremely extroverted and the ones who are not so confident are defensively so. Alan Bennett's remarkably clear analysis of the human condition is intimidating.

The other reason is because the story is one beyond social judgment. Perhaps this is purposeful because being written, produced, directed, and acted by English people, class-consciousness is surely existent among them. But that's what I love so much about this film. The audience, in order to understand and enjoy it, must release themselves from the scrutiny of general culture over many, mostly sexual, aspects of life. The film is not about homosexuality, but homosexual goings-on exist prevalently in the story. It's also treated very nonchalantly, and many straight boys are free of any personal sexual burdens that would inhibit them from partaking. The very talked-about homosexual element of the film exists as the most direct example and also the core of the basis of the story, which is the pressure of society's judgmental and devastatingly interfering nature with many things that, if one were truly understanding, would not judge or interfere with. This extends to greater and more complex idealism in the script, such as the philosophy and meaning of education, the satisfactory or unsatisfactory pursuit and outcome of success, the importance of art and poetry, and the point of studying history.

I believe that The History Boys is an extremely important movie, and the fact that it lasted for a single week at a small theater here in Cincinnati is despicable and glaringly, stupidly contradictory to its message.
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A bit like making bucks fizz with Cristal and more stage than screen, but good nonetheless
Chris_Docker4 October 2006
A certain transcendence beyond ordinary language could, in one sense, said to be the goal of every artist, communicating, inspiring, or perhaps teaching us something within ourselves that goes beyond the immediate form. Music can arouse feelings and aspirations, stories might evoke similar events in our own experience and throw new light on them, and great paintings can reach out to the sublime within us, taking us beyond the mundane for a brief moment of time. There is a creative element in each of us that goes beyond reasoning; the flash of inner genius; the illumination of the soul. The question of how to awaken that in adolescents preparing for Oxford or Cambridge is one that admits of no straightforward answer, though the teachers portrayed in The History Boys approach it from a number of angles, provoking philosophical challenges to the audience about the nature of education. Add to that the theme of awakening sexuality and at least one teacher who confabulates both strands with his personal sexual desires, and you have an entertaining story, even before adding the side-splitting, intelligent humour.

The beauty - and also the shortfall - of The History Boys is that people who are steeped in theatre made it. With the modern genius of playwright Alan Bennett transferring stage to screen we can be grateful that his masterpieces will reach a wider audience. But this is Bennett-lite, and almost makes us long for the original, full-length work. There is a notable absence of cinematic flourish - use of lighting, camera-work, images and subtleties unique to the silver screen that could have lifted the spirit of The History Boys to something that is beyond the physical limitations of the original stage. There is nothing here that could not have been portrayed equally well there - which leads us to conclude that, apart from it being a more accessible medium, the film is nothing more than a shortened and only mildly adjusted copy of the play. All the actors have the same, excellent projection of voice and perfect intonation that carries well for a live performance but that lacks the sense of intimacy which the camera can bring. Facial expressions are slightly overemphasised, as befitting the stage, but lacking the subtlety usually required for good cinema. At times it sounds too much like a recitation or performance, resulting in an audience detachment that comes from not quite being able to believe in the reality of characters before us or the emotions they are going through. Director Nicholas Hytner (Center Stage, The Crucible, The Madness of King George) also has his roots firmly in theatre, yet his choice of subject matter has generally been so outstanding that he has reaped awards in spite of this clunky, stagey style (the one exception being The Object of My Affection - which was less well critically received). The History Boys is obvious BAFTA-bait but, like the Madness of King George, its pluses fortunately outshine its weaknesses, and the story, humour and intellectual substance are so engaging that you can be guaranteed lots of discussion afterwards with your fellow filmgoers.

In 1998, Bennett (who graduated from Exeter College Oxford in Medieval History) refused an honorary doctorate from Oxford in protest at its links with press baron Rupert Murdoch. If anybody has the background to tell an outrageously authentic and rebellious tale of a-list history students with homo-erotic leanings it must surely be Bennett. He skilfully navigates the ground between appealing to a predominantly gay audience and a mainstream one by sublimating much of the homosexual content beneath the time-honoured stiff upper lip of English public school tradition, and then including hilarious heterosexual content that makes seducing a woman into a war-game. Gilded epigrams, quotable quotes and the most stylish of double-entendres ('gobbets') flood our ears as the boys' literary skills are augmented with the most ingenious of schoolboy deceptions. An ad-libbed enactment of a brothel scene for a French class (where one of the lads removes his trousers for added realism) is transformed seamlessly to a battle front drama when the headmaster makes a surprise appearance. Literary references leap from Thomas Hardy and Keats to Brief Encounter and Carry On films, and this mind-enhancing (if questionable) juxtaposition is faultlessly analysed. The question of 'what is history' is pursued with some vigour, from the idea of 'subjunctive history' to Rudge's down to earth if academically challenged definition - just one effing thing after another. Different intellectual approaches are personified by teachers Hector (knowledge for its own sake, whether it seems useful or not), Irwin (flashes of insight and creativeness that stand out from the usual interpretations) and Mrs Lintott (who suggests radical reinterpretation from a feminist point of view, instead of history being the story of men's inadequate responses told from the point of view of other men).

If all this sounds like an overly cerebral experience, be assured that it races past so quickly that paying attention to the academic content is an optional extra. Lighter viewing can tune in unashamedly to the in-your-face humour, a great soundtrack (The Smiths, New Order, The Clash, The Cure) and additional musical interludes as the lads leap to an old piano and acquit themselves admirably with camp song routines.

Like the similarly highbrow Dead Poets Society and The Browning Version or the more basic Dangerous Minds, The History Boys relies for its emotional ballast on the familiar themes of seeing a successful adult in a promising student, and the frailty of the teaching process, especially when the teachers need to propel students to heights that they themselves have never reached. For all its failings, that it does so with the brilliance of one of our finest contemporary playwrights is reason enough to see it. With its classic portrayal of English institutions and education system it also, perhaps less justifiably, makes one kind of proud to be British.
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Witty observation on the English education system
DesbUK5 April 2011
The English duo of Nicholas Hytner and Alan Bennett last collaborated on 1994's Oscar and BAFTA winning THE MADNESS OF KING GEORGE. This 2006 collaboration abbreviates Bennett's own 2004 Royal National Theatre play into a fast- moving account of how a group of Yorkshire teenagers from a state school pass the now defunct Oxford/Cambridge entrance exam. This is England in 1983. It's the zenith of Thatcherism. It was also the year of the film EDUCATING RITA, in which a working class housewife betters herself through an Open University degree. Things have obviously changed in the country since the Victorian times of Thomas Hardy's JUDE THE OBSCURE, where university is not a thing for the working class.

But the social, political and cultural milieu of the era is kept in the background (it's much less evocative than THIS IS ENGLAND, made the same year and also set in 1983). This is as much a fantasy of education as DEAD POET'S SOCIETY. These are classes full of the expectational, bright and articulate. Bennett never really finds the authentic voice of the 18-year olds - they speak the words of older, wiser men. But the performances - Richard Griffiths, Stephen Campbell Moore and Frances De La Tour as the teachers tutoring them in various ways towards university and, amongst other a pre-stardom Domonic Cooper and James Corden as the students - are uniformly excellent. The dialogue is witty in its observations on the education system and the purpose of education. Bennett's own adaptation wisely drops the two flashes forward which opened the play's first and second acts (Campbell Moore's character as a TV historian in the present day).
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Contrived Pap
YohjiArmstrong11 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Plot: A group of Yorkshire schoolboys in 1983 try to get into Oxbridge.

Alan Bennett is a celebrated playwright who has written for the screen several times. However on previous occasions he was telling a story, whilst in this instance he is trying to preach. He wants to pass on his knowledge. To tell us of the value of education, of knowledge for the sake of knowledge, of constantly striving to extend one's appreciation and understanding of high culture. It doesn't work.

Because Bennett started out as a working class Yorkshire lad this film is set in Yorkshire, in 1985, despite the complete absence of Yorkshire mannerisms, patterns of speech and period attitudes. Because Bennett went to Oxford University (which, like so many others, he has never gotten over) the characters all indulge in constant, faux-witty, intellectual wordplay rather than conversations. It is difficult to escape the belief that Bennett, rather than characterising them, instead uses them like puppets to show the audience how clever he is (every character, in effect, sounds like Alan Bennett). The result is deeply annoying. Furthermore because Bennett is gay the schoolboys are all deeply homophile and there is plenty of what can only be described as homosexual letching over young, fresh boys. One teacher, Richard Griffiths in full charm mode, is a serial groper of his pupils whilst another teacher, in a revolting scene, is propositioned, quite out of the blue and out of character, by one of his pupils. And as Bennett is both homosexual and an intellectual we get villains like the grasping headmaster obsessed only by league tables and the moronic PE teacher who is also an overbearing Christian (and therefore anti-homosexual). Both are, at best, shallow stereotypes. To win praise with the chattering classes there is a scene conducted entirely and pointlessly in French. Bennett, like an unruly child, seems determined to shout, "Look at me! Aren't I clever?" at the audience.

There are other flaws. The cinematography is beyond dull, the pacing non-existent, many characters have strikingly little to do and for a film about the value of knowledge there is a surprisingly ignorant section on the First World War that happily repeats falsehoods that were disproved decades ago. The ending meanwhile is deeply unsatisfying. The serial groper dies, cue melodrama, whilst all the boys get into Oxford, cue collapse of what little drama remained. In conclusion: pretentious tosh for metropolitan boobies.
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There is much to enjoy, quite apart from the pleasures of nostalgia.
JamesHitchcock16 November 2006
The title of this film is probably an adaptation of Malcolm Bradbury's well-known university novel, "The History Man", made into an excellent TV series in the early eighties. Like Bradbury's novel, it is set in an educational institution, in this case a boys' grammar school in the Sheffield of the early eighties. It focuses on a group of history students who are preparing to take the Oxbridge entrance exams. (At this period, students who wished to apply to Cambridge or Oxford normally stayed on at school for another term after taking their A-Levels and then took a special exam in December).

Apart from the boys, the two main characters are two of their teachers. Hector, an elderly man approaching retirement, is the general studies teacher whose role is to give the boys some general cultural background. He has a deep love of learning and believes strongly in the value of knowledge for its own sake. He has, however, become something of a figure of fun to the boys, partly because of his portly figure and his occasionally eccentric teaching style, but mostly because he is a homosexual (although trapped in an unhappy marriage), given to fondling his pupils, especially when giving them a lift on his motorcycle.

Irwin is a young history specialist brought in by the school to coach the boys for this examination. Unlike Hector, who has a deep reverence for truth as an absolute value, Irwin takes the Pontius Pilate line, "what is truth?", and encourages the boys to question received ideas about history. Like Hector, he too is homosexual, and becomes involved with Dakin, one of the boys. Dakin, who is bisexual, is also having an affair with Fiona, the headmaster's attractive secretary; another boy, Posner, who is just realising that he is gay, has an unrequited crush on Dakin.

Bennett's play was recently used by A A Gill, the left-wing TV critic of the "Sunday Times", as a stick with which to beat conservative historians. (He was thinking of the likes of Niall Ferguson, Andrew Roberts and David Starkey). He compared their revisionist approach to history to that of Irwin which he saw as intellectually dishonest, mere contrarianism for the sake of stirring up controversy (and publicity). That seemed to me, however, to be a misinterpretation. Bennett was not criticising historians who seek to re-evaluate the past rather than simply repeating traditional received ideas. Irwin may not be interested in truth for its own sake, but his approach to history is advocated less as a method of philosophical inquiry than as an exam-passing technique, his argument being that a deliberately controversial approach is more likely to impress Oxbridge dons jaded from marking too many papers. (In any case, some of Irwin's ideas- such as the claim that the Allies as well as the Germans were to blame for the outbreak of World War One- would not have been particularly controversial among historians in the eighties).

The film has been criticised for its homosexual themes, some reviewers going so far as to attack Bennett for allegedly defending paedophilia, which strikes me as another misconception. The boys in this film would all be aged eighteen or nineteen, and therefore of the age of consent, even for homosexual acts. The issue which Bennett raises is not "Is paedophilia defensible?", but "Are sexual relationships appropriate between teachers and pupils, regardless of age?", and his answer appears to be "no". Hector's penchant for fondling his pupils has, despite his gifts as a teacher, led to his becoming a laughing-stock and diminished his authority among the boys. Bennett certainly concentrates on homosexuality (apart from the Dakin-Fiona affair, there is surprisingly little- for a film about teenage boys- mention of heterosexual relationships), but it must be remembered that he is himself gay and, like most writers, concentrates on those issues which are most important in his own life. The film would doubtless be very different, and possibly more popular with heterosexual audiences, if the scriptwriter had been heterosexual. It would, however, be unfortunate if audiences allowed themselves to be dissuaded from seeing the film.

I felt that Bennett raised some potentially interesting themes which he did not pursue, such as the female teacher's feminist comments about the role of women in history and the discussion about whether the Holocaust is a subject that can be studied by historians like any other, but it seems to me that the film was not so much a film of ideas as a study in personalities and relationships. Richard Griffiths was very good as Hector, bringing out both sides of his personality. On the surface Hector is a larger-than-life, jovial character, ever ready for a laugh with the boys, but beneath that surface he is a sensitive, often unhappy, man. I also liked Stephen Campbell Moore's cynical but also vulnerable Irwin and Clive Merrison's pompous, autocratic headmaster (even if he was a bit of a caricature). The boys mostly emerged as distinct personalities in their own right- the handsome, cocksure Dakin, the shy, tormented Posner, the hearty sportsman Rudge, and so on.

The other thing I liked about the film was that, in spite of some serious themes and a tragic denouement, it is often brilliantly funny. Like a number of other reviewers I was particularly struck by the scene, played all in French without subtitles, where Hector gets the boys to act out a scene in a brothel and then (when the headmaster unexpectedly enters) tries to pretend that they were re-enacting a scene from a wartime hospital! There are also some perceptive one-liners, from Hector Irwin and the boys, such as the paradoxical, but often true, observation that the best way to forget something is to commemorate it. This is a film with much to enjoy, quite apart from the pleasures of nostalgia. (I attended a grammar school very similar to this one in the late seventies before going to Cambridge). 7/10.
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Film gets a flunking grade
lazarus_ca_4827 January 2007
"The History Boys" may work as a literary exercise, full of clever witticisms and sparkling, scintillating dialog. It even offers some interesting observations about the nature of history. But, as a play and a film, "The History Boys" ultimately fails because it lacks emotional honesty and the courage of its convictions.

Literature and history are treated as a parlor game -- preparation for a college entrance exam, or shiny baubles of randomly acquired facts. As for life and love, "The History Boys" has precious little to teach us about these.

There are many wink-wink, nudge-nudge references to history's gay writers, artists, musicians, and philosophers. "The History Boys" pays lip service to the notion of homosexuality as a metaphor for living boldly. In the end, however, the film seems to dismiss being gay as amounting to no more than sex, not even sensuality, and certainly not sensitivity. Like sex without commitment, "The History Boys" is fun while it lasts, but it leaves you feeling empty when it's over and done with.
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A triumphant reflection on the adolescent quest for truth and authenticity
roland-10425 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
British playwright/screenwriter Alan Bennett, whose scintillating wit first surfaced in his contributions to the 1960 satiric stage revue, "Beyond the Fringe," wrote "The History Boys," a play set in the early 1980s about English secondary school students and their teachers, academic competition and the purpose of education, and the chaotic developments of adolescent sexuality and coming of age.

Specifically, eight boys qualify for the Oxbridge entrance exams, an unprecedented number for this particular school. Proud of this but, more importantly, out to capitalize on the enhanced prospects for the school's future that could follow if all eight are accepted into Oxford or Cambridge, the Headmaster hires a special tutor to prepare the boys for the exams. It is in the midst of this cram course that the drama unfolds.

Produced by Britain's National Theatre, and led by NT Director Nicholas Hytner, "History Boys" became a smash stage hit in London (in 2004) and New York (in 2006). In between the launching of these two productions, Hytner, with his theater cast intact and working from a screen adaptation by Bennett, directed this filmic version of the play.

Most such segues from stage to screen don't work out well because of the vast differences between these two mediums in their requirements for effective dramatic expression. What may be spellbinding stagecraft can become deadly stasis in the movie house, to everyone's dismay. I'm absolutely delighted to report that the film, "History Boys," is a glorious exception to this general tendency.

One major reason is the stupendous cast, led by Richard Griffiths as the porcine, motorcycle riding, gay English teacher, Hector. Other teachers are played quite brilliantly by Frances de la Tour (an acerbic history teacher, Mrs. Lintott, lone advocate for women's achievements in this testosterone tinged cloister), Clive Merrison (the cynical, dyspeptic Headmaster, a classic administrator, utterly out of his element among scholars), and Stephen Campbell Moore (Irwin, a hired gun brought in to coach the boys for the Oxbridge exams, whose appeal to them is not only to lie to get ahead, but, more positively, also to recognize one's uniqueness, one's special qualities, and play them up). Mr. Griffiths and Ms. De la Tour have reaped numerous theater awards for their roles. The student contingent is led by Dominic Cooper (Dakin, the pretty boy), Samuel Barnett (Posner, the fretful one) and Russell Tovey (Rudge, the jock).

I think the film works primarily because of the snappy interactions and byplay among the ensemble of the eight students whose odyssey is the principal subject of the story. The boys are dissimilar types but all are energized as only high spirited adolescents can be. And it is this energy - the constant quipping, antics, and small dramas of daily life among them and in their encounters with their teachers - which so richly infuses the movie with the active pace and rhythms of movement that film demands.

Bennett also helps the film's proceedings immensely by avoiding the drawn out speechifying that can succeed on stage but kill off a movie in nothing flat. His screenplay sparkles with laser-like little zingers. Examples. Dakin is described by a teacher as "cunt struck." Rudge, who appears more dull witted than is in fact the case, when pinned down to define history, gives the notorious reply that has been used in adverts for the productions: "History is just one f***ing thing after another." Or this one, uttered by a teacher during a class field trip to inspect the war memorial at Coventry: "While we may speak of 'Remembrance Day,' the real purpose of war memorials, like Coventry and the Cenotaph, is to aid forgetting (of the realities of war), not remembering." (I immediately thought of Maya Lin's Vietnam War Memorial on the D. C. Mall, which so presciently violates this formula.) There is also plenty of suspense here to keep film viewers attentive. Naturally there's the question of whether the boys will succeed on the exams, what the future holds for each. There's also philosophical tension, embodied in the clash of pedagogic values and motives between Hector (the quintessential scholar, the advocate of mastering knowledge for knowledge's sake) and Irwin (the pragmatic, win-at-any-cost, success coach, for whom victory most assuredly trumps truth seeking).

And there is sexual tension aplenty among this group as well. Bennett deftly explores a variety of sexual expressions, primarily homophilic, among the teachers and students. There is Hector's frank attraction to the boys, never mind the presence on the scene of his "unexpected" wife. And Irwin's more latent homophilia, which is not the only important matter hiding in his personal closet. Among the students there is Posner's dawning, hesitant realization of his queer impulses, and Dakin's more confident and polymorphous sexual appetites. "History Boys" is a triumphant reflection on the adolescent quest for truth and authenticity, about the world and about oneself. My grades: 9/10 (A) (Seen on 12/22/06)
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intriguing, but heavy on the rhetoric
exactlywhy15 October 2006
The History Boys is a charming film about modern education. Without committing itself to any particular judgment, it examines the conflict between antiquate, romantic, and specifically Classical methods of gaining and appreciating knowledge and the detached, mercenary deceit needed to sell a great mind in the modern world.

I imagine that most of the film's wit and insight owes itself to Alan Bennett's play, which I have not seen. However, it is the theatrical nature of this production that ultimately lets it down. Bennett's tendency towards improbably clever and succinct dialogue can perhaps be forgiven, but, when it includes direct and surreally retrospective commentary that might play smoothly on stage, the film suddenly seems annoyingly pretentious.

Nevertheless, The History Boys is an entertaining intellectual exercise. It might be slightly ill suited for cinema, but the film does allow the material to reach a much wider audience, and I, for one, was glad for the opportunity to see an on screen rendition of a popular play. I only wish that the audience had been granted the opportunity to do a little more of its own interpretation.
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the best film i've seen on growing up
lawrence_0815 October 2006
So many moments in this film struck a chord with me. As a grammar school student applying for Oxbridge, I have to disagree with the previous reviewer. The worries and pressures, as well as the arrogance, humour (and sheer smart-aleckness) that surround the boys' dialogue perfectly capture the hilarity and torture of adolescence. The dialogue is a little stage-y, but that doesn't seriously tarnish its impact. I think this film expresses the uncertainty and risk involved in life in a way that is both poignant and witty; often both at the same time. Ideas about what education should really be could not be more beautifully expressed than in this picture of young boys with their whole lives stretched out in front of them, and old teachers still unsure of what it's all about. Subtle and brilliant.
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A fresh and highly intellectual angle on that thing called growing up
Movie_Muse_Reviews20 February 2008
It's a bit alienating and confusing at first, but "The History Boys" grows as the relationships between the film's characters do. The result is a rather different film about education and the search for success as well as identity.

About a group of young British Oxford and Cambridge hopefuls who are being trained by their teachers to achieve this goal, "History Boys" is a film portraying young people at school that is the farthest thing from American, and that's a good thing. No characters fall into obvious stereotypes and they are all highly intelligent, gifted individuals. The boys aren't being educated to be smart, they're being challenged in their thinking and subsequently being challenged as people.

The subplot and controversy of the film is an incident involving misconduct between a student and the boys' primary teacher, Hector, played by Richard Griffiths who is most famous for his role as Uncle Vernon in the Harry Potter series. Homosexuality or the questioning of sexuality and sexual drives and the desire to please others that one is fond of (in the broadest sense) is a major undertone and many times a player in the film's events. It's a bit confusing, but it adds something more material to a film that often times seems to be footage of well-read individuals discussing literature. Anyone who is turned off by scholarly behavior and thought could not possibly enjoy this film because they'd feel bored and alienated.

The actors, all men mostly, are superb in the film, but Frances De La Tour while a definite supporting character carries her own power on the screen. The acting and characters are really the most important element of this film. It takes not time to establish its characters and relationships-you have to see them develop and insinuate them based on character interactions throughout the film. Since the film is mostly talking, there is a lot of opportunity for that.

While the viewer does feel very much on the outside of the plot, the actors and characters do tend to keep the interest level up and the ending is very nice and effective. The result is something much more meaningful and not nearly as gimmicky as the title "The History Boys" suggests.
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Nothing to do with History or School Boys
kerangador30 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine a bizarre world where the school's top students sing and dance for their favorite teacher in their underwear and allow themselves to get molested by him on a regular basis. That's History Boys in a nutshell.

I am still stunned at how so many IMDb reviewers regard this sort of behavior as normal and seem to believe that it was also a part of English school life. Now, which school was that? Penisular Glamor? Buttwarts High?

First off - this is not a criticism of homosexuality - this reviewer is horrified by the glorification of the abuse of the high student/teacher relationship as portrayed in this film. Its like propaganda of pedophilia.

If this film was about an elderly male teacher rubbing the genitals of his protesting but yet compliant young female students the whole media establishment would express outrage and crucify the entire cast - even the best boy ; although perhaps the media elite might find it acceptable if it was directed by Roman Polanski.

This film was touted as another Dead Poet's Society, a story about working/middle class boys making good.

What utter rubbish. Its not.

Its a film whose main aim is to glorify a fat old teacher who enjoys regularly molesting his students who worship him. The same students also randomly break out into a Vaudeville song and dance routine and quote poetic passages from Auden and apparently enjoy prancing around in their underwear in front of the same teacher. Wow, what kind of pervert dreamed up this fantasy?

Predictably, the new history teacher is also of a similar sexual orientation. And the only teacher who finds the fat teacher's behavior objectionable is portrayed as a vile creep who is instantly vilified when he touches a female staff member.

The climax of the movie is when one of the students offers the new teacher a sexual service and when he hesitates - the boy criticizes the man for his timidity. Carpe Dickus! This is nothing other than a pedophile's fantasy - to have high school boys offer blow jobs to reluctant teachers.

Wow! What kind of sick old pervert dreamed this sick fantasy up?

I've read this sort of story before - but it involved female porn actresses and a male star. They didn't win any awards but it was certainly a lot more honest than this piece of pedophilia propaganda.

What I found really shocking was the advertising and reviews for this film which were just as disingenuous as the blurb of this film. Few mentioned the homosexual pedophile aspect of this film.

This is like advertising Jurassic Park as a pleasant family adventure in a nature reserve and totally ignore the man eating dinosaurs or reviewing the Jaws as a fishing trip involving three happy men in a boat with no mention of the man eating shark.

That History Boys received so much acclaim and awards from prestigious groups seems a sad indictment on the film industry: virtually no reviewer dares to reveal the honest truth about this film - that its a pedophiles fantasy. I wonder why?

If the story had been about a fat teacher who was feeling up his female students' genitalia, the outrage from the movie industry and other lobby groups would have destroyed the film, film's directors, actors, producers and even the best boy. But instead - because its written by Bennett rather curiously, the reviewers and movie industry praise it sky high and call the student molesting teacher "a flawed hero". What utter hypocrisy.

As for the History teaching aspect - a perverse twist has been added. The new teacher advices his pupils to say positive things about two of the most evil men in history, Hitler and Stalin, to get admission to a prestigious British university. Those two were directly responsible for the deaths, rapes, tortures, and enslavement of uncountable number of men, women and children.

Just great, perversity in logic too.

Bennett and the whole cast of the show, including its producers and actors ought to read out the names and details of all the people Hitler and Stalin killed, and for good measure Mao, Castro, and Pol Pot too.

If I could give this film a -1000 I would.

In summary, History Boys is a film which glorifies the sexual abuse of high school students. Its a male pedophiles' fantasy.

It also demonstrates the utter hypocrisy and perversity in the media industry who choose to downplay this central theme of the film. Their sense of moral judgment is so far off its not even on the same planet, possibly on Uranus.
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Wonderful film
kimab-19 October 2006
I had the good fortune to see a preview of this film at Picturehouse Greenwich - the best cinema in London. I had seen the play in London so was expecting to be disappointed at seeing the film of the History Boys on the screen. However,I am pleased to report it is a fantastic film. Great characters, far too many good performances to pick any one person as best actor. The boys and staff of the school were fantastic and totally believable. Not quite how life was when I was at school, but I imagine many grammar schools in the 1980's were the same.

I laughed out loud and cried and left the cinema with a smile on my face.

A must see
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Too Pompous, Too Wooden, Too Gay
Barky4427 December 2006
"The History Boys" has garnered some acclaim as a stage play. Perhaps the creators and performers of the play are better suited for the stage. Each work of art is deserving of its own medium, "The History Boys" is clearly proof. As a film, it simply falls flat.

First, the film really has a problem figuring out its center. All quality films depend on a center, or, with complex films, multiple centers. "The History Boys" lacks a true center, a theme or character upon which the center revolves. Is it Richard Griffith's character, Hector? He would be worthy, as Hector is an interesting character. But no, the film makes you think the students are the center. Or are they? For the students don't get much attention, or character development, either. The film can't make up its mind: is it about Hector, the closeted homosexual teacher with a penchant for his students; or the school boys, all vying for spots at Cambridge or Oxford? The filmmakers really needed to pick a center of the story and focus on that (my choice would have been on the students with Hector's issues as an obstacle and/or emotional core).

Next, the film has another key problem: it fails to connect with much of the audience. There are huge swaths of the play/film where the characters speak French/debate philosophy/quote poetry/discuss literature. The problem is, at least in America, is most people are simply not that well read. So you've abandoned large populations of your prospective audience. Perhaps the filmmakers wanted to show off their literary prowess and higher learning. Frankly, it's a large turn-off. You can tell an intelligent story without thumbing your noses at the poor, middle-class schlubs who haven't read Walden or Kierkegaard or whatever else you're quoting. Clearly this film has comparisons to "Dead Poet's Society", but that film was never condescending to the audience, unlike "History Boys". I found it maddening, as if the writers were rubbing our noses in our "poor learning".

The funny thing is, even with their "higher learning", at least one of the actors was simply awful in his role. I'm speaking of Stephen Campbell Moore as Irwin. He is a key figure in the film, the embodiment of falsehood, educating the boys in fabrication as a means of advancement. Anyone who works in Corporate America knows of fabrication as a means of advancement, but Moore is so lifeless, so wooden in this pivotal role, it makes the film fall flat. There is a great point to this character, (that fraudulence begets fraudulence, both in results and in character), but the acting is so poor there is no punctuation to the point. It's like watching a drone from Office Cubicle 17 talk about his life. Banal and lifeless, a terrible job.

Finally, I have to mention the overreaching homo erotic theme of this film. Ya know, I'm sick and tire of stereotypical gay playwrights/screenwriters throwing their sexual preferences on the screen. Get over yourselves, already. Yes, a key element of the plot is Hector's slightly uncontrolled preference for teen-aged boys. But then you have to throw in the overly gay student. Then you have to make the new teacher gay. Then you have to make the charming, handsome student "bi-coastal". You've lost me, and I suspect much of the non-gay audience. Not because we're homophobic, but because you've lost the core, central theme of this film. This film has two cores: the indiscretion of the outstanding teacher, Hector; and the notion that advancement comes through fraudulence (in this case, making up fancy essays to ensure one enters Oxford). With all this gay innuendo (which actually isn't accurate, for homosexually is anything but covert here), you're overwhelming the true story that "The History Boys" should be telling.

I give this 6 out of 10. Some horrible acting by Moore, and a script that fails to find its center.

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Overblown and Euphuistic
Built1123 February 2011
With pretensions at loftiness, this film was well-received by the Brits, less so by others, (except for those insecure people who pretend to "get it" in order to feel accepted by the "in" crowd). It has it's moments, but is unrealistic and bombastic in scope. A celebration of borderline gay pedophilia, combined with witty pubescent brainiacs offhandedly spouting obscure literary quotes make this film nearly unwatchable.

Cute in some parts, tediously precocious in others, it's lofty premise is bogged down by a fatal lack of realism, and a story that completely ignores rationality for a weird semi-homo-erotic fantasy-idealism that somehow makes impropriety and perversion ordinary, even acceptable.

And I'm a gay man!

I gave it a rating of 3 for it's beautiful cinematography, its directional excellence and yes, even its cute actors. It has its moments of hilarity, its engaging wit and even a few captivating devices.

But to put the dialog of an educated and seasoned adult into the mouths of these "babes" is laughable. To further portray them in classes that are as randomly unrealistic as these stretches the bounds of credibility. And to further infuse a homosexual pedophilia into the mix as if it were both commonplace and ordinary, "just a bit of fun", as one character defends it, is both offensive and repulsive to me.

If you want to be perceived as smart, chic and trendy, then by all means, sit through this film and rave to your friends about how brilliant, witty and progressive it is. But if you have enough courage to be yourself, then don't bother wasting your time with it.
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Tarted-up gay soft-porn
ScenicRoute24 October 2011
If there's a gay theme and the New York Times/New Yorker love it, it is going to pure rich-liberal fantasy, and this movie lives up to that bill in spades. It is completely unbelievable from start to finish, with each character preposterous in a unique way. It is ginned up with references to American popular and literary culture to cement its appeal to our vast market, and I guess that worked, but to me was just further evidence of the outlandish nature of this exercise. The movie begins as a rah-rah there-is-nothing-greater-to-strive-for than English academia (sappy to me), and then degenerates into melodrama. I watched it stupefied with its sheer insistence that it is more than gay soft-porn. It ain't, right down to the two stick-figurish female figures, one the "ugly moll" (whose Delphic utterances are typical rich liberal platitudes); the other the "pretty moll" (who has few lines of no import). It never ceases to amaze me what the rich-liberal establishment passes of as art, such as The Book of Mormon, of which this is in the same breed.
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Am gay, from Yorkshire and did Oxbridge but still wan't thrilled
garaidh_20009 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Given that I'm gay, from Yorkshire, and did Oxbridge you'd have thought this film would have blown me away. Sadly it didn't.

For a start, there were too many inaccuracies and things that just made no sense 1 It was set in Yorkshire in 1983. Why did no-one except Posner have a Yorkshire accent?? 2 Why were they applying for Oxbridge after their A-level results. Normally the system is that you apply through UCAS at least one year before you get your final A-Level results. I undertook Oxbridge lessons whilst still at school in the subjects I was going to be sitting Oxbridge exams in. They started off doing History but then branched off into French, Art, politics...I just didn't get why. 3. Why had they not considered Oxbridge (or even university in general!) , until results day? 4. What was so wrong with Durham, Manchester or Leeds? It depends on the course you want to do. I went to Durham because the course matched what I wanted to do in Languages (which wasn't offered at Oxbridge), so why did the school want to send everyone to Oxford without even considering other unis (or even Cambridge!) 5. What would the lads have done for a whole year after presumably getting into Oxford in late autumn...wait around for a whole year til courses started again in September? 6. Why does Irwin live in Horsforth (nw of Leeds) when the school is in Sheffield?? 7 If they only have a month to cram, why do they waste a whole day on a pointless field trip to Fountains Abbey in North Yorkshire? 8. If it is so important for the boys to make Oxford, why does the Headmaster entrust their teaching to a probationary supply teacher. Oxbridge lessons are usually with heads of departments who have taught you previously and know your strengths/ weaknesses 9. Media Studies as an A-Level in 1983?? 10. The opening scene of a boy cycling to meet his friend at church looks at home in the 1950s but not the 190s. Overall, the film seems to transplant the 1950s into the 80s. 11. Again, if the headmaster thinks time is of the essence, why bother with PE? You don't even have to do that post 16, so would seem strange for him to suddenly insist on it when they're 18. 12. The discussion about the Holocaust and post-war Britain seemed out-of-place. At school (in late 80s Yorkshire) we were only allowed to study up to the second world war, as beyond was deemed too modern, and teachers were not allowed to teach beyond in case they gave it their own political slant. Sorry if this seems picky! It just felt overall that Bennett wanted to give his impression of how he wanted his class at school to be. Themes that he could have really developed - what is history, does the education system develop thinkers or people who can just recall facts, is the education system biased to southern grammar schools, weren't explored. There is also no way that an 80s grammar school in Yorkshire would have been so gay. Perhaps in Bennett's mind, but not in reality. Does Bennett really think that Hector groping all and sundry on his bike would have been laughed off by everyone except the lollypop lady? Why would Dakin have offered Irwin a bj (on a Sunday afternoon)? When teenage lads put on a leather jacket, and say they want sex, it generally means here and now, not Sunday next, and almost never with their male teacher! These fantasies of Bennett played out in film I think have given Yorkshire a bad name abroad, and it is unfortunate that American viewers have come away with the impression that our schools are full of paedophile teachers. The gay theme would have been far more realistic and appealing if it had been played out between Posner and Dakin.

Overall, a potentially interesting story has been spoilt.
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boarproofing13 November 2006
It was too scripted and somewhat different to what I expected. Didn't know the play but hadn't really realised what it was about. It was a bit too 'niche' and art-housey! It was a bit second-rate, it could have been so much better. The headmaster was a caricature. It was good in parts (and had some good-looking stars!), but overall it just didn't try hard enough. I would give it a C-Minus! It just wasn't marketed right - from adverts I had the wrong impression of the film. But some parts were good, the discussions on history for example. But it's not a really good brit-flick, because it's just not funny enough. Maybe the theatre play is better.
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Beautifully created movie about growing up.
PizzicatoFishCrouch12 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It's Sheffield, early 1980s, and eight talented students have achieved top grades at A-level and have Oxbridge in their sights. The problem? "They're clever but they're crass." So along comes Stephen Campbell Moore, a radical History teacher to change their manners, style, and even teach them to change History... Sadly, the boys' new found adoration for History and the musings of Nietzsche mean that their interest in the lessons of homosexual teacher Hector (Richard Griffiths, excellent) is displaced, and this film, with its many themes lined up, examines the school, its students and learning History.

The History Boys is a film I connect and love for many reasons. The performances are stellar, and Stephen Campbell Moore and Samuel Barnett are standouts in the film, for their portrayals of the creative, innovative teacher and the sweet, sensitive gay teenager respectively. Samuel Barnett especially; he basically owned this movie, and every scene that he was in, I adored. He gives his gawky character such a tenderness of spirit and kind soul that it's impossible not to love him.

But every member of the cast is a treat to watch; Dominic Cooper embracing the lead with vivacity, charm, and that raffish charm of an 80s teenager. Richard Griffiths is also excellent, and lends some warmth to his potentially disturbing portrayal of a man with an unnatural penchant for groping his students in return for a student-led lesson such as "How to use the present subjunctive in a French brothel". The cast bind the wonderful Alan Bennett script together beautifully, and the chemistry and rapport between all the characters is unmatched, natural, and a total delight to watch. This by-the-book adaptation of Bennett's play doesn't add anything to the play, but that's simply a good thing, because the genius and vibrancy of the play is fabulous already.

Though depicting a High school in the 80s, I could still connect with this movie with my 21st century ideals. The teacher/student frictions and development of their relationship and respect is well-drawn and intelligent. The wit in which the process of getting into Oxbridge is shown, is reflective of nowadays, and there are one-liners here that are bound to raise a smile ("History? It's just one effing thing after another, isn't it?). Lastly, a cool 80s soundtrack guides our protagonists through the story with ease and warmth.

A fantastically enjoyable, uplifting experience, The History Boys can be enjoyed by everyone, from a Cambridge-educated boffin to someone who just wants a laugh. You'll end up being drawn in by each character, hoping for their successes, and being moved by the relationships depicted in the movie. The best film of the year so far; it even makes you remember the good things about History...
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More than a whiff of lavender...
hugh197111 November 2006
This film had such great potential and reminded me in many ways of my own schooldays, and did have some very funny and touching scenes (Brief Encounter!), but also failed on so many levels: 1. Wrongly marketed. Not a criticism of the film as such, but it was marketed in the trailers as a knock-about comedy, along the lines of an English 'American Pie'. I suspect this is the reason why so many dimwits walked out in horror when confronted instead by 'long words'.

2. Little or no analysis of the social and class implications of a bunch of middle/lower middle class state school boys going to Oxbridge. It was just taken as read. To be fair, Alan Bennett does say in 'Untold Stories' that an analysis of the Oxbridge experience is the subject for another film, but it would have made a better one, in my opinion. It was also extremely unrealistic in that all the boys got places - In my school only about half did.

3. The unrealistic treatment of homosexuality. I hesitate to use the term 'gay agenda' as it is generally the preserve of American fundamentalists, but the whole Dakin/Posner/Hector/etc love triangle (or should that be love square) did not ring true.

I went to an almost identical school at around the same time and I can assure you that there was NEVER any overt talk of same sex relationships, and boys I have know from other grammar and minor public schools have confirmed this. You simply would have been ostracised or beaten up if you had.

Yes of course there were boys who we knew or suspected were gay, and masters too, but the scene where Dakin hugs Posner and Posner says 'is that it' would just not have happened. Also, Dakin revealing himself as a predatory bisexual was a bit unlikely for someone of his age and experience - he hadn't even got to 'second base' with the school secretary so why would he have the confidence to attempt the seduction of a male teacher? Much as I admire Alan Bennett, this all seems to me purely the fantasy of an elderly homosexual playwright, which brings me onto my next point:

4. The unrealistic dialogue. The boys were simply TOO precocious. 17 and 18 year olds, even Oxbridge candidate geniuses, in my experience just don't talk like that or have that depth of interest in history and literature, or universal knowledge of films like 'Now, Voyager' and 'Brief Encounter'. Again, this was the dialogue of a 72 year old playwright being put into the mouths of the boys.

5. I got the impression that the black and Asian boy were put in as a gesture, and this is confirmed by the fact that they have little dialogue or character development, in fact pretty much the only lines they got were racially charged ones. This strikes me as the somewhat heavy-handed stamp of liberal/left guilt and tokenism.

I think Mr Bennett was basing the characters on his memories of grammar school boys in the early fifties, who probably were more erudite, but since the cultural revolution of the sixties (of which Mr Bennett no doubt heartily approves) adolescents mainly don't think or act like that any more, as popular culture has dumbed down immensely. The boys all spoke and acted far more like third year undergraduates than sixth formers. How many 18 year olds have a wry, sarcastic take on Christianity like the religious boy? How many 18 year old boys, however good looking, would act like Dakin?

I think the main problem is that The History Boys is a somewhat expressionist play ('a poem, not an essay' as Pinter would put it) which has been rather clumsily translated into a naturalist film and given a populist gloss. Whilst it has a lot of great scenes, overall it just doesn't work as well as it could. Sign me up for the Dead Poets' Society instead!
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A Brilliant Play Transforms Magically into a Brilliant Film
gradyharp21 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone who can watch the rolling credits at the end of THE HISTORY BOYS without tearful eyes simply hasn't been paying attention to this intelligent, richly comic, philosophical and tender tale of eight boys ostensibly preparing for exams but also preparing for life. The writing by Alan Bennett closely adapted from his prize winning play that was on the boards of theaters around the globe before being captured for posterity on film is 'rich and strange' and so full of those values of achieving a true education that it serves not only the audience well but presents a gold standard for educators pondering how to transform their pupils into thinking, creative members of society.

Very briefly, THE HISTORY BOYS are eight brilliant but 'crass' young men in Cutler's Grammar School, each coming from backgrounds not considered 'quality' by the British class standards. These boys are rowdy but committed to gaining admission to Oxford - a step toward erasing their class standing and proving their worth. The headmaster (Clive Merrison), himself not too well educated, is bound to get these eight bright boys into the best schools and in that light he hires a new teacher Irwin (Stephen Campbell Moore) to buff the boys into a classy group who will be able to pass their essays and oral examinations. The existing teachers are the testy, frank Mrs. Lintott (a fine Frances de la Tour) and the massively obese Hector (Richard Griffiths in a stunning performance) who teaches 'general studies', a time when he lovingly coaxes the boys to embrace poetry, music, sentimentality, drama, art, and in general everything that allows them to take the moment and live it fully. The boys are torn between Irwin's pragmatic 'teach them how to take exams' approach Hector's teach them how to embrace intelligence and life. Hector is known among the boys for fondling and the knowledge is accepted by the lads until Hector is seen fondling one of the boys on his motorbike and reported. This opens all manner of avenues of introspection, one of the boys confides to Irwin that he is homosexual, another of the lads declares that Irwin is gay and attempts a physical liaison with him, and the permutations move an down the line. But the exams come and the joy of accomplishing goals puts a different twist on matters and the ending is a touching as any on film.

The entire cast is the original group that started the play and in addition to the fine performances by the adults, the boys are extraordinarily fine: Dominic Cooper (Dakin), Jamie Parker (Scripps), Samuel Barnett (Posner), James Corden (Timms), Sacha Dhawan (Akhtar), Samuel Anderson (Crowther), Russell Tovey (Rudge), and Andrew Knott (Lockwood). There is an obvious camaraderie among the actors that obviously grew from their long association with the roles. But the most impressive performance is the polished veteran actor Richard Griffiths who has created a role that will long remain in everyone's heart long after the movie has passed playing. For this viewer this is one of the very finest films of the past year! Highly Recommended. Grady Harp
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Diverting, But Something Must Have Gotten Lost in the Translation
evanston_dad2 January 2007
The phenomenally successful and award-winning stage play has been given a modestly entertaining screen treatment, and those of us who didn't see the theatrical version may fail to see why it was so beloved.

"The History Boys" features stellar acting and some juicy ideas, but it left me far from overwhelmed by its brilliance. Richard Griffiths does indeed give a marvelous performance, and creates, along with playwright and screenwriter Alan Bennett, a truly original character with great reserves of complexity, but I was disappointed at how small a role he actually had, given his Best Actor Tony win for the same role. His Hector, teacher of "general studies" at an English prep school, whose love of knowledge for knowledge's sake is woefully ill-equipped to ready the boys for the rigors of the qualifying exams at the elite universities, dominates the film, and his character is always a presence even when off screen, but Griffiths himself has very little screen time. However, he does deliver the film's most beautiful moment, a soliloquy in which he explains to Posner (one of Hector's students who, as a result of being Jewish, small and gay, is, in his own words, f***ed) the unique experience of reading a work of literature and feeling that the author is speaking directly to you. Anyone who has a love for reading will understand what he's talking about, and understand the glow on his face as he describes it.

Stephen Campbell Moore delivers a strong performance as well as Hector's rival, the younger, hipper teacher whose job it is to ready the boys for Oxford, Cambridge, et al. The debate between learning in order to pass a test and learning for learning's sake never becomes as didactic as I thought it might, but neither does it ever become as engrossing as it could. Frances de la Tour, who also received a Tony Award for her performance as a droll, acerbic history teacher, has a wonderful way with comic one-liners, and Bennett uses her lone female perspective to make some points that these men and boys bathing in the glow of their own brilliance in this male dominated world desperately need to hear.

As for the boys themselves, they all do terrific work. They're obnoxious whenever they're in a group, which somehow feels right for a group of privileged academics to whom the school itself has handed an intellectual crown. Individually, though, they all do much with the material given them, and even if they fall somewhat into those generalized types that all such movies are prone to -- the jock, the sensitive one, the stud, the fat one -- they do so only on a surface level, and not one of them can be easily categorized.

Clive Merrison alone of the actors hits a sour note. His interpretation of the school's headmaster is a fussy, unfunny caricature.

Much of what I didn't like about "The History Boys" results from Alan Bennett's preoccupation with homosexual subplots. I know Bennett is a homosexual and that he's entitled to address an issue important to him, and I know everyone will immediately label me a homophobe for criticizing this element of the film, so there's no sense in putting forth the obligatory defense of myself. But in this particular case, I thought the emphasis on homosexuality distracted from the bigger, and more interesting, issues under discussion, and felt like details shoe-horned in by a playwright with an agenda rather than details that felt necessary to the movie's theme. I also didn't like the maudlin ending, which felt tacked on and unnecessary.

So, in summary, I would certainly recommend "The History Boys," but when I think back on the memorable movies of 2006 (though God knows there haven't been many), this movie won't be among them.

Grade: B+
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Appalling movie which seeks to justify pedophilia
sniper96814 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I found this an utterly appalling movie in so many ways.

First of all - the premise of the movie is false - its not about growing up in an English public school in the 1980s because none of the school boys behave anything other than sock puppets of Alan Bennett - The boys dance in their underwear quoting poetry, sing vaudeville songs and practically encourage their beloved fat gay teacher to molest them on a regular basis with some reluctance. Does this strike you as the behavior of normal English school boys or the warped fantasy of a pervert?

Second, I find it absolutely bemusing that so many reviewers choose to ignore the homosexual pedophilia aspect of this film. Why are reviewers not disgusted when the fat sleaze bag of teacher gropes the genitals of the school boys?? Please do not consider this a spoiler since the scene was replayed in the trailers for the film.

Third - I find it puzzling that the main characters who are shocked by his abhorrent behavior are cast as the chief villains.

Fourth - the amount of dialogue devoted to History teaching is about as scant as a fig leaf. Worse, its also absurd as the new teacher instructs the boys to give a cynical and glowing report on the activities of Stalin and Hitler, two of the greatest mass murderers in human history.

Look if Bennett wants to produce his own gay fantasy film where teenage school boys want to have sex with their male schoolteachers - fine - but put it in the adult section together with the other X-rated films - the ones showing porn stars playing the characters of schoolgirls. But trying to claim that this film is an authentic account of school life in the 1980s is absolutely absurd.
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Almost a First
IgraineMac17 October 2006
A very good film - not setting black against white but looking at flawed people and complex arguments. Also brilliantly funny.

Not quite as good as the play because some balance was lost - I think this was due to pressure of time, A lot of the classroom debate and argument was shortened, the glimpses into the present were omitted so that Irwin's descent into pure spin was not seen and a couple of the boys characters weren't fleshed out enough. This combined to throw the obviously shocking scenes, such as Hector's behaviour, too much into the centre of the film. The classroom performances also jarred as a bit too theatrical, whereas on stage they were believable, apt and very funny.

Worryingly realistic sets – I thought I'd put the smell of school classrooms well behind me - and memorable performances from the entire cast. Jamie Parker, Andrew Knott, Samuel Barnett and Frances de la Tour were the standouts for me, but I still can't decide whether it was their performances or the characters they played.
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The Manhattan Movie Maniac speaks again!
manhattanmoviemaniac19 July 2007
This is another entry into the education section of the cinematic library, but it is a worthy addition. The young, ensemble cast does an excellent job with Alan Bennett's screenplay based upon his own play. The story does find some new angles to address in this tired genre. It doesn't all fit in with my taste and moves forward too slowly, but it is original and very well written with some excellent dialogue (including a particular strong scene where a couple of the boys compare teenage groping with their girlfriends to military action) and features superior performances throughout.

Stephen Campbell Moore is Mr. Irwin, the brash new teacher with original ideas thrust into a class of gifted, but spirited, British school boys looking for positions at prestigious British colleges. Irwin helps the group to see history in a different light and they help him to see some things about himself, as well. Richard Griffiths, best known as Uncle Vernon in the Harry Potter series, gives a strong performance as the boys' literature teacher.

This is a quality project, but moves a little too slowly for me to give it a strong recommendation. It is best compared with past releases such as Dead Poets' Society and Mona Lisa Smile, so if these two features appealed to you, then this may be a good Friday night movie choice.

(This work was first posted on
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10 Giant Steps Backwards for Portrayal of Teachers and Gays
bestactor29 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This play and movie completely hoodwinked the critics and public. This is one of the most overrated pieces of garbage to receive such recognition in many years. I found the play appallingly empty and driven by the titillation of sexy young men prancing in undies and a trivialization of sexual molestation to give the whole experience "sophistication." This ranks with The Children's Hour as one of the most disgusting exploitations of homosexuality. Alan Bennett wants us to be aroused and shocked at the plot revelations. However, no one else appears to be shocked except for the headmaster. All the other characters take the teacher's molestations as a coming of age initiation. So if it's no big deal then what's the point of this story?

The entire plot resurrects material ranging from Goodbye, Mr. Chips, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The Browning Version, Butley, and Our Miss Brooks, throws it in a food processor and serves it with new and sexy napkins. The "debates" are drivel that are made to appear substantive. If you know what they are discussing you will realize it's all about nothing.
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